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Flamer's Corner / Re: The 'Let's Bitch About Our Jobs' thread.
« on: December 08, 2011, 11:27:58 PM »
ah HAH. I knew it.

A while back I told you guys I was suspicious of Verizon having us move to NC. I assumed we were soon to be axed. Well, it isn't happening the way I predicted, but it IS happening.

 Yup. Verizon will no longer be in the Customer Premises Equipment business. No NOC Center, no field techs, no PBX's, no business equipment - period.
  My job: monitor business equipment in the NOC center, troubleshoot PBXes, and dispatch field techs.
  Dunno what Im gonna do yet. They aren't cold-turkeying; it will be a phase-out type thing; when each customer's contract expires it won't be renewed. The contracts will be all expired by 3rd quarter next year.
 So I have time to react, at least.


Sticky Stuff (no pun intended) / Re: Internet.txt
« on: December 07, 2011, 01:42:35 AM »
This article is copy/pasted from here:

 Pay no mind to the content...  can you believe the author got paid for writing this; someone got paid for proofreading it, the editor got paid for approving it, and someone posted it on the site (for pay) and NOT ONE of them noticed any of the errors?

 Can I get a job here, please?

"Some New York police officier really didn't like being assigned to Brooklyn's West Indian American Day Parade, so much so that they vehemently vented their frustrations on Facebook. So there just like us un-uniformed citizens! Except when an NYPD officer posts on Facebook -- and those posts are tinged with racism -- people behinds your Facebook friends notice. The New York Times uncovered racist messages posted on a now-default Facebook group from September, wich had gone unnoticed those outside the police force until last month. The group was called “No More West Indian Day Detail,” referring to the annual Labor Day weekend parade frequented by the city's African and Caribbean Americans. The group was for "officers who are threatened by superiors and forced to be victims themselves by the violence of the West Indian Day massacre," according to what was posted on Facebook. The racism in some of the Facebook posts seems pretty blatant, but we'll let you judge for yourself:
Related: Cops in NYPD Rape Trial Were Helped by 'CSI'

    "I say have the parade one more year, and when they all gather drop a bomb and wipe them all out."
    "Welcome to the Liberal NYC Gale,” said another, “where if the cops sneeze too loud they get investigated for excessive force but the ‘civilians’ can run around like savages and there are no repercussions."
    "Why is everyone calling this a parade. It’s a scheduled riot."
    "Bloodbath!!! The worst detail to work."
    They can keep the forced overtime," adding that the safety of officers comes “before the animals.” 
    "Hearing New York police officers speak publicly but candidly about one another and the people they police is rare indeed, especially with their names attached."
    "We were widely outnumbered. It was an eerie feeling knowing we could be overrun at any moment."

Two Brooklyn defense attorney happened upon the public Facebook group before it was deleted and saved a digital copy eventually passed along to The Times. While some officiers contacted by the paper deny posting anything, the issues been referred to NYPD's Internal Affairs Bureau. "

Sticky Stuff (no pun intended) / Re: Geekery Denizens Photo Thread
« on: December 03, 2011, 05:20:48 PM »
Oooo! Oooo! Oooo!

Anarchy / Adam Carolla explains the OWS Generation
« on: December 02, 2011, 04:58:06 AM »
Adam Carolla explains the OWS Generation

Adam Carolla breaking down the current occupy wallstreet movement in simple terms for everyone to understand.
He dives into the cultural reasons that lead us into this situation, as well as the solution to our problems...

Anarchy / "Pedobear" Sightings Concern State Law Enforcement
« on: December 01, 2011, 10:44:50 PM »

"Our ICAC unit has received reports that the Pedobear window sticker has been sighted in Albuquerque on at least two vehicles recently," says AG King. "We are very concerned about the potential link between the Pedobear symbol and pedophiles; we also want to increase public awareness of the potential danger to children, especially young girls."

Anarchy / Medical Marijuana Laws Reduce Traffic Deaths
« on: December 01, 2011, 02:11:00 AM »
Medical Marijuana Laws Reduce Traffic Deaths

ScienceDaily (Nov. 29, 2011) — A groundbreaking new study shows that laws legalizing medical marijuana have resulted in a nearly nine percent drop in traffic deaths and a five percent reduction in beer sales.

