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Messages - Tacdeho

Pages: 1 2 [3]
New Geeks on the Block / Re: PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO KILL ME.
« on: July 19, 2010, 02:26:47 PM »
Ok, so just to get it out of the way, is your overall favourite Beatles song also the overall least popular Beatles song? If so, what is it?

Usually, my overall favourite Beatles song is Hey Bulldog. I have no idea where it appears on the Beatles Songs Popularity Scale.

That actually used to be my favourite Beatles song. I'd say it ranks VERY low on popularity, since of the two soundtracks developed specifically for a Beatles movie (I dont count A Hard Days Night or Help! since those were movies off albums, not vise versa), Yellow Submarine dosnt come close to the popularity of Magical Mystery Tour (Although, Yellow Submarine's movie was recieved 10x better than Magical Mystery Tour).

But the end all question? Being a guitartist myself, George Harrison was probably my favourite Beatle. My favourite all time Beatles song is "Here Comes the Sun". It was the song I shared with my ex, whom, I miss almost every day.

Okay, so they'res your ONE moment of softheartedness your gonna get from me today. I'd like to retain my status as a cold-hearted asshole XD

I made it to Austin and Houston, but never went as far north as Paris.

Sweet, ever been to Arlen?

New Geeks on the Block / Re: In need of some serious help.
« on: July 19, 2010, 01:30:15 PM »
This thread is hilarous.

If your old enough to play video games, your old enough to get hacked.

Also, WoW sucks, Really, severely boring and a real waste of time. And this is coming from someone witha  65K Xbox Gamerscore,

Son of a bitch. I've wanted to go to Paris since I saw Ratta.......rattatwo.....rat.....that Pixar movie.

New Geeks on the Block / Re: PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO KILL ME.
« on: July 19, 2010, 01:08:33 PM »
Good! Then it means our plan is working! That's what we want you to think.

..........shit, they're on to me.


New Geeks on the Block / Re: PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO KILL ME.
« on: July 19, 2010, 01:03:35 PM »
OK, this thread can be about the Beatles, or about girls with pretty eyes. Why are we talking about the Beatles?  :?

I thought this thread was to introduce me to the Forums  :-P

New Geeks on the Block / Re: PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO KILL ME.
« on: July 19, 2010, 01:02:21 PM »
An anti-popular music Beatles fan. Yeah, I think you'll fit in well.


I'm not TOTALLY anti-Popular. I actually have an affection for Lady Gaga. Before you cast me to the winds, go to YouTube and watch her play a classical piano and sing. I thought she was trash shit, until I learned, she's actually fairly talented. Plus, I love the harp in "Telephone". Catchy fricking song.

But thanks. I'm actually really glad to be here :D

New Geeks on the Block / Re: PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO KILL ME.
« on: July 19, 2010, 01:00:40 PM »
Dude, there are no unpopular Beatles songs. The least popular Beatles songs are still really, really popular.

Point-taken. Its just, i'm living in the generation where people just dickride the most popular thing they see. I've been a Beatles fan since I was 2 years old. I know people that claim to be Beatlemaniacs. Like, they know everything and anything about the Beatles. When? 09.09.09. The day The Beatles: Rock Band and the Beatles re-masters came out. Dont get me wrong, The Beatles: Rock Band is PHENOMINAL, probably the best game i've played with a plastic controller, but i'm sick of hearing that people think they've loved the Beatles for years, when in reality, its been about 10 months since that game came out.

tl;dr: People claim to love The Beatles. They're favourite songs are "Yellow Submarine" and "Twist and Shout", possibly, the two most over-saturated Beatles songs. Saying I like "Good Morning, Good Morning" is a tribute to the fact, that my favourite is one of the least popular tracks on the album.

New Geeks on the Block / Re: PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO KILL ME.
« on: July 19, 2010, 12:42:00 PM »
As soon as I saw you're sometimes called Taco, my mind automatically jumped to the South Park ep. where Cartman's hand is J. Lo, and she wants tacos.

Anyways, welcome.

You might be, but can you point a giant cutlery knife at a foyer light of your apartment and just make it fall and crash?

I can.  :wink:

I love Taco flavored kisses! The part where J-Lo "goes down" on Ben Afflak may be my favourite part. However, that episode dosnt hold a candle to my favourite episode. FIGHTING ROUND THE WORLD.

Okay, what's wrong with you? *poke* There has to be something wrong with you.

