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Author Topic: Am I over-reacting: Part II  (Read 5536 times)


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Am I over-reacting: Part II
« on: October 04, 2007, 09:14:37 PM »

I figured this would be a good place to ask as most of you have gone through college, or are currently enrolled in college-level courses.

So first, a little background on the situation:
I'm taking a class on death and dying, which is basically supposed to cover how different cultures and religions deal with death and dying. During the second week of class the professor started talking about anti-depressants and how the American society simply drugs everyone to help keep everyone sane instead of actually dealing with the problem. I agree with that for the most part. A lot of times patients never go through actual testing and they are prescribed anti-depressants, and perhaps they don't actually need them because their problem can be addressed in another manner.

However, the talk and out right bashing of anti-depressants has gone on for several straight weeks now. It's important to note that there are several older women enrolled in this class because it's a night class, and out of those several there are a few that have gotten divorced and lost their kids as a result, or lost their husband to cancer not to long ago. These women are taking anti-depressants to cope with their situations and have openly admitted to taking them, yet HE STILL FEELS THE NEED TO EXPRESS HIS OWN OPINIONS AND BELIEFES ON THE SUBJECT MATTER WHEN HE KNOWS SEVERAL OF HIS STUDENTS TAKE THEM. (In case you're wondering he says that most people that take anti-depressants do not think for themselves, and lack the will power to do so)

Finally, this evening it got to be too much. He posed a question to the class in which a girl responded to his question by saying something to the extent of, "My 80-year-old grandmother suffers from Alzheimer’s and she wants to kill herself, so the doctors prescribed her anti-depressants to help deal with that". The professor replied, "Oh... I see... So does she forget to kill herself?" A few people in the class let out a brief chuckle but for the most part everyone just sat there.

I took his comment rather personally as I lost a family member to Alzheimer’s about two years ago. I walked out of his class during the break out of disgust. He's one of those professors that really get worked up when someone leaves class early, so hopefully he's pissed off now.

My question to you guys is do you think he was out of line by his comments about anti-depressants, as well as his comment about the women with Alzheimer’s? And if so, should I file a complaint with the dean of students to bring him to attention of the administration of the institution?

To me, it seems like he's using his classroom as a forum to voice his personal opinions on life in general. I didn't pay to listen to his opinions on life, that's for sure.


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Re: Am I over-reacting: Part II
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2007, 09:49:27 PM »

The first question I have is, what is the professor's area of speciality?  Is his background in theology, sociology, physchology, etc,?

My response about the anti-depressants might change depending on the answer to the above question. 

As to the joke about the grandmother.  I absolutely think it's out of line.  BUT, I think that someone in the class should have said something to that effect, right then and there.  Personally, I wouldn't go to the dean unless his reaction, when I confronted him directly and dispassionately (during class), was unacceptable.  It's a college class, and it's full of adults.  I would expect those adults to not tattle to the dean as a first line of defense.
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Re: Am I over-reacting: Part II
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2007, 09:59:57 PM »

Is he a Scientologist?

I think every time he makes a comment about our over medicated society, I would make some kind of retort about how religion is even worse for the population than popping pills.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2007, 10:01:38 PM by BizB »
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Re: Am I over-reacting: Part II
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2007, 11:43:29 PM »

It does seem kind of odd that a discussion on ADs would continue for so long, especially since there are so many cultures, and he could have spent probably a class or two and covered most of the important information or ethical aspects of it. Perhaps a week, maybe, but I couldn't see a need for it to continue.

Otherwise, a lot of teachers/professors will interject their views, though the ones I've had for the most part are actually explicit with us when they do so. "This is just a theory of mine, etc..." So I usually don't mind it, because it's useful with our discussions.

This seems to be something different, though I have no way of actually knowing since I haven't seen or heard it....
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Re: Am I over-reacting: Part II
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2007, 01:07:07 AM »

It's a harsh joke and totaly out of line. So to the question at hand: Overreacting no, but you should have said something.


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Re: Am I over-reacting: Part II
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2007, 01:55:54 AM »

Any joke could be viewed as "going too far", and every time there will be someone who will find it inappropriate. So about that, i'll say you're overreacting. And i'm surprised to see you reacting like this to a joke, no matter how in poor taste it was.