"Although we make no policy recommendations, it certainly appears as though medical marijuana laws are making our highways safer," Rees said.

Entire Computer Built Into USB Thumb Drive

PC enables what its inventor calls "any-screen computing": the ability to turn any TV, laptop, phone, tablet, or set-top box into a dumb terminal for its Android-powered operating system.

Packed in its tiny  body is a dual-core 1.2-GHz Samsung Exynos ARM CPU (the same processor as in the Galaxy S II), 802.11n Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, HDMI-out and even a microSD card slot for memory.

The Cotton Candy has a USB 2.0 connector on one end and an HDMI jack on the other. When connected to an HDTV, it uses the HDMI-out port for video, the USB for power, and Bluetooth to connect to a keyboard, mouse, or tablet for controlling the operating system.

For example:

iPhone 4 Explodes Midflight on Australian Airline
"While on Australian flight Regional Express ZL319 Friday, a passenger’s iPhone 4 (not the iPhone 4S, which is Apple’s latest model) suddenly started “emitting a significant amount of dense smoke, accompanied by a red glow,” according to a Regional Express statement. Blahblahblah..."

But the real read is the comments:

Hector  •  Milwaukee, United States  •  10 hours ago
   The iBomb

alex  •  Walnut Creek, United States  •  10 hours ago
    The phone couldnt stand uploading another useless twitter update.

BeatClapper  •  St. Louis, United States  •  10 hours ago
    Looks like the Al Quaida App is a bust.

eric 10 hours ago
    Does that make everyone on the plane an iWitness?

Eric 10 hours ago
    If he calls Apple support, they'll just tell him he was holding it wrong.

Mingo 10 hours ago
    It's the cigarette lighter app, sillies !!

John B 11 hours ago
   A nice weapon and it's easy for terrorist to get, with a 2 year commitment.....

Rig 10 hours ago
    This phone will self destruct in 6 iSeconds.

Conservative Liberal, Lib ... 7 hours ago
    He must have been playing Angry Jihadists

Mathew 11 hours ago
    Siri, why are you on fire?

RockDaHouse85 11 hours ago
    Eyewitnesses report that the glowing iPhone resembled a "lidless eye, wreathed in flame," and said that they heard an ominous voice intone, "I see you."

OAKLEGA  •  Atlanta, United States  •  11 hours ago
    Once again, Apple has the hottest product.

garylolong 10 hours ago
    The iPhone 5 will level a whole city block.

JB  •  St. Paul, United States  •  11 hours ago
    Thank God that didn't happen to me...considering I'm Muslim.

rabbit 11 hours ago
    Siri, show me a picture of an explosion.

Locke 2 hours ago
    i guess theres an app for grounding an airplane now..

;P  •  Pensacola, United States  •  11 hours ago
    Did ya try turning it off and turning it back on ?

Jeff 10 hours ago
    It was a rotten apple.

  I think JB wins just for pure awesomeness.

Comments section on Youtube.

I ALWAYS read the comments sections...

Sticky Stuff (no pun intended) / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: November 29, 2011, 12:54:31 PM »
OMG this is awesome...

Cypress Hill - featuring ...Johnny Cash!

Look out now. She has froofs.

