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Messages - SpurtReynolds

Pages: [1]
Anarchy / Re:
« on: June 15, 2015, 12:10:49 PM »

Anarchy / Re: What the hell. I miss this place.
« on: January 17, 2014, 05:04:44 PM »

Anarchy / I am t3h l337 h4x0r
« on: January 21, 2003, 02:02:15 PM »
It's no fair asking Spurt. He already knows.

.....hey Demo. Did you know this piece of info was out there? I don't want to give it away but I'm sure you see it.  :P

Anarchy / The 80's owns j00!!!!!!
« on: December 06, 2002, 01:03:28 PM »
I got a chuckle from a few of these, maybe you will too. :)

You know you grew up in the 1980's if...

1. You ever ended your sentence with "psych"
2. You solved Rubics peeling off the stickers
3. You watched the Pound Puppies
4. You can sing the rap to "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"
5. You wore biker shorts under your skirts and felt stylish
6. You yearned to be a member of the Babysitters Club and tried to start a club of your own.
7. You owned those little Strawberry Shortcake pals scented dolls
8. You know that 'Whoa' comes from Joey on "Blossom"
9. Three words: M.C. Hammer.
10. You thought it would be great to have a friend named "Boner"
11. You can sing the entire theme song to "Duck Tales
12. If you played the chipmunks Christmas album all year long!
13. Remember reading Kool-Aid man comics
14. You ever watched "Fraggle Rock"
15. You had plastic streamers on the handle bars of your bike
16. You remember when it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons.
17. You wore a ponytail to the side of your head
18. You saw the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the big screen
19. You got super-excited when it was Oregon Trail day on the new Apple computers with the black screen & neon green type in computer class at school
20. You made your mom buy you one of those clips that would hold your shirt in a knot on the side
21. You had a Kirk Cameron poster on your bedroom wall
22. You played the game "MASH" (Mansion, Apartment, Shelter, House) with friends at school.
23. You wore a Jordache jean jacket and you were proud of it
24. L.A. GEAR
25. Kids Incorporated....."K-I-D-S!!"
26. Your mother wouldn't let you have Garbage Pail Kids
27. You wanted to change your name to Jem in Kindergarten
28. You remember reading "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing" and all the
Ramona books
29. You know the profound meaning of "Wax on,Wax off"
30. You wanted to be a Goonie
31. You ever wore fluorescent, neon if you will, clothing
32. You wanted to be on StarSearch
33. You can remember what Michael Jackson looked like before his nose fell off
34. You took lunch pails to school
35. You have ever pondered why Smurfette was the ONLY female smurf
36. You remember the craze, and then banning of, slap bracelets
37. You still get the urge to use "NOT" at the end of every statement you make
38. You remember hypercolor T-shirts
39. Barbie and the Rockers was your favourite band
40. You remember Punky Brewster & her cool bedroom
41. You loved Howard the Duck
42. You thought She Ra and He-Man should hook up
43. You thought your childhood friends would never leave because you
exchanged friendship bracelets
44. You ever owned a pair of Jelly Shoes
45. After you saw Pee-Wee's Big Adventure you couldn't stop saying "I know you are but what am I...infinity"
46. You remember "I've fallen...and I can't get up!"
47. You remember going to the skating rink before there were inline skates
48. You ever got seriously injured on a Slip and Slide
49. You know not to mix poprocks and soda (but did it anyway!)
50. You have played with a 'skip-it'
51. You had or went to a birthday party at McDonald's
52. You learned oldies songs by watching Alvin and the Chipmunks
53. You had a Glow Worm or watched the cartoons (GLOW WORMS ROCKED!!)
54. You remember dancing along with the Bangles in "Walk Like An Egyptian"
55. If you remember Heathcliff, the orange cat
56. You saw the California Raisins Christmas claymation special
57. DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!
58. You wore socks over tights with high-top Reeboks
59. You wore like 8 pairs of socks at once, scrunched down
61. You remember boom boxes instead of CD players
62. You remember watching both "Gremlins" movies
63. You remember the Transformers
64. You know what it meant to say "care bear stare!!" and you had a favourite
65. You remember Rainbow Bright and My Little Pony Tales
66. You remember watching TV thinking Doogie Howser was hot!
67. You remember Alf, the little furry brown alien from Melmac who tried to eat cats
68. You remember the large amounts of hairspray used
69. You remember those very stylish headbands
70. You remember Vicky the Robot (a.k.a. Small Wonder)
71. You remember the beginning of New Kids on the Block
72. You remember watching The Cosby Show
73. You remember Mr.Belvedere
74. You remember Michael J. Fox in "Family Ties" and "Back to the Future"
75. You know all the names of the gang from "Saved by the Bell"
76. You know all the words to Bon Jovi's "Shot Through the Heart"
song...bonus points if you've ever sang it at a karaoke bar...
77. You know what T&C Surf is.
78. You ever sucked on a PushPop.
79. You have a favourite Otter Pop.
80. You needed two hands to hold your first cell phone.
81. You ever made Shrinky-Dinks in your toaster oven.
82. You know who Max Headroom is.
83. You took Fun Fruits to school in your lunch.
84. You ever Chose Your Own Adventure.
85. You had that toy robot that could smoke

Anarchy / What a shitty week...
« on: November 26, 2002, 10:13:29 AM »
Sounds shitty Judge.
It was damn good food

Please elaborate on what you had.
.......and MS-paint with your story would add so much more impact. :wink:

(stolen from demo's bad day illustrations)

Anarchy / Weird Tingly Feeling???
« on: September 17, 2002, 11:04:50 AM »

"Mr. Reynolds, I believe the twitching and nausea your having is caused by the lack of HN.....that should disappear with-in a few days. As far as the inflamed genitals, well that's anyones guess."

