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New Geeks on the Block / how do I post a
« on: January 07, 2015, 10:38:35 PM »
thread on here

what does this button do?!

Entertainment / Let's Play: Horrible "Visual Novels"
« on: September 09, 2011, 06:52:53 AM »
I recently "discovered" Visual Novels which are "interactive fiction game featuring mostly static graphics, usually with anime-style art, or occasionally live-action stills or video footage" and often total shit. I thought it would be fun to review some on Youtube. I was wrong.

If you have any visual novels you'd like me to review, please post a comment in this thread. Or don't.

Let's Play Summer Bliss
Let's Play Summer Bliss REDUX

Entertainment / Conan, what is worst in life?
« on: August 22, 2011, 12:12:54 PM »
It might not be the new Conan the Barbarian movie, but it's a close second. Spoilers are probably the worst thing, so stop reading now if you don't like them.

I had the opportunity to pay money and sit in a theatre with my eyes open and watch Conan the Barbarian (2011) starring Khal Drogo, Hellboy, and what used to be Rose McGowan.

The movie's plot initially runs parallel to the original movie. Conan's stupid quaint little barbarian village is attacked by an evil warlord and his parents are amusingly killed; first his pregnant mother gets all stabbed during battle, leading Ron Perlman to thrust a gross baby aloft in the air and yell. Later, his village is attacked by the evil warlord once again, and this time Conan's dad gets totally covered in molten metal, which honestly was pretty metal.

Young Conan—better than all the other barbarians at running around with an intact quail egg in his mouth and decapitating people—is left alone in the world, and begins wandering around having adventures.

His adventures are stupid.

Let's say you're Conan and you want to free some slaves. Presumably you want the freed slaves to be alive.

Do you roll gigantic boulders down on the slavers' camp? Keep in mind the slaves are all chained together and weak and not really runners. Sounding like a bad plan, right? NOT IN THIS MOVIE! It all turns out okay since they were rolling slaver-seeking boulders and only slavers die and all the hot topless slaves want to fuck you! WICKED!

Eventually Conan gets wind of the people who killed his people killing other people. I should probably have mentioned the evil warlord Zym ("OF DOOOOOOOM") is searching for the last descendant of a necromancer's bloodline so he can activate his evil anus mask of Acheron. His sorceress daughter (Rose McGowan) who looks like what would happen if Lady Gaga had a baby with a Star Trek alien, wants to take her mother's place/her father's dong and does everything she can (running her metal claws on the ground) to help him find the mask.

Zym and his five-headed daughter find the monastery where the girl who holds the bloodline of the necrom oh jesus I can't do this anymore this movie is stupid and Conan is constantly throwing his sword into the ground and no one can even say his name right


This movie is fun to make fun of with friends and doesn't really have anything to do with Conan.

Political Opinions / MOVED: Hi Everybody
« on: August 22, 2011, 07:34:28 AM »

I should stop touching him and do something else!

As someone who is often on drugs and doesn't make any sense, the message

News: Please do not post while high or under the influence of any other drug that may cause you to post items that do not make sense.

makes me sad. Sad in my drugged-out nonsensical brain.

Do any of you use Twitter? Let's skip the "I don't understand what it's good for" "I think it's useless" "what?" posts* and just write our user names.


* countdown to those exact posts

New Geeks on the Block / Getting to know some stupid geek
« on: May 23, 2008, 07:07:38 AM »
Hello new people,

You disgust me. Each and every one of you is a bucket of potential. Unfortunately, upon closer inspection that bucket often appears to be filled with some sort of feces, or perhaps a series of pies that have been left outdoors for a few days in the hot sun. And they weren't good pies to begin with, you melted rotting pie sons of bitches.

Excuse my hostility, I'm from the Internet.

Anyway, since I barely post in the threads of new people, I decided to make my own, wherein us regulars (we get a lot of fibre [thank you, that's two scatological references in the post already; hope you like poop jokes]) will give you a few random facts about us to help you acclimate to your new and frightening situation.

So, without further whatever the hell I was typing, here are some things about Lacerda:

  • Somehow still a moderator despite varying levels of competence
  • Rumored to be female which is probably not true
  • Beta-level nerd. I don't have the requisite Aspberger's to compete with the hardcore nerds, but I dabble in everything
  • Occasionally does shitty Wacom drawings
  • Makes lists about self in pseudo-third person?

Ok, other people who post here regularly, write down some things.

Entertainment / Please Visit my Website and Purchase my Merchandise
« on: November 21, 2007, 09:40:29 AM »
I have a website full of movie spoilers:

P.S. Funny spoilers. (?)

P.P.S. I hope I have posted enough that I am allowed to advertise; if not please don't be mad, just send me a dollar to get even.

