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Author Topic: A serious story - The Clocks of Kish  (Read 10621 times)


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A serious story - The Clocks of Kish
« on: January 12, 2011, 01:14:05 PM »

So I started with TEH L337 H4XX0RZ as a joke. Then I decided that perhaps I could actually be more productive here. So I'm doing an experiment. I'm the kind of person that can sit down and write for a very long time. I don't need a plan. It just comes.

So I'm going to adapt from the previous thread, but will take it seriously and see where it leads.  I have no idea how this will turn out yet because I will make it up as I go. But I hope you enjoy it.


Copyright (C) 2011 Emhem

The Clocks of Kish
He finally woke up. He picked his pants up and headed out to the kitchen. His brown hair was all messed up and he was barely able to keep his eyes opened. He leaned against the kitchen sink and turned on the water. It was cold. It's what he needed. His head went under the tap and he took a few gulps of water while he was there. A dirty crusty cloth was an adequate replacement for a clean towel. He stood tall, walked to the fridge and looked into a small mirror that was hanging there via a barely functional magnet. Probably made in China. As he stared at himself, focusing on his eyes as if he was attempting to penetrate his soul, he spoke out loud. "Dammit Jim... What the fuck are you doing with your life?"

He grabbed a piece of bread and started to chew on it but stopped to pick out the green fungus from the edge, then promptly continued to eat his breakfast. He headed into his room and got dressed. He lived in a small apartment. His door was never locked because there was just nothing of interest or value except his computer, but he always took it with him where ever he went. He didn't have a bed. His bedroom floor was covered in dirty t-shirts, more like rags really. Upon closer look, you could almost see the silhouette of a man amongst the colorful chaos because on the few nights he actually made it to his room, those filthy shirts acted as his mattress.

He walked out of his apartment and swung the door closed. Down the stairs he went, but when he got near the 2nd floor he stopped. He took a deep breath and slowly moved to the landing. He listened but heard no sound. He sighted... He was hoping she would be there. He was hoping he'd at least catch a glimpse of here, preferably from behind. Maybe he's even get to walk by her and smell her perfume. She always smelled nice. If only he could mutter the courage to speak to her. But what the hell would he say? "Fuck me if I'm wrong, but is your name Zelda?" He giggled at the thought. The best he had been able to accomplish in months was a warm smile, one that went unnoticed. Guys like him never get the girl he thought. His attention was brought back to reality when he heard the sounds of a deadbolt unlocking nearby.

* * *

He took a deep breath and walked out in the hallway of the second floor hoping to come face to face with Jenna. “Shit” he thought as he saw the old wrinkled lady out in the hallway. He tried to sneak back to the stairwell before she noticed him but his escape was interrupted by the sound of her shaky voice.

“Jimmy! Oh Jimmy I’m so glad to see you. How are you today?”. He slowly turned around and gathered all of his strength to shove down his frustration and he greeted her with a nice smile. “I’m doing fine Ms Woods. How about yourself?” He wanted to kick himself in the ass for asking. Why didn’t he stop at “I’m doing fine”? Now he was trapped here and the old bag was probably going to ramble on for 20 minutes.

-   Oh jimmy my boy, you know at my age there’s always something wrong. If it’s not the hip, it’s the old knee, and if it’s not the knee, then it’s the arthritis in my hands. The pain never ends.
-   I’m sorry to hear that Ms. Wood.
-   Sorry? Why are you sorry? It’s not your fault. My Frank used to say “Grace, will you ever stop whining about things you can’t control?”. It’s only after he passed that I realized what an idiotic statement that was!
-   Well… I…
-   What am I supposed to do when I’m in pain? Just sit around and suck it up?

There was anger in her voice. Jimmy felt like saying “I don’t know you crazy old bitch, but I know making it painful for everyone else won’t solve anything.” Of course, not a sound came out of his mouth.