New Geeks on the Block / i need help!! m4d hotmail h4XX0rs needed.
« on: August 09, 2002, 08:32:56 AM »
Duh! the above post was from me, but I forgot to login.

Anarchy / Newbie post
« on: August 06, 2002, 03:14:58 PM »
Try here, don't mention it.

Anarchy / Interactive Fiction
« on: July 30, 2002, 09:06:50 PM »
Great set-up Chris!  :D  I already put up a little continuation story. Thanks

Anarchy / Link Button
« on: July 30, 2002, 04:10:33 PM »
One of my favourite jobs, thus far in life, had me moving countless boxes from point A to point B. I worked for Toys-R-Us, when I just got out of the military, needed the cash. The coolest part about it was, I worked on a midnight shift with very limited supervision, and some other cool people(about six)......Well have you ever seen that movie(Career Opportunities), where the kid stocks shelves and cleans up, so the stores good to go in the morning. That was me. :lol: It started off being hired for the holidays, and after they trimmed the crew down to three people (me being one) During christmas it was alot of wor, but after it was a frigg'in party. We'd turn off all the lights and play laser tag, or have big wheel drag races, play the demo video games, basically play with toys. (as long as the store was ready to go by the morning)

That might have something to do with the reason I still, "Don't want to grow up, because I'm a toy-r-us kid, there's million...........

*turns off computer, and goes home, from present job,  humming that stupid song still etched into his head*

Anarchy / Comedy Gold (Image NSFW)
« on: July 30, 2002, 12:23:15 PM »
That's pretty funny, the old switch-a-rue. On a sad note, though, I am reminded of all the wack-jobs that live in Florida. (I live Broward county)

Anarchy / Link Button
« on: July 29, 2002, 08:47:00 PM »

Thought I'd give it a shot :?: It came out kinda....blah.

Anarchy / What Would You Like to See?
« on: July 26, 2002, 04:01:01 PM »
I've always liked the idea of, "finish the story". Basically you write, maybe two or three paragraghs about a story-line, and then some else comes along (hopefully not writing completely wacked out crap) to continue the story. Some times it turns into a good story.

Anarchy / stupid people
« on: July 26, 2002, 02:57:35 PM »
I remember reading something similar to your senrio before, in high school. Do you know what happened? The smart people got feed up with all the stupid people/govt/etc... picked up and moved cross a sea and started a new country. I forgot how it ended though  :cry:

Anarchy / I'm officially moved in. Yay!
« on: July 26, 2002, 02:35:02 PM »
round trees and other stupid things

those damn sprinkle heads! URGH!

So how large we talking, bedroom? bath? and is the New Brunswick real estate market reasonable?

Anarchy / I'm officially moved in. Yay!
« on: July 26, 2002, 12:31:17 PM »
Where do you live, if you don't mind me asking?

Anarchy / I'm officially moved in. Yay!
« on: July 26, 2002, 08:44:00 AM »
Hey Judge, I'm Spurt .
That's great, congrats. I'm think I'm going to go that route here soon, for myself. I'm just not looking forward to the whole, "mowing the lawn, constant house repairs, property taxes, etc, etc... that comes with it though. :(  Ya, but I know where your comin' from with the rent/apt thing, if your payin' to live, you might as well pay to own it. One of these days I'll bite the bullet........So you'll have it paid off around, what do say, 2032 give or take.  :P

Anarchy / Hello geeks, I'm Spurt.
« on: July 25, 2002, 11:01:59 AM »
Not a problem,I'm bored at work and just felt like ruffling some feathers.  :lol:

Anarchy / Hello geeks, I'm Spurt.
« on: July 25, 2002, 10:51:18 AM »
I don't seem like an awfully bannable person   maybe its just me.

 :wink:  :twisted:  :lol: Like I said, mine was a joke, btw......... I found a little LFD jem, that seems well, umm...

06-03-2001 06:51 PM
Ok normally I would refrain from asking this type of question ::gulp:: erm umm --One of you wouldnt happen to know where I could find a passworddecoder that erm unlocks ::starts shaking:: Hotmail acounts


Anarchy / Hello geeks, I'm Spurt.
« on: July 25, 2002, 12:34:21 AM »
Lfd, the first post was a joke, you see, I already know everyones passwords.

Anarchy / Hello geeks, I'm Spurt.
« on: July 24, 2002, 03:41:42 PM »
Oh, and to everyone that doesn't know me here, that first post above was a joke. :)  I'm sure from the fact of Lacarda, Demo, Jon and others being here that this is a fun place. I look forward to wasting my work-days here. If you have any questions for me feel free to ask. See ya all around.

Anarchy / Hello geeks, I'm Spurt.
« on: July 24, 2002, 10:32:09 AM »
Well I'm back from my trip. I've been meaning to do a few online things, like register here and other shannigians(couch*I now own a ravens board*cough), before going to the other boards. Some pictures of my trip should be soon to follow at HN, soon as I scan them. Besides that, I'm doing great! I hope you all are too.

Anarchy / Hello geeks, I'm Spurt.
« on: July 24, 2002, 10:00:54 AM »
I've been having trouble, with this guy on AIM, and well....... I was wondering, if you know of maybe anyway I can get his password? Please help me. Thanks in advance  :lol:

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