Super P.P.P.S. Here is a list of the movies that have been reviewed: (<-- no spoilers there)

I love the concept of the site Youtube. User uploadable content? Splendid idea! Look at the thousands of videos that people can just toss on to the site every day! Who needs real television when you have a station with so many little shows that update all the time?

Unfortunately, the plan falls apart when you see what kind of talentless garbage is put online. For some reason, people find it necessary to tape themselves being the tiddlycunts* they are in every day life, and then throw that unedited piece of shit up for thousands to see. For example?

These are just from the most recent section; they're not even the really bad ones.

We can do better than this, can't we? I suggest we upload some decent content with clear camera work, dialogue, and maybe even entertainment value! Over the next week or so, I'm going to be creating some videos and posting them here for peer review before they get uploaded there, and I encourage you to do the same. If you don't like being in front of the camera, find someone who does and stick it in their face! (the camera)

This is assuming I don't get distracted, but even if I do, maybe some of you will do something good, so it was all worth typing for a few minutes.


*I think this is a new word I created for this, but I'm going to go check.

Your search - tiddlycunts - did not match any documents.


« on: July 25, 2006, 11:35:04 PM »
Occasionally someone will post an ad for something useful, but it's current policy to just delete those threads as SPAM.

As a more environmentally friendly alternative, I've decided to create this thread so we can put USEFUL links here. You hear me people who are signing up to advertise? You can post in this thread and not get banned or deleted.

Please be aware that picture will in no way be a reasonable facsimile of your actual appearance. Results may vary.

I'm going out for the moment, but when (if) I return I will update this thread with amazing MSPaint pictures.


Anarchy / My landlord is a funny man!
« on: June 28, 2006, 01:20:07 PM »
I live in an one bedroom apartment in a building that's seen better days.

My water often doesn't work. The elevator in my building scares visitors. My power goes off with the kind of frequency one could expect in occupied Iraq.

I was enjoying one of the power outages about an hour ago when someone slipped an envelope under my door. It was a notice for a hearing about "a rent increase above the guideline".

I had this notice about all the so very expensive upgrades made to my building and how they just *have* to increase rent delivered to me at one of the times it was most obvious how worthless all of these "upgrades" are.


Hardware, Software, and Other Imperialist Crap / Who has a PDA?
« on: February 02, 2006, 07:20:08 PM »
I'm idly considering buying one of these little blighters for the following uses:

1) Internet browsing while waiting around outside
2) Reading e-books
3) Appointment scheduling n' junk
4) Maybe media transport/music listening
5) Insert fifth thing

Any recommendations from the crowd?

(I will also accept "don't buy a PDA" but I probably won't listen)

my $6 does not work in the computyer

how can i fix it xolich

I want to make hundrads of dollers not doing nething

Anarchy / Playing with yourself!
« on: June 15, 2005, 06:54:45 PM »

1) Take two (or more) pictures of yourself without moving the camera. Set its timer and put it in a place it won't be disturbed.

2) Open your completely legitimate and legal copy of Photoshop.

3) Open both pictures in Photoshop and drag one into the other so that the first photo is the background and the second is layer 1.

4) Erase around the edges of whichever you prefer.


It takes a couple of minutes, so if you have a digital camera and Photoshop (or gimp, or whatever), get going!

New Geeks on the Block / yo
« on: November 20, 2004, 01:00:48 PM »
Sup guys

Hardware, Software, and Other Imperialist Crap / Wandering wireless
« on: September 09, 2004, 10:25:37 PM »
I just recently installed a wireless router on one of my girlfriend's computers (and by "installed", I mean "plugged in") and a PCI card on the other. The PCI computer is about 40 or 50 feet away from the router. After initially getting a (weak) signal and being able to connect to Internet, the connection died, and so far we've been unable to get it back.

Ce quoi, le fuck?

Anarchy / (Crossposted) I NEED ADULT SUPERVISION
« on: July 08, 2004, 10:19:47 AM »
Someone come and keep me company on

My name is 'Geedorah' and I'm in the PIZZA PARLOUR

Hardware, Software, and Other Imperialist Crap / Incompetence!
« on: July 07, 2004, 11:44:59 AM »
Does anyone know of a halfway decent program that can burn .mp3s from a CD? Criteria: does not require registration (i.e. free)

I've been looking for a good one for a while now, and haven't found anything worth writing home about.

Anarchy / I AM ARMY OF ONE
« on: June 30, 2004, 11:46:59 AM »
More specifically, I am now the supervisor of one. Me. That's right, I'm the night shift supervisor with no one to supervise. How does that work? Let's find out:

It started last week, when one of the three people I work with on the night shift (3-11) was transferred to the day to be "replacement receptionist". After that, things went downhill, not only because the woman who was transferred was my main conversational partner (I had known her since I was hired) but I was now supervising only two people to do the work of three.