About a teacher having his own agenda and trying to push his views to the (paying) students, as others were saying, depends on why he does that. If he's a scientologist or such, as BizB suggested, i would say go for the throat, but because of his agenda, not because his sense of humor is diffrent from yours.
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Re: Am I over-reacting: Part II
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2007, 04:58:06 AM »

BUT, I think that someone in the class should have said something to that effect, right then and there.  Personally, I wouldn't go to the dean unless his reaction, when I confronted him directly and dispassionately (during class), was unacceptable.  It's a college class, and it's full of adults.  I would expect those adults to not tattle to the dean as a first line of defense.
I agree on this. Perhaps something should have been said to him right then and there to let him know, "Hey, you probably shouldn't have said that". I'm sure he'll ask me why I left class early during our next meeting, so maybe I'll tell him then that I was disgusted at a comment he made that was directly aimed at a family member of mine.

The first question I have is, what is the professor's area of speciality?  Is his background in theology, sociology, physchology, etc,?
This is a philosophy course, and the guy has his PhD in just that.

Any joke could be viewed as "going too far", and every time there will be someone who will find it inappropriate. So about that, i'll say you're overreacting. And i'm surprised to see you reacting like this to a joke, no matter how in poor taste it was.
Hey, I have an idea, let’s make fun of the people who jumped 100 stories to their death on September 11th, 2001. To think that something that horrific is in some way "funny" or isn't in bad taste is by no means "normal"; but instead shows one might be afflicted by schizophrenia and may require special attention.

Similarly, someone poking fun at an 18 year old girl's grandmother who doesn't know her own name, doesn't recognize her own family members, wants to kill herself to end the pain, and will one day most likely die because she'll forget how to carry out basic human functions (Breathing, etc.) is in no way funny.

To me his comment wasn't a joke, but rather a crude comment coming from someone who thinks their classroom is a forum for their own thoughts and beliefs. I don't think you would joke about those who jumped to their deaths on 9/11, now would you? Why? Because it's socially accepted that those events that took place on that day WERE NOT FUCKING FUNNY.

You're more than welcomed to poke fun at those people if you wish, but you will get called on it by people like me.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2007, 05:01:18 AM by Chris »


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Re: Am I over-reacting: Part II
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2007, 08:03:06 AM »

Sounds to me like you have a jackass professor. The problem with idiots like that is that you can't necessarily call them out or try to discuss the issue with them without fear of possible reprisal later on. He's the guy who grades you and from what you've described, it sounds like he's the type who wouldn't hesitate to abuse his position. That is why I hate universities and colleges. Half the profs are like that. They don't respect their students (i.e. the people who pay their salary and ensure they have a job). They can't seem to view themselves and everyone else at the same level. Noooooooooo! I'm the professor. You're just a insect. I'm better!

I am probably a little biased, but I spent 6 years in university and I've encountered some very special characters, including a jack ass Dean who managed to piss off all the students of one program he managed, and we in turn had to exchange some very nasty comments and letters, and had to threaten legal action before this moron finally accepted to take the bullet for a fuck up HE had done and tried to pass on for everyone else. Let me tell you something, there is nothing fun about telling a Dean that he can go fuck himself, and that his university can go fuck itself too, via an e-mail which CCed a bunch of senior university staff. But that's what it had to come down too in the end, and I had to take the risk of being expelled to get justice. This was the absolute worse experience I've had with this particular university, but I can tell you it wasn't the only one... I hate those fuckers.

So when I read your e-mail, I probably over react, but the bottom line is that your prof's little comment was very inappropriate. It's not like you're saying this in the context of a small circle of friends that you know for sure won't be offended. No, you're saying this in front of what I presume is a large group of strangers, without knowing how each person may take the comment (and without caring, obviously). These people and their God syndrome piss me off like you wouldn't believe. And his comments about medication, he should keep to himself. As an individual, he is entitled to his opinion, but the classroom isn't the place to preach it, especially when you are in the role of the educator and especially in the context of a philosophy class where his role would be to seek out various point of views from students, and explore them in a constructive manner.

