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Messages - Weasel

Pages: [1]
New Geeks on the Block / rawr
« on: July 11, 2004, 10:39:18 PM »
go for it "assbasket"

oh you crack me up


Hardware, Software, and Other Imperialist Crap / Building a computer
« on: July 11, 2004, 10:36:10 PM »
hmmmm, not sure if your a mod or not?oh well, /sass on_

you said: Power supplies and hard drives sure aren't main components of computers, retard.

my smartass answer: coulda SWORE i already explained why i did not include these two components in the list, how about a qoute?

ill be using a power supply good enough to support the motherboard and hardrive,_ if ya htink about it, i will be getting high end stuff, so obviously ____ a 10k rpm hardrive with GBs that i will choose at my own disgresion(sp).

who knows? maybe your blind_

cant wait till ya ask me, why dont you have a monitor included in that list, save some time, i have about 5 in my closest (were do all these damn things come from?)

"assbasket"_ im sure that insult describes me REAL well, you i shall call... prison bitch, grab your ankles

New Geeks on the Block / rawr
« on: July 11, 2004, 09:16:23 PM »
i have just been copy and pasting the url to new posts, and i sprung for the HOT HOT HOT girls forum, doubt its what im hoping, but beileve or not (hard to imagine i know) i have been wrong before


New Geeks on the Block / rawr
« on: July 11, 2004, 09:02:24 PM »
i knew that

drink sprite detta, sprite heals all, i guarentee you

edit: still not working


Hardware, Software, and Other Imperialist Crap / Building a computer
« on: July 11, 2004, 09:00:29 PM »
my humor is.... sarcastic/offensive

New Geeks on the Block / rawr
« on: July 11, 2004, 08:50:11 PM »
ya gotta understand, not knowing she was joking, that was mean shit, and yes.... i have had to put up with a few jackass's on forums before, seemed like another instance were i gotta pump up the testeroine and not seem like a puss ;)

edit: why is my signiture not automatically attaching? having to manually put it on everytime


Hardware, Software, and Other Imperialist Crap / Building a computer
« on: July 11, 2004, 08:44:28 PM »
"gothgeeks" are mean if you dont wear black and listen to the hey-lets-slit-our-wrists-music  :shock:

i was going good there for a bit /slap

New Geeks on the Block / rawr
« on: July 11, 2004, 08:34:51 PM »
age: 16, sorry ladies, its illegal

uhhh heh, dont roll that way

ya see, if i get in good with the mods then i wont get banned then i work work on the peons.... errrrrrr.... migrant workers... ya.... thats better

edit: i missed the baby part...... i still dont get your humor  :shock:


New Geeks on the Block / rawr
« on: July 11, 2004, 08:16:10 PM »
i was making invintations for a baby shower my mom was having for my aunt, but you seemed disturbed by that i think? so, no, i would never steal an image from a multi-million dollar company that they would never know of, what kinda person do you think i am?

P.S. yer supposed to vote, i suggest #3


New Geeks on the Block / rawr
« on: July 11, 2004, 08:05:55 PM »


New Geeks on the Block / rawr
« on: July 11, 2004, 07:58:53 PM »
didnt expect this shit didja?

name: casey (worst name ever)
location: usa, texas
age: 16, sorry ladies, its illegal
interests: computer games
games i play: UT2004, CoH, EQ (god i want to play EQ2), SWG, and Americas Army

i cant hack, the most hacking i have ever done was view - source - steal picture off of


Hardware, Software, and Other Imperialist Crap / Building a computer
« on: July 11, 2004, 07:26:33 PM »
oh chris, you and i both know this thread is WAY to fun/interesting to "STOP"

afraid i cant think of anything to say to you law :( ya know, if you insult me or somthing it'll gimme something to ride with, fun for all

ROFL detta, now thats funny

(im feeling like a kiss ass now, happy?) though somthing i am proud of, im not sure if it was there before, below Detta's name says "Bitch" /rawr and yah catwrtr, gaming nerds cant spell werth shit, what can i say


Hardware, Software, and Other Imperialist Crap / Building a computer
« on: July 11, 2004, 04:34:29 PM »
ok *sigh* ya'll should feel privlaged, its not often i opt to drone on in some forum as opposed to bashing some heads in a video game, so here goes....

the easy one:
Lacerda: And his computer didn't even have a power supply or a hard drive or anything.

