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Author Topic: Let's get Personal - The moderator Edition III  (Read 3794 times)


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Let's get Personal - The moderator Edition III
« on: May 20, 2005, 09:05:16 AM »"> Submitted byTheJudge

We continue our journey today with the introduction of the insane one: the one and only Lacerda. And thank God there's only one! He's the man with the twisted sense of humor and the witts to match it! Oh... I know what's on your mind. I know that you, dear readers, expect me to ask the tough questions. You want to know if Lacerda is in fact dude. That is a good question indeed. Will this article shed some light on the matter? You decide...

1. Let's see... I have to think about an interest of yours... Ah yes! Role playing games! I know you currently play D&D 3.1 and perhaps other RPGS as well. When did you start playing these devil games and what attracted you to them?
- I've been playing these stupid games since I was twelve. That's thirteen years of my life pretending to be a little imaginary person doing little imaginary things. I guess what first attracted me to the game was my secret love of B.O. In all seriousness though, the cult of roleplaying got me early--I really enjoy acting, and this is just an outlet for that. A sad, sad outlet. That and I used to be an incredible pedant, so having huge books full of easily misinterpretable rules was a boon. I think I still play because I enjoy the group setting; it's been such a regular part of my life for so long, I wouldn't know how to stop. It's an abusive spouse that's been punching me on a regular basis, but I just smile and concoct stories about walking into doors.

2. When you're playing D&D with your friends, how is your personality around the gaming table different from your personality around the office?
- Somewhat out of necessity, yes. With my friends I'm a lot more informal--which is a stretch, because I'm as informal as you can get at the office. However, I don't think the people I work for would like the constant swearing or terrible sarcasm.

3. How many hours a week do you spend in front of a monitor? Doing what?
- Entirely too many. I work about 38-44 hours a week, so all of those, plus about 20 or more playing on the internet machine. I go to a bunch of forums, I do some odd writing (both in frequency and content) and I generally dick about. I played that World of Warcraft game for a little while, but it wasn't very realistic because my gnomish mage didn't make a single obscene joke.

4. What is the most important quality a friend of yours MUST have?
- Good Lord, a sense of humour. If you don't realize that I'm kidding about 98% of the time, I'll come off as some kind of monstrous dick. Actually that happens anyway.

5. What is the one thing that really ticks you off? The one thing that will take you from a "look! Butterflies!" state to a "I WANNA MAKE SOME HEADS ROLL!" state.
-Absolutism. I really dislike when people are unwilling to listen to other points of view. Especially because I'm always right. Also casual swearing used in a non-ironic manner. LEARN SOME NEW WORDS YOU STUPID SHITHEADS

6. If you could save a strangers life by donating one of your organs, but this would in turn reduce your quality of life, what are some factors that would influence your decision.
-What kind of organs are we talking about here? Call me Mr. Greedy (please don't) but I think I'd like to meet this stranger before I'm shucking off some of my good living to save him or her. As far as decision-influencing factors go, it would be situational. For instance, is this stranger attractive?

7. Do you give blood?
-I have in the past, but not recently. It's not that I'm hoarding my blood for satanic rituals, but...actually, that's exactly what it is.

8. What is your most cherished childhood memory?
-This is the kind of question that would throw me into a state of absolute panic, because I can barely recall ANY childhood memories, let alone cherished ones. I have a lot of scattered memories of good times with friends, but I can't really pick anything specific.

9. What is the one thing you wish to accomplish before you die? What do you want others to remember the most about you?
-I'm going to copy Catwritr for the first part of this answer, because I want my name in print--the only problem is my lack of coherent writing. Well, it never stopped Anne Rice. As for what I'd like for people to remember about me: there was a frood who always knew where his towel was.

10. Who do you most admire and why? (I know! It's your dad!)
-My dad does have an awfully big mustache. However, I'm going to turn my admiring eye over to my girlfriend, mostly because she was brave enough to date me for almost five years. Also if she reads this, I might get some reciprocal admiration if you know what I mean. Eh? Eh?

11. top 3 movies?
-These fluctuate on a regular basis, but here you go: 1)Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas (hence my screenname); 2) Brazil (notice a trend?); 3) Sin City

12. top 3 songs?
-What is this, Livejournal now? 1) MC Frontalot – I Heart Fags; 2) Led Zeppelin – Immigrant Song; Beck – Girl. Again, these change on a regular basis, depending on my mood.

13. Best food EVAR!!!?
-Pho (pronounced "fa"). Vietnamese dish consisting of noodles, onions, beef or chicken, and coriander. Served with chili sauce and fish sauce. OH GOD I AM SO HUNGRY.

14. Describe a typical Lacerda week.
-I work a bunch, spend entirely too much time in front of computers, see my girlfriend as often as our schedules will allow, and then nerd it up on Sundays. I have all the makings of Internet Superstar about me!

15. Last one! If you had the power to change one event in your own life, for better or for worse, what would you change. And no "I wouldn't change a thing answers!". If you had to change something, what would it be?
-Why the hell would I change something for the worse? That's weird; you're weird. I think I might take some time out and warn myself about spending thousands of dollars on post-secondary education before I've figured out what I want to do. Of course, at the rate I'm going, that'll be never. Also I wouldn't order food from Hassoon Sharma. They're terrible.

Three down, two more to go! I hope this little project of mine gave you a better understanding of the one we often reffer to as the alien from a distant planet. You may or may not be aware, but I've had the opportunity to meet Lacerda face to face, and on more than one occasion. I've also met the person he admires and I can totally suport his claim that she is a brave woman! I wish I could meet more of my e-friends. One thing is certain about Lacerda, whether it's on-line on in person, you don't get bored around that guy. He'll CR4XX0RZ you up any day!


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Let's get Personal - The moderator Edition III
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2005, 09:10:17 AM »

However, I don't think the people I work for would like the constant swearing or terrible sarcasm.

Mine don't get me, either. :(


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Let's get Personal - The moderator Edition III
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2005, 09:11:49 AM »



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Let's get Personal - The moderator Edition III
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2005, 12:53:15 PM »

My e-crush on Lacerda just went through the roof.  :lol:
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Let's get Personal - The moderator Edition III
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2005, 02:14:47 PM »

Hey Mr. Greedy those were fabulous answers.  I think my e-crush just went through the roof too!


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Let's get Personal - The moderator Edition III
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2005, 02:27:14 PM »

Me too, but it's because of the beard.


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Let's get Personal - The moderator Edition III
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2005, 11:25:46 AM »

There's always a few people at any given office who don't like jokes and may or may not report you for innappropriate behaviour. I think I should sue *them* for creating a stressful work environment. Bottling up all this stuff can't be good for me. :P

Of course, I'm on vacation as of now, so fuck 'em.