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Must have Chrome Extensions

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For those of you who use Chrome as their browser, what are some must have extensions that make your browsing experience that much better?

For me, I'll go with the obvious two:

AdBlock Plus
uBlock Origin

Either of them are pretty good for killing ads in my opinion. Unless of course, someone recommends something even better.

I currently have...

Hover Zoom+
Social Fixer

Hover Zoom is my favourite

I've got some good and useful ones to share that I use all the time.

* Checker Plus for Gmail: Good little mail doohickey
* Checker Plus for Google Calendar: Good little calendar doohickey
* Ghostery: A good and useful counterpart to adblocking.  It tends to block a lot of things that adblockers do not. Excellent web surfing privacy features
* Google Keep: I keep a lot of notes and junk in this.  Syncs effortlessly with your Google cloud, Android app works nice too.
* Greenhouse: Know who owns your politicians.
* HTTPS Everywhere: 100% must have. Forces HTTPS anywhere it's available, even if you don't type it.  This one's actually made by the Electronic Frontier Foundation.  Throw them a donation while you're at it, they deserve your support.
* Magic Actions for Youtube: Makes Youtube usable.  No ads, force HD, a bunch of other really nice options and annoyance disablers.
* Stylish: Take control of your user experience.  TONS of user created styles for lots of websites available (at, and you can create your own.
* Kami: Good, full featured in-browser PDF reader that's way better than Chrome's native one.  I use this one a lot.

I almost forgot... there's a Zendesk extension that will allow you to manage tickets right from your Gmail account. I've used this a few times and it works pretty nicely.

BTW- Demo, Stylish reminds me a little of the litestep days from the early 2000s. I was wondering when someone was going to get around to making something like that.

AdBlock Plus
FB Purity


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