Luckily, the work dried out!  :roll:

The other two people I work with (both of whom were hired after me...and one of which recently asked if I hated her :?: ) were laid off. Nothing to occupy their time, see. But that left me, still with enough work to keep me busy. By myself.

Working alone in a large office is a strange thing. I found myself randomly yelling out nonsense/profanity just because I could. I browsed the internet and ate spaghetti. I twirled around in office chairs and made up songs about political events that were being spoken of on the radio. Basically, I went temporarily insane. And this was my first shift alone.

In the coming weeks, I suspect either my job will be switched to the day, or eliminated entirely. WORK IS COOL!

Anarchy / My Neighbourhood is Full of ANNOYING NOISES
« on: June 17, 2004, 11:10:29 AM »
From the elderly gentleman who turns his leafblower onto 'high' and paces around his driveway pointing it at nothing to the small child who seems to be yelling 'MOOOMMM!' every four seconds to the neighbours who yell loudly in French at 3 o'clock in the morning, ...

...wait, where was I going with this?

Anarchy / Dissertation on Cranial Bypass Flow
« on: June 17, 2004, 12:46:48 AM »

Session Start (AIM - LacerdaEO[/color]:gamerboytch): Wed Jun 16 01:13:29 2004
gamerboytch: r u really going to help me?
LacerdaEO[/color]: Yes. It would be cruel to offer help and then not give it.
LacerdaEO[/color]: However, I must first see how much you know about the art of website creation.
LacerdaEO[/color]: How long have you been using the internet?
gamerboytch: 5 years
LacerdaEO[/color]: I have not seen Garfield: The Movie yet; is it any good?
LacerdaEO[/color]: And how old are you? (This will help me gauge what programs you should be familiar with)
gamerboytch: don't know i just like Garfield
gamerboytch: 13
LacerdaEO[/color]: So you haven't seen the movie yet?
gamerboytch: nope just like Garfield
LacerdaEO[/color]: You should see the movie before you use the icon--you have no idea what kind of shenanigans that cat could be up to.
gamerboytch: the phat cat
LacerdaEO[/color]: For instance, what if he eats a baby in the movie?
LacerdaEO[/color]: Then people will think that you enjoy the antics of a baby-eater.
gamerboytch: he woun't
LacerdaEO[/color]: But he eats tons of lasagna, and that is more or less the weight of a baby.
gamerboytch: my favourite food
gamerboytch: becuasue of him
LacerdaEO[/color]: It's entirely possible; after all, this is not the cartoon Garfield as drawn by Jim Davis. This is the computer-generated Garfield designed by German scientists.
LacerdaEO[/color]: Do you do other things that Garfield does?
gamerboytch: sleep
LacerdaEO[/color]: What about kicking obnoxious dogs?
gamerboytch: that too
LacerdaEO[/color]: Or sending small cats to Nepal or wherever it was. That NEVER got old!
LacerdaEO[/color]: Did you ever read the one where Garfield ruins a date for Jon? It is hard to believe that man is so socially inept!
gamerboytch: forgot thas a classic
LacerdaEO[/color]: Somehow he manages to keep that cat alive for 26 years, but he cannot find love
LacerdaEO[/color]: It is both amazing and sad.
gamerboytch: can u help me
gamerboytch: now
LacerdaEO[/color]: Oh right. I'm sorry, I like Garfield and I forgot what we were talking about originally
LacerdaEO[/color]: See, I have this memory condition.
LacerdaEO[/color]: I've had it since I was little and it makes doing things hard sometimes.
LacerdaEO[/color]: I've got perfect longterm memory, but no short term
LacerdaEO[/color]: Anyway, about this website you want to build
gamerboytch: WEBSITE
LacerdaEO[/color]: Yes
LacerdaEO[/color]: What kind of colour scheme were you thinking about using?
gamerboytch: maybe something like (Link:
LacerdaEO[/color]: A lot of people on the inter-net make the mistake of using a black background.
LacerdaEO[/color]: Here, let me visit that site
LacerdaEO[/color]: See, that website has white text on a black background.
gamerboytch: plus i want a link to my forum (Link:
LacerdaEO[/color]: This can give people something called 'corneal dispersions'.
LacerdaEO[/color]: It's really unpleasant; my uncle had it once
gamerboytch: i just like the backround
LacerdaEO[/color]: Ok, let me look at the code for this site
LacerdaEO[/color]: That's weird, look what I found in their code: The Kitty from Coconut Meow is an inside joke on ABS, since there was a long photoshop thread based on that kitten.