I would keep a log and if that sort of behavior continues, I'd start with an anonymous letter to the Dean (with absolutely no expectations that he/she would react ot resolve the issue). Remember, you're paying for a service. You are the client. If as a client you are not satisfied with the service you're paying for, because some jackass keeps being inapropriate, then you need to voice those concerns. Imagine if you bought a car, and that car happened to be a lemon. Then you'd have to take it to the mechanic and he'd give you some bullshit story about spark plugs, and then 1 month later the problem would resurface and you'd go back and they'd try something else. Now imaging, this keept going on and on and on, oh wait... You don't need to imagine that at all Chris! You lived it! So, in the end, you were not satisfied. Did you just stand there like an idiot, biting your lip because you didn't want to offend the incompetent mechanic in case he sabotaged your car, or did you pipe up and say "Listen fuckers, here's the problem and I want it fixed once and for all"? In principle you're entitled to a similar course of action with the jackass professor. Just know that most institutions probably won't give a flying fuck and they'll spit in your face when you bring an issue up. To win your point with these people, it has been my experience that you need to go all out to actually see results. Doing so can put you in dificult positions and this can come back to bite you in the ass. Is it worth the trouble at the end of the day?

You can't beat the system on your own. And that applies to pretty much anything in life.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2007, 08:07:12 AM by TheJudge »


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Re: Am I over-reacting: Part II
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2007, 08:45:01 AM »

Speaking as someone who is working in some fashion in an university

You should mention it to the professor firstly (an email that you BCC a couple of discrete friends on would be best).  In most Universities there is a protocol to follow about complaints.  As strange as it sounds in some cases if you go over the Professors head first the Professor can take legal action against you.  Once you've notified the professor if the behavior continues a letter or email to his direct supervisor (Dept Head or Dean whichever is appropriate) and CC the Professor.  Be very specific as to direct quotes, Dates and times, backup from other students never hurts.

However like Judge said, Academics can be amazingly petty and vindicative.  Which is why you have to document.  If you go from an A student to failing after you make a comment to your professor you need something to bring to a Dean to show the professor is failing you because of what you said.  Also if you must speak face-to-face with them about this issue only do it when there are other people present.  student-says/professor-says never goes well for you.

Good luck
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Re: Am I over-reacting: Part II
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2007, 07:35:05 PM »

Totally out of line.  I enjoy dark humor, but there was nothing funny about what he said, and clearly does not qualify as ANY kind of humor.  You are not over-reacting.  In fact, you should do something with your reaction.

Like the previous few posters have said, keep a record of EVERYTHING.  If a confrontation (think more of a verbal gentle nudge than a punch in the face-like you said, he seems the type to abuse the position) doesn't help, see if your college has some sort of Ombuds or another form of conflict resolution office.  Ours handles all sorts of university complaints.


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Re: Am I over-reacting: Part II
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2007, 10:57:53 PM »

It's a harsh joke and totaly out of line.
Hell yeh. I can't believe they just sat there. Wait... yes I can.

 I tend to quash that sort of nonsense immediately and without regard to bushes or eggshells. My reaction would have been along the lines of "EXCUSE ME?!?" as I stood, and something like, "I believe you and I need to speak with your boss."
 does she forget to kill herself...  WHAT in the FUCK was he thinking saying that?
 So; no, I dont think you over-reacted at all. 
 I take Paxil; mainly for cataplexy from narcolepsy, but I believe I would be a severe irritant to your professor and his diatribe against meds. It's not in me to sit and hear someone espouse near insults and not say anything. Especially if Im paying for the class.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2007, 04:07:16 AM by 12AX7 »


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Re: Am I over-reacting: Part II
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2007, 07:03:30 PM »

As someone who very often finds drastically inappropriate things funny, I can say with certainty that was not funny.


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Re: Am I over-reacting: Part II
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2007, 09:12:37 PM »

As someone who very often finds drastically inappropriate things funny, I can say with certainty that was not funny.



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Re: Am I over-reacting: Part II
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2007, 11:13:49 PM »

As someone who very often finds drastically inappropriate things funny, I can say with certainty that was not funny.

See?? So there you have it officially.