-   Be a dear jimmy and get my garbage will you?
-   Sure Ms. Wood, but then I have to go to work.
-   Work? You call that work? All you do is hang out behind a counter and play games with your friends all day! That’s not work. Let me tell you about work. When I was your age…

Jim was nodding as she was speaking, but didn’t register any of the words she was saying. It was always the same old story. No matter what the situation was, she always had it harder than everyone else.  She was always the victim. “Can’t wait for the old bag to croak” he thought. He took two black garbage bags that were at her door and walked towards the garbage chute. She followed him every step of the way, rambling and rambling while he was fantasizing about punching her in the face. A figure walked by them and headed down the stairs. It was her! It was Jenna! Darn… It was her and he missed her completely because of the old babbling fool!

“Have I ever shown you a picture of my Frank. I have it in here somewhere” she said as she fiddled around in her purse. Of course he had seen a picture of Frank. He had seen that god damn picture like 10 times already. He didn’t need to see his ugly mug next to his WWII airplane again. He was going to hear about the war again… He couldn’t take it.

“Hello?” He feigned the phone call as he brought his sliver cell phone to his right ear. He stuck out his finger, telling the old lady to hold on for a minute. “WHAT?” He acted surprised. “I’m on my way!”

He started walking away, and yelled out “Sorry Ms. Wood, I have… something… someone may be hurt.” “That someone was going to be you if I stayed a minute longer” he muttered to himself as he ran down the stairs, hoping to catch up with Jenna. When he got down to the street, all he saw was her left boot make its way in the city bus, followed by two doors that slammed shut, then it departed. “Tomorrow” he thought… “I’ll get the timing right tomorrow”.

* * *

His backpack on his shoulder he headed out to the GAMORZ LOUNGE. More like the “gay more lounge” he thought as he walked in. The smell of the sweaty Saturday teenager crowd hit him in the face. The place was packed, mostly full of dorky boys but there was the odd girl here and there. Dice were rolling, kids were arguing about game rules, arcade and pinball machines were beeping.

“You’re late!” a voice called out to him. Fuck. It was Clarence, his fat ass boss. “I was getting you a dozen hotdogs so you could have a mid afternoon snack” he wanted to say. Of course, he didn’t.

-   What’s your excuse now Jimmy boy? You know what, spare me the bullshit. Get your ass in the stock room. I wanted you to start on inventory. And I’m ducking an hour’s pay from you.
-   What? But I’m only 10 minutes late!
-   And your point is?
-   Well, don’t you think it’s a little unfair?
-   What’s unfair, bird brain, is that I’ve hired you to be here ready for work at exactly 2:00 and for some strange reason, every weekend at 2:00, I’m short one staff. Everyone else is here working their butts off, but Jimmy… nooooo! Jimmy thinks he’s special! From now on, I’m taking an hour of pay from you whenever you’re late. If you don’t like it, just show up on time. Now move!

Mike, the tall scrawny geek working the cash was watching the scene that was unfolding before him. He had a huge grin on his face and was clearly enjoying the scolding. Jimmy wanted to punch that grin right off. He’d never do it of course. He just pictured it in his mind.

 He’d been in the stock room for two hours now. He was climbing an old ladder getting boxes from the top shelf. They had been there for a while because they were covered in dust. As he reached out, stretching as far as he could, he lost his balance. His foot slipped and he went flying for the old metal shelf. Of course, the initial reaction was to grab on to it, which was probably not the best idea. In doing so, he shifted all of his weight on the top edge of the large metal shelf. The sudden off balance weight transfer mean the shelf had no other alternative but to come crashing down, so it did.

A loud clanking noise was heard from the public area of the store. Everything went silent for a moment, but the coin machine’s beeps broke the awkward silence and Terence marched towards the stock room. When he opened the door, what he saw was chaos. Two large shelves were on the ground, miniatures and dice were all over the floor. Game cards were spread out all over the place. Luckily they were still in their plastic sleeves. And Jim was slowly getting up, wearing a look of absolute confusion.

“What happened?” Terence yelled out. “What did you do you little runt?” Before jimmy could respond Terence yelled out “You idiot! Look at the mess you did! That’s it. You get the fuck out of my store and never lay a foot in here again! And forget about your paycheck altogether. You’re paying for this!”

Jimmy wanted to protest. His head was still hurting from the fall. He banged it on the ladder, or on an opposing shelf. He wasn’t really sure.