My weakness is girls with pretty eyes. God, i'm a sucker. Again, I really dont have many downfalls that I let out to people that dont know me really well. However, i'm an incredibly easy and approachable guy, and i'd be more than happy to let you into my life.

I was all set to post a mildly disdainful reply, because Good Morning, Good Morning is my least favourite track on Sgt. Pepper's. I've always thought it simply does not stand up to the solid pop melodies of every other track on the album, and even suspected it was included on the album as filler.

Luckily, I had the foresight to read up on Good Morning, Good Morning in that vast repository of musical wisdom known as Wikipedia, and was surprised to learn that not only was it written entirely by my favourite Beatle with his characteristic dollop of social snark, but it's written in some bizarre alien time signature. So what to my young ears appeared to be a frenetic, chaotic cacophony was actually a sophisticated treatment.

So yeah, good song. But it's still not my favourite on the album. Fixing a Hole is my favourite.

I think it all depends on the way you look at Sgt Peppers. From those that DONT consider it a concept album, Good Morning, Good Morning is often on the lower tier. I personally dont look at ANY albums by the Beatles a concept album. I'm just very anti-Popular music. The easiest way to tell that a person hasnt done they're homework on a band is by asking them they're favourite song. Ask anyone that claims to be a BIG Green Day fan, and most likely, the answer of favourite song will be something like "Basket Case" or "American Idiot". I kinda follow that with the Beatles. I love Sgt Peppers, With a Little Help from My Friends was easily at one time, my favourite Beatles song (However, it was replased, due to something i'd kinda sensitive about), Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was always an odd one out. Never hated it, never thought it was amazing, Getting Better to me was almost a perfect love song, until the line "I used to be cruel to my woman i'd beat her", and at that point, I disassociated love with that song. However, Good Morning, Good Morning was always a song I loved hearing. At first, I thought it was by George, who is my favourite Beatle. However, it wasnt, and that kinda shocked me.  However, I do like Fixing a Hole. However, I think I prefer She's Leaving Home a bit more.


New Geeks on the Block / Re: PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO KILL ME.
« on: July 19, 2010, 01:28:42 AM »
Good Morning! Good Morning! Good Morning, ah!
< / fabfour>

Go to a show, she hopes you go! I've got nothing to say but its okay, good morning!

Holy crap. Not only did you quote a Beatles song, BUT you quoted my favourite song from Sgt Peppers.


Entertainment / Re: Dante's Inferno
« on: July 19, 2010, 12:59:33 AM »
The Divine Comedy is my favourite piece of classic lit. Seriously, the fact that in a very religious world, that Dante Aligherti wasnt hung for his portrayal of hell. However, its truly an epic love story. I can only say that I wish I could do that for a girl.

However, I've played DI twice through, to pickup the Xbox Achivements I missed the first play through. I loved it, it was incredible, the sheer amount of translation from story, to violent laced gameplay.

I still shudder at lust. Tounge nipples that shoot dead babies. So sexy.

....I didnt say that.

New Geeks on the Block / PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO KILL ME.
« on: July 19, 2010, 12:52:42 AM », not really.

Good.....well, its 1:43AM here, so Good morning Geek Forum! I'd like to introduce myself: I'm Matt, but i'm more commonly refered to as Taco. Call me either.

I'm quirky as hell, so I guess we can get the personality out of the way.

-I'm a nerd (Oh, no kidding, on a Geek forum? Get the hell outta here.), in the most tradiotional sense. I'm a huge video gamer, my crown jewel being my Xbox 360. Halo, Gears, you get the idea. My brother has a Wii, if you dont accept the Xbox. Also, for the record, I was born in 1990, but I didnt own a Nintendo console. In fact, i'm the complete opposite, and to this day, I still believe, should they have come one on one, Sonic would wreck Mario. But the real pride these days comes from Pokemon. Its my childhood I never want to let go. I have over 250 hours on Pokemon Soulsilver currently. I'm.....not proud of that.

-I'm a musician, and its my pride and joy. I play guitar, bass, drums, vocals, keys, and pratically anything in string form (Banjo, mandolin, sitar). I have severe issues with music these days, although, I have a very wide taste in music. I'd say the top 5 bands are: AC/DC, Rush, Foo Fighters, Daft Punk, and The Beatles.

-Oh yeah......i'm a freaking Beatles fanatic. Talk it with me sometime, I love it :D

-I'm one of the toughest, hardcore, badasses you'll ever mean. However, i'm comedicly psycho, and if youget to meet me, I promise, you'll be my best friend for life


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