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Messages - Wunderkind

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5 6 7 ... 77
Anarchy / Re: Read me, Seymour!
« on: November 07, 2016, 05:48:10 PM »
As far as finishing a novel... do you mean you read one, or you wrote one?

Oh, I wrote one, finally.

It did not turn out like I thought it would.

Which was nice. But unexpected.

Anarchy / Re: Read me, Seymour!
« on: November 07, 2016, 04:37:06 PM »
Jesus, you all make me feel so boring. All I did was finish a novel and get married.  :-o

Sticky Stuff (no pun intended) / Re: Geekery Denizens Photo Thread
« on: November 07, 2016, 04:33:26 PM »
So this happened in March. Since the hooker killing spree is still in the plans, this is the best thing we've done together ever.

Anarchy / Re: Have yourselves a merry little Christmas...
« on: January 19, 2014, 11:51:32 AM »
Thank you for you grats!  8-)

Anarchy / Re: What the hell. I miss this place.
« on: January 19, 2014, 11:50:43 AM »
Everyone has one die on their table. Everyone.

Anarchy / Re: Have yourselves a merry little Christmas...
« on: January 05, 2014, 11:02:32 PM »
Atheists like the season too.

Here's hoping all of you get the cheer infection.

I got engaged on New Year's Eve so I have to say that I was properly infected with cheer.
*uses hijack on thread*

Anarchy / Re: What the hell. I miss this place.
« on: December 24, 2013, 08:50:30 AM »
What's going on with your life ivan?

Nope.  Never.  I actually am one of those freaks that keeps them all in his head.
Can you recommend something for those of us not so blessed by freakish abilities?

Sticky Stuff (no pun intended) / Re: IBTNP
« on: September 10, 2012, 09:44:40 AM »
Negative, I only geekery from my bed.

IBTNP also just realized that everything they loved from their childhood is officially vintage.

Writer's Block / Re: F**k it... I'm writing a poem
« on: September 10, 2012, 09:42:59 AM »
Now I feel the urge to actually write something called "fuck you, dad", but I can't figure out where to start with it. I want to though, because that would be one bad-ass angry poem.

Don't. Just don't.

Or at least, don't directly before or after eating. 

Sticky Stuff (no pun intended) / Re: 2012 Book Thread
« on: July 31, 2012, 08:17:35 AM »
 1) Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, & Metal Magic
 2) Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs
 3) The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews by Scott Cunningham
 4) Spell Crafts by Scott Cunningham
 5) Nordic Runes by Paul Rhys Mountfort
 6) Perelandra by C.S. Lewis
 7) That Hideous Strength by C.S. Lewis
 8.) Stiff by Mary Roach
 9)The Once and Future King by T.H. White
Currently On: The Voice of the Body by Alexander Lowen

Writer's Block / Re: F**k it... I'm writing a poem
« on: July 30, 2012, 11:08:01 PM »
Coming soon, the more popular version of "Therapy" - "Fuck you, dad".

Writer's Block / Re: F**k it... I'm writing a poem
« on: July 30, 2012, 11:06:47 PM »


I have a feeling I’m going to be crying more often than not while this is happening.

I have a feeling I’ll be MIA for more than one day while shit goes down.

I have a feeling you’ll mean less to me when I come out the other side.

I have a feeling this means first grounding as well as finding the ground.

In suspension I don’t have face the heights I have to rise to.

If I pretend I don’t know where the floor is I can ignore the ceiling.

If you are always at the door leading out of this closed space

Then I don’t have to assign the walls around me any further meaning.

I have created the knife that I hold at my own throat.

I have created the gun that I hold at my own head.

And I joke and I laugh and I make fun of me and my threats

Because it is made of sugar means it’s not full of lead.

And I have a feeling I’m stronger than you.

I have a feeling I always have been.

I have a feeling I’m braver than you think I am

And I will find I am more than you while this is happening.

Of course on some level I am strong because of you

But I will not thank you yet.

You will have none of my gratitude

Not while I undo all the bogus standards you set.

While this is happening, you will be a stranger to me

And that will be easy because you made it impossible for me to know you.

In return you made it impossible to know me.

I will not regret that for you.

I have a feeling they will wonder why they had not met me before.

I have a feeling they will say that they missed me.

I have a feeling that despite how difficult you made it

Somebody in here loves me, while this is happening.

That somebody matters the most.

That somebody is the matter that is happening.

She is the matter at hand that matters more than you.

She is the matter with me.

I have a feeling you will come to me with cupped hands

But I won’t be who you are coming to, while this is happening.

You will come towards me but end up at them.

This heart and harbor is closed, at least, while this is happening.

I have a feeling you won’t like who greets you when this is over

And you really won’t be in any sort of control.

I have a feeling there will be a rearrangement, a change of guard

A mutiny of sorts in the order of what matters in my soul.

I have a feeling I’ll be quiet and alone while this is happening.

I’ll be withdrawn more than a few times while I talk to myself

About how to proceed with many things.

Because what is happening is about me.

This is not about you or him or them

But about me and that someone inside me

Who loves me.

So I have a feeling I will become withdrawn and awkward while this is happening.

I have a feeling I will live with a box of tissues in my purse for a while.

I have a feeling I will get angry at random, for no reason, for a time.

I will accuse everyone but me for the state of me and know that I am lying.

You’ll have to excuse the mess on aisle four, she’s in a state of reviving.

I don’t seek to solve a problem, there is no real equation.

I have a matter, with which I require assistance, is all.

That matter is the matter of she who hates me and she who loves me within me.

I have a matter with whatever is the matter with me and that matter is me.