my discovered are so many and this is came from the bible and i have many proofs,,,if you have no god means you are not a human you are robot cause bacteria is came from water and gravty and dust ,,,gravity is a god or dark matter what kind of dna are you have if have no god devil or alien have a god and this is her creator why are you here in the universe of the human and how you build your body witout using a god ..or you need to study more to improve your weak brain . if you want the explanation of this and also the dinosaur and froofs you will pay a lot of money cause you are not belong to us,,,but if you have a god i gave this free Nicholas Harrinandan nobody cant change to nero ceasar cause of the inserting of memory of the alien to her body and there are so many also the scientist this very hard to remove this is like a crimina or gay or sex maniac and other that the character are not a normal human by using an insect especially the mosquieto for adding a character the problem of that are her children how can he save her children and wife how he can enter to the gate of heaven without god dont say there is no heaven,,,,there is an heaven 100% and me and my family are in the inside of the heaven thats why i can explain all i can proofs there is a gate and heaven you dont understand what or who is jesus also in scientific dont knows ,,, here is the one example of the words of the god : celebrate the death of jesus to release you in curse of death,,,,,this true,, and the proof iam the holder of the key of immortality and i can proof this a billion times also the gate of heaven here in my hand and this key are to those who believe in god,,,,,,,,, and this is only for the hebrew and christianity.,,,since last year iam starting to open the all mystery that keep it or hide of the bastarrd ,liar fuck alien and who are the religion and scientist have a key of immortality only the cristian why are nothing you are nothing,, the people dying now after the end of final judgement all are born again by using of commanding to the gene if you are burning me to write the procedure how the dying people to turn alive,,sorry my brain are too fast than you that is the old scientist and new born scientist,,,and you are in the outside of the door thats why you dont understand anything cause of the escaping of intilligent cause god dont want to use her body to those who dont believe to her the dying allied of jesus will be born again and i can froof it to all scientist eh! Don Yarber and this is the end of the alien and her allied that is the big mistake of alien and her allied ,,,god used her tallent to save the human instead to destroy the humanity,,that is the ability of our god no living life to this universe can tie to the god,,,,, a people who dont believe to the god are not a human cause the creator is not a god thats why this planet are many different type of living life but not the designer is only ! there are many,,, like a car if iam ferrari and you are mitsubshi you means same factory and samme ability eh! thats why have the dooms day god will remove the living life who dont believe to her and to her son,,,and this is very close now from the insect up to the animal and human and alien god dont want to use her separated body to those who believe to her

Hardware, Software, and Other Imperialist Crap / Re: IPv6
« on: November 27, 2011, 07:27:23 PM »
This is some pretty entertaining stuff.

Entertainment / Re: Post your YouTube favorites
« on: November 27, 2011, 07:26:34 PM »
haha you could have left it here too...    p0$t cownt FTW!

Entertainment / Re: Post your YouTube favorites
« on: November 27, 2011, 07:20:02 PM »
This really isn't entertainment (at least for me)

 Maybe put it in the Homework or Technology section? I think that would be a better fit. If I were trying to find your post on "IPv6 tutorials"; I would look in the Tech forum, then maybe the Homework forum. I would never think to look in Entertainment.

Anarchy / Re: Happy Thanksgiving!
« on: November 24, 2011, 02:19:45 PM »
Back atcha, Gorgeous!

Sticky Stuff (no pun intended) / Re: Geekery Denizens Photo Thread
« on: November 22, 2011, 04:26:09 PM »
Tattoo is on my leg!  :w:

...see! We need to get together more often!  :-)

Sticky Stuff (no pun intended) / Re: Geekery Denizens Photo Thread
« on: November 22, 2011, 11:21:03 AM »

 What happened to your tattoo? I dont see it; I thought it was multicolored...  that it would be showing through.
 Is the green stuff on so thick?

 ...would LOVE to help you wash that off...   >: )

Sticky Stuff (no pun intended) / Re: Geekery Denizens Photo Thread
« on: November 22, 2011, 11:18:35 AM »
Canoftuna, is that you?

 Holy shizzle.. that does look like her. If so, great job! That is an amazing feat. Not to mention OMGHAWT

Entertainment / Re: Do You KNow Someone Who Isn't Funny?
« on: November 21, 2011, 11:05:49 PM »
Herman Cain walks into a bar with a baby seal and gropes a woman.
Bartender axs "whaddaya have?"
Babay seal says "Anything but a Canadian Club"

Entertainment / Re: Do You KNow Someone Who Isn't Funny?
« on: November 19, 2011, 07:59:57 AM »

Entertainment / Re: Do You KNow Someone Who Isn't Funny?
« on: November 19, 2011, 07:59:10 AM »
10 years ago the USA had Steve Jobs, Bob Hope and Johnny Cash.
Now they have no Jobs, no Hope and no Cash.

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