... /slap. what did i say at the bottom of my first post?
answer: this is just the main stuff I'll be using, would love to have a little feedback before i fork over a paycheck or two

now, heres hoping you fell like a dumbass... ill be using a power supply good enough to support the motherboard and hardrive, if ya htink about it, i will be getting high end stuff, so obviously a 10k rpm hardrive with GBs that i will choose at my own disgresion(sp).

think before you insult, it will save me the times of proving your ignorance.

I noticed a mistake i made, and i admit it, when i read your post TheJudge, you won a battle, bravo. i called catwrtr a bitch when i said... sounds more like a bitch then a "g33k", the bitch comment was aimed at Detta, i am sorry catwrtr.

Are you a super hero and wish to maintin a secret identity? Then I could understand. though i am super, its rare for people to know my real name unless they are very good friends of mine

about dettas post, unless there is some inside joke (mind you, this fictional inside joke would have to be very large) there is no way this is funny, even in a puely sarcastic manner, not funny, if anything.... maybe scary... in which those weird ass gothic kids may find funny.
*your thinking* yah he must not have a sense of humor
well you dont know me bud

with me being the "13 year old narcostic kid with anger managment issues" you wont be the only person having fun in this forum, shall we unload are full aresenal? im ready for....

round 2
coming up next! who will sucker punch who? who KO who? who's momma will get the full brunt force of who's rage? rawr!

and Law: true, i was rude to your friends, 1 on accident (catwrtr, i apologize again) undeservingly, your friend detta does indeed deserve the "bitch" comment + more, even if it was a joke, its was a crappy joke, a joke that unless it was an inside joke, would have gotten blank stares and looks of indifferance. and if it is an inside joke, which at this point i guess it is, why would someone, at that, a moderator tell a joke like that to someone that has never been on this forum and wouldnt possibly be aware of the inside joke? she is deserving of the "bitch" title thusly appointed to her in this surcumbstance(sp).

as for your, newcomers have to work for what they earn, me "doubly" hard. (doubly? havent heard that since 2nd grade) comment, does it seem like i seeking approval of kind in this forum?

you have said two things to me, and i hate you for it.

hmmmm, i wanna throw the first yo momma joke, and yes, i do realize i will be called a child, immature, whatever, but hey, we all have to re-visit our childhood right?

yo momma is so hairy, big foot took pictures of her

go ahead, light your torches and flame away

hah! i know how ya'll think, you cant take the obvious insult!
me:but hey, we all have to re-visit our childhood right?
you: yes, but you dont visit, you live in your childhood blah blah blah stupid ass insult, dont try

ok, im done, ima go bash some heads
play ut2004? come let out some aggression on me, if you can


Hardware, Software, and Other Imperialist Crap / Building a computer
« on: July 11, 2004, 09:29:26 AM »
oh judge, your so crazy, would you ever expect me to take choice #6? /shame
so i guess this is my final stand /pops knuckle

so the other night i was... "He lies awake at night, going through the old letters from that forum. That cruel, cruel forum that reached right in, grabbed a hold of his heart with such great intensity, and then ripped it right out of his chest."

and i was thinking.... maybe i did say somthing fucked up? but then i re read it, and i have concluded: i have not done a damn thing wrong, i just wanted to help which i did ask for, and i get responses from MODERATORS insulting me and telling me i have no manners?

i will concede and apologize IF you can tell me what i did wrong beside not posting in your n00bie forum, and excuse me for not, but the name doesnt seem oh too appitizing(sp).

Phrye: it does seem that your all assholes so far (except for Xolik who started helping me, and i thank him for it)

TheJudge: do ya think i REALLY care if you ban my account from 1 of the millionsof forums on the internet? and i could just get a new account if i were so inclined, change my ip if i needed just to get a new account (depending on how in depth your banning techniques are) i was looking for a professional oppinion, apparently this isnt the place to find it, before you ban my account, why not leave a post or send an email telling what i did wrong.

hmmm childish? yes. deserving? god yes.


what? are you all crazy?????

catwritr: Settle down there, bucko. No one has insulted you.
Weird Tingly Feeling??!? did you miss this?