I have a feeling I’ll be a while, untangling this heinous mess.

I have a feeling to go away and hide my face while I pick at the knots.

I will curse and scream and blame and cry and none of it will be about me

Because it is actually about me and I don’t want it to be

And I will cry more often than not while this is happening.

Writer's Block / Re: F**k it... I'm writing a poem
« on: July 23, 2012, 08:25:43 PM »
Please allow me to resurrect this thread.
*draws circle*
*summons demons*
*raises the powers of the Catholic Church*
*casts resurrection spell*


I’ve been holding onto lies.

Like rags, they are torn and dirty.

They hang from my hands

As I grip them tightly.

I’ve been holding onto lies.

My white knuckled grip cannot be loosened.

It is a life line to the land.

I do not hold them lightly.

I’ve been saving all these untruths

To save my own self,

If you can understand

it. I know they are unsightly.

They have stained my hands.

I am made of old lies.

I exist because they were spoken.

If they go, I go.

I will shift away like sand.

But this too

Is untrue.

This too is untrue.

I am holding on to lies.

I carry rags like treasure.

I wear threads like gold

Like the wealthy wear ease.

But I will let go of this untruth

That I have no measure.

These things are old

And will be released.

They have the worth

That they gave to me.

So I will untie the hold

That they have on me.

Because they are untrue

And I am not worth

These old lies.

I deserve only the truth.

-R.A. Fialkiewicz

Sticky Stuff (no pun intended) / Re: IBTNP
« on: July 19, 2012, 02:47:08 PM »
Unable to respond. I'm not at work right now, but we do have a table of those that come in to eat every Tuesday.

IBTNP lives inside city limits.

Sticky Stuff (no pun intended) / Re: IBTNP
« on: July 09, 2012, 10:21:08 PM »

IBTNP obtained illegal fireworks for the 4th (of July).

Sticky Stuff (no pun intended) / Re: 2012 Movie Thread
« on: June 13, 2012, 10:07:57 PM »
1. Ratcatcher (1/5/12)
    2. The Fountain (1/22/12)
    3. Abduction (1/24/12) - While the premise of this film was interesting, the execution made me want to scratch my eyes out.
    4. Drive (2/2/12) <-- Freaking amazing. Yes, the fact that I had eaten half of a special cookie probably intensified the hell out of it, but still... Freaking amazing arthouse noir film.
    5. Inception (2/712) - Finally, they make a film that doesn't hold your hand and tie everything up neatly at the end.
    6. Real Steel (2/13/12)0 - Just like Over the Top except with Robots.
    7. Fast Five (2/21/12) - Movies like this make me wonder why I agree to watch movies with my mother...
    8. The Green Lantern (2/22/12) - I should lose some geek points for not having seen this sooner but to be honest I didn't even know it had come out.
    9. Seven Days in Utopia (2/22/12) - The things I will tolerate for my mother.
    10. The Big Year (3/5/12) - Cute. That obnoxious cute funny.
    11. In Time (3/6/12) - Hey, look they remade Gatica.
    12. House (3/11/12) - The Japanese Psychedelic Horror, not the television series. Amazing.
    13. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (3/25/12) *****
14. Prometheus (6/10/12) - Don't do this if you are a technical person bothered by many if small inconsistencies and scientific abominations. Just don't. It had such a catalog of tiny annoyances, much like a 3-year-old.

The 3D gave me a splitting migraine. So yeah, no more 3D for me.

15. Metropolis (6/11/12) Yes, it took me this long to get around to watching this movie. Stop looking at me like that.

Anarchy / Re: The Rapist Paradox
« on: May 25, 2012, 02:03:45 PM »
I don't think he could be tried in court because he would be ruled 'mentally unfit'.

EDIT: Just think about how it sounds in court:

"Your Honor, I am going to prove that I am guilty of raping myself and I should be sent to prison!"

Besides I don't think cases can be tried where the victim and perpetrator are the same person.

I am not a law student, I simply recall something about this in the Law 101 class I had to complete for college credits.

Success! But this still doesn't explain why licklick could be uploaded but not meowmeow... Oh well.

I wasn't aware of that option. I will try.

I apparently need some help with a random thing. I'm trying to change my avatar. I have the page with GIF file. I have saved image as, but when I upload the file to the interwebs (my avatar) the GIF is static and not a motion image, like it's supposed to be. It works for my licklick avatar but not for meowmeow. Please help. Tell me it's something I'm doing.

EDIT: When I open the file in IE (shutup) it is a motion image, but it isn't a motion image as an avatar here (unlike my licklick avatar). Which makes no sense, unless maybe because it's too big, but wouldn't it tell me in annoying red print that the image was too big?

Thank you for this!

Sticky Stuff (no pun intended) / Re: IBTNP
« on: May 22, 2012, 10:19:17 PM »
False. I'm freaking amazing and I know it.

IBTNP can tell the difference between a beech tree and birch tree.

Sticky Stuff (no pun intended) / Re: 2012 Book Thread
« on: May 21, 2012, 08:17:04 AM »
 1) Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, & Metal Magic
 2) Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs
 3) The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews by Scott Cunningham
 4) Spell Crafts by Scott Cunningham
 5) Nordic Runes by Paul Rhys Mountfort
 6) Perelandra by C.S. Lewis
 7) That Hideous Strength by C.S. Lewis
 8.) Stiff by Mary Roach

Currently on The Once and Future King by T.H. White

Shapechanger's Song was sort of a disappointing bust for me. I had a friend recommend it and she raved about it, but it fell flat in Chapter Four for me. I lost interest really damn quick and have decided not to read anymore books that I don't have the starving need to read. Life is simply too short.

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