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I like my _______ like I like my ______.

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cat changed the topic to: I like my men like I like my weather. GO.
11:08:34 AM   cat  Destructive
11:10:14 AM   cat  Seasonal
11:31:23 AM   cat  In like a lion, out like a lamb
11:31:44 AM   cat  Covered by insurance
11:31:58 AM   cat  Different in every part of the country
1:55:22 PM   BizB  making puddles.
1:55:53 PM   BizB  blowing me hard
3:26:57 PM   MFS  coming fast
3:27:30 PM   MFS  strong enough to rip the shingles off my roof
3:27:44 PM   MFS  something everyone complains about
3:27:45 PM   hackess  Blustery.
3:27:53 PM   MFS  calm
3:28:14 PM   MFS  leading to home repairs
3:29:45 PM   MFS  predicted by scientists
3:29:51 PM   MFS  observed by satellites
3:29:59 PM   hackess  Brought up in polite conversation.
3:30:00 PM   MFS  here today, gone tomorrow
3:30:15 PM   hackess  All I talk about with my dad.
3:30:20 PM   MFS  ruining farmers financially
3:30:43 PM   BizB  cold at night and hot at noon
3:31:02 PM   MFS  able to kill thousands
3:31:26 PM   BizB  nearly as dangerous as religion
3:31:30 PM   MFS  computer modeled
3:31:54 PM   BizB  unpredictable beyond today
3:32:19 PM   hackess  Delaying sporting event
3:32:20 PM   hackess  s
3:32:42 PM   MFS  visible on doppler radar
3:32:53 PM   MFS  causing warning sirens to go off
3:33:18 PM   hackess  LOL
3:33:36 PM   MFS  described daily by Al Roker
3:33:40 PM   BizB  giving me inches and inches until I cry mercy
3:33:48 PM   MFS  *spittake*
3:33:52 PM   hackess  Making me get a shovel.
3:34:03 PM   MFS  ruining everything
3:34:08 PM   BizB  two words: ice dam
3:34:20 PM   MFS  flooding my basement :demo:
3:34:26 PM   BizB  ^
3:34:51 PM   MFS  causing me to purchase all new weather stripping
3:35:04 PM   BizB  deciding which hobby I partake in
3:35:23 PM   BizB  fetching me a beer from the fridge (if only)
3:35:26 PM   MFS  robbing me of fuel efficiency
3:35:31 PM   hackess  Forcing me to wear extra layers
3:35:39 PM   BizB  givening me shivers
3:35:48 PM   MFS  making things slippery
3:35:58 PM   BizB  *golf clap*
3:36:05 PM   MFS  *snicker*
3:36:20 PM   MFS  bringing hoar frost?
3:36:40 PM   MFS  HOARY
3:37:02 PM   MFS  causing entire species of animals to migrate
3:37:03 PM   BizB  shown on TVs all across America every evening... for about 7 minutes.
3:37:51 PM   MFS  Regarded as a sign from the gods by primitives
3:38:47 PM   BizB  dumping me on my ass about once every 3 years
3:39:01 PM   hackess  Dreary
3:39:04 PM   BizB  that one is too true
3:39:18 PM   hackess  Wet
3:39:27 PM   MFS  40F
3:39:40 PM   hackess  so, refrigerated?
3:39:47 PM   MFS  sure!
3:40:29 PM   BizB  gripping my soul with bony fingers of ice and twisting my heart until it lay in a puddle on the ground... beating. beating.
3:40:52 PM   BizB  </emo>
5:38:22 PM   BizB  ...capable of making the leaves fall from the trees
5:49:29 PM   MFS  making my potatoes freeze solid
5:49:54 PM   MFS  causing me to want hot soup and white russians
5:51:18 PM   BizB  makes me want to stay in on a Saturday night


We did good, guys. I can't wait to see what you come up with this weekend.


I'm so glad I came across this post. I have a very good knowledge. I'm reading the information easy to understand.


--- Quote from: harumicang on November 12, 2014, 03:05:52 AM ---I'm so glad I came across this post. I have a very good knowledge. I'm reading the information easy to understand.

--- End quote ---

...guys? Did Pepe learn to spell?


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