LacerdaEO[/color]: Do you know what that means?
gamerboytch: no
LacerdaEO[/color]: I like cat jokes, which is why I enjoy Garfield
LacerdaEO[/color]: Darn, where did I put that sandwich?
LacerdaEO[/color]: I am looking at code
gamerboytch: k
LacerdaEO[/color]: This albinosheep site uses something called 'Javascript'--I think that might be some kind of advertisement program from Maxwell House.
LacerdaEO[/color]: Which I drink when I read the paper.
LacerdaEO[/color]: Well, actually I just look at comics
LacerdaEO[/color]: Mostly Garfield
gamerboytch: site
LacerdaEO[/color]: Because of my short term memory
LacerdaEO[/color]: I read Garfield several times a day and it's always funny
LacerdaEO[/color]: :-D
LacerdaEO[/color]: Oh yeah
LacerdaEO[/color]: I will edit this code
gamerboytch: WEBSITE
 now can you make it for free
LacerdaEO[/color]: I am in this process now
gamerboytch: cool can you make the url
LacerdaEO[/color]: I will see what I can do...that url rings a bell though...are you sure it isn't taken already?
gamerboytch: i'll check
gamerboytch: its not
gamerboytch: can u put in chat
gamerboytch: just it similar to (Link:
LacerdaEO[/color]: Which one of these buttons does that? I am not good with these messaging programs
LacerdaEO[/color]: Is this it?
*** LacerdaEO[/color] wants to directly connect.
LacerdaEO[/color]: that one?
LacerdaEO[/color]: Wait
gamerboytch: wat?
LacerdaEO[/color]: none of these buttons are going to chat
LacerdaEO[/color]: OH!
LacerdaEO[/color]: You meant on the website
gamerboytch: dou
LacerdaEO[/color]: I should be able to do that
gamerboytch: k :-D
*** gamerboytch direct connection failure: couldn't connect to host.
LacerdaEO[/color]: Look at this monkey: (Link:
LacerdaEO[/color]: He is so happy!
gamerboytch: heheh :-D
gamerboytch: WEBSITE
LacerdaEO[/color]: What?
LacerdaEO[/color]: Oh yeah
LacerdaEO[/color]: Uh oh
gamerboytch: How far r u
LacerdaEO[/color]: This is bad news
gamerboytch: wat?
LacerdaEO[/color]: Well..
LacerdaEO[/color]: I don't want to alarm you or anything...
LacerdaEO[/color]: The Garfield movie got some pretty bad ratings.
gamerboytch: WEBSITE
LacerdaEO[/color]: That's where I'm reading about it, on the movie review website
gamerboytch: MY WEBSITE
LacerdaEO[/color]: They gave it only 15%, which as my teachers were...
LacerdaEO[/color]: OH year
LacerdaEO[/color]: r = h
LacerdaEO[/color]: In this case, but not in all
LacerdaEO[/color]: Do you know what this means?
LacerdaEO[/color]: <script type="text/javascript"><!--
 pr(){d.write("<img src=\"(Link:",
 "rs="+r+"&l="+escape(d.referrer)+"\" height=1 ",
 </script><script type="text/javascript"><!--
 <script type="text/javascript"><!--
gamerboytch: WORK ON MY WEBSITE
 I think its for the navigator
LacerdaEO[/color]: I am working very fast but I have a hangnail and it hurts when I type
gamerboytch: if u want u can stop for today
LacerdaEO[/color]: Maybe I should because I think there is some blood in my keyboard
LacerdaEO[/color]: Don't worry though, I don't work for very long hours so this will be done very quickly
LacerdaEO[/color]: Hey look Garfield is wearing sunglasses!
LacerdaEO[/color]: I've tried to put those on cats but they don't stay on very well
LacerdaEO[/color]: In fact the cats have been downright unpleasant about the whole thing. :-(
gamerboytch: i got to go to sleep talk at 6pm tomorow becuas i have school we could edit thenok?
LacerdaEO[/color]: I guess that's why they don't have their own comic strips and movies and cartoon shows and plush dolls and boardgames and video games and coffee mugs
LacerdaEO[/color]: That sounds like a plan
gamerboytch: bye
LacerdaEO[/color]: Hopefully my boss will let me come home 5 hours early
LacerdaEO[/color]: Bye
LacerdaEO[/color]: (ns)
LacerdaEO[/color]: smoking is bad also
gamerboytch: gamerboytch and bye
LacerdaEO[/color]: bye
gamerboytch: or thetechkid
Session Close (gamerboytch): Wed Jun 16 01:37:55 2004

Political Opinions / I don't understand.
« on: June 09, 2004, 11:49:01 PM »
Biden: Give us memo.

Ashcroft: No.

Biden: You realize this is Congress, right?

Ashcroft: Yes.

Biden: Do you understand the way the Constitution works?

Ashcroft: The what now?

Biden: Sigh. Why aren't you giving us the memo?

Ashcroft: Iunno.



Political Opinions / Private Sector in Iraq
« on: June 08, 2004, 11:53:10 AM »
Go here: and listen to the show about the private sector. Wait until you get to the interviews with 'Hank'. Return and discuss.

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