Ooo! Good mod, bad mod!!


Now Cat. Cut the guy some slack. Maybe he was raised with no manners. Or perhaps he's been hurt before by a forum that he's trying to forget, but just can't do it. He lies awake at night, going through the old letters from that forum. That cruel, cruel forum that reached right in, grabbed a hold of his heart with such great intensity, and then ripped it right out of his chest. Seas of tears streamed down from his sad eyes. So now he treats every new forum like he wishes he had treated that one. He thinks it will make him feel better never does. Nothing does.

Hey, so am I supposed to be the good mod or the bad one? I keep forgetting.

TheJudge: Many people here can give you some really good tips, reviews, feedback, suggestions in regards to your query. But they will do so at their own will.

go read my first post, i did ask for feedback when did i ever demand feedback? never. screw you

Detta: how is....

Now Cat. Cut the guy some slack. Maybe he was raised with no manners. Or perhaps he's been hurt before by a forum that he's trying to forget, but just can't do it. He lies awake at night, going through the old letters from that forum. That cruel, cruel forum that reached right in, grabbed a hold of his heart with such great intensity, and then ripped it right out of his chest. Seas of tears streamed down from his sad eyes. So now he treats every new forum like he wishes he had treated that one. He thinks it will make him feel better never does. Nothing does.

just joking around? you must have the worst damn sense of humor EVER

Law: It makes me want to hunt some weasel.
...... i hate you, you have said one thing to me i can already tell your a little child, and i hate you

Weird Tingly Feeling IS WRONG WITH YA'LL


Hardware, Software, and Other Imperialist Crap / Building a computer
« on: July 10, 2004, 08:31:57 PM »
right..... uhhhh what the hell? though i am a geek im not considered a "smart" geek and i figured in a geek forum, i.e. the name, ya'll might be able to help me out? but no, you just like to try and put me down, maybe insult me. sounds more like a bitch then a "g33k" to me. about manners, when did i ever imply that i dont have manners? because i didnt post in your n00bies forum? sorry, rather not. now my question to you, what the hell did i do you you 2?


Hardware, Software, and Other Imperialist Crap / Building a computer
« on: July 10, 2004, 04:40:44 PM »
who catwritr? she was being rude to me, why not be rude back? just cuz she is a moderator, woop de doo.

is a 64-bit OS coming out anytime soon? or one thats out already? im rather keen on keeping windows


Hardware, Software, and Other Imperialist Crap / Building a computer
« on: July 10, 2004, 12:10:51 AM »
im weasel, who are you?

ummm i heard the AMD 64 3400 was an AWESOME gaming processor, did i hear wrong/what do you suggest?


Anarchy / Not-at-all-scientific personality quiz
« on: July 09, 2004, 06:28:35 PM »
Wackiness: 54/100
Rationality: 66/100
Constructiveness: 66/100
Leadership: 60/100

You are a WRCL--Wacky Rational Constructive Leader. This makes you a golden god. People gravitate to you, and you make them feel good. You are smart, charismatic, and interesting. You may be too sensitive to others reactions, especially criticism. Your self-opinion and mood depends greatly on those around you.

You think fast and have a smart mouth, is a hoot to your friends and razorwire to your enemies. You hold a grudge like a brass ring. You crackle.

Although you have a leader's personality, you often choose not to lead, as leaders stray too far from their audience. You probably weren't very popular in high school--the joke's on them!

You may be a rock star.

Hardware, Software, and Other Imperialist Crap / Building a computer
« on: July 09, 2004, 06:13:08 PM »
hey everyone, i been planning on building me a new computer to keep up with the hiigh intensity graphics of the games today and these are the specs i planned on buying, think ya'll could tell me if there would be any major conflicts, better prices you know of, or maybe an upgrade i should get instead? (reasonably priced)

Motherboard: K8N Neo Platinum - 130.00
Processor: AMD 64 3400 - 416.00
Video Card: Radeon X800 XT Platinum (drool) - 464.86
Sound Card: Creative Labs Sound Blaster Audigy2 ZS GAMER  - 110.00
Memory: Kingston 1GB PC3200 DDR DIMM - 175.00

this is just the main stuff I'll be using, would love to have a little feedback before i fork over a paycheck or two  


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