He walked out of the store, back pack on his shoulder.

“Not your day Son, now is it?” A man was wearing a black trench coat was casually leaning on the brick wall by the entrance of the store. He had a goatee but was well groomed. His dark hair was slick and his eyes were enthralling.

-   No, sure isn’t
-   So? What’s next?
-   Well, I’m going home so… if you’ll excuse me.
-   What’s the rush Jimmy boy? There’s nothing waiting for you home. Unless o course you’re thinking about pleasuring yourself again. Gonna picture Jenna? Or maybe you’ll go explore your dark side and invite Ms. Wood in your fantasy?

Who the heck was this guy? Jimmy suddenly felt very uncomfortable. This creep new stuff about him, stuff that no one could possibly know. How could that be? He just wanted to run away.

-   There is nowhere to run Jimmy boy. Relax.
-   How… Who are you? Do I know you?
-   Oh the question part. How boring. Do you know me? What kind of a lame ass question is that Jimmy? Let me pose it to you so that you can answer it yourself. Do you know me?
-   No, not really.
-   So there. If you’re going to ask questions, at least skip the obvious ones. So now that we’ve established that you don’t know me, let me state that I know you. I know you quite well in fact Jimmy and frankly I’m disappointed and unimpressed.
-   Who are you?
-   Who we are as individuals is very complex. Perhaps you could be more precise?
-   Do you have a name?
-   Of course!
-   Well? What is it.
-   Boy, stop asking pointless questions! My name might be Frank, or Jeff, or Clarence, or whatever. That doesn’t change anything. My name does not define me so if you’re asking who I am and seek to gain that knowledge by obtaining my name, then you’re an idiot. Let’s play a different game. I have a question for you: Are you tired of being a loser?
-   What? I don’t… What do you mean?
-   I mean what I said boy! Are you tired of being a god damn fucking loser?

His toned had changed suddenly, as if this was an outburst of anger. But as quickly as it came, it was gone. The man continued with a smooth and casual tone.

-   It’s not a very difficult question to answer now is it?
-   I have to go.
-   Correction. You want to go. It’s not the same thing.
-   I…
-   Suit yourself boy.

Jimmy started walking away. He was walking fast. As he turned the corner, the strange man was not following him. Thank God! Now what the bloody hell was that all about? As he turned his head forward again, he could not believe the sight before him. The man was sitting on a bench 30 feet ahead of him, in the direction Jimmy was heading. The man was looking at him, and grinning as he enjoyed the confusion he had just caused.

Jimmy suddenly changed direction and headed towards the market. He wasn’t walking anymore, he was moving faster, but not quite running just yet. He moved passed fruit stands and restaurants and bars.

“How about a beer?” a voice called out to him. He turned to his left and saw, just a few feet from him, the strange man sitting at a small table at the Canary Bistro. He was sipping on a beer. How was this possible? “Definitely not your day Jimmy boy!” he yelled out before bursting in laughter.”Sit down, have a drink.”

Quickly, Jimmy changed directions again, this time heading up a small pedestrian only street that was leading to the subway station. He decided take a turn in a narrow alley and planned to jump in a cab as soon as he’d spot one. He did, and when he opened the door and jumped in he yelled “Drive!”.

“Where to?” The man asked. “Just drive God dammit! Go!” The cab started to move. Jimmy’s heart was racing. He couldn’t process what had just happened. Was he losing his mind? Was he schizophrenic? Did someone drug him?

“Nope, that’s not it Jimmy” the cab driver said as he turned to face Jimmy and brought the cab to a full stop. At the wheel was the strange man. Jimmy’s brain just didn’t know how to process the recent events anymore. His head was spinning. What was going on?

“Relax Jimmy” The man said. “You haven’t seen anything yet”. And as he finished his sentence, the passenger door opened on the other side, and another man sat in the rear seat of the cab next to jimmy. No. Not another man. It was the same strange man. “My God! There are two of you!” Jimmy exclaimed!

“Wrong again Jimmy” they both spoke. The cab accelerated.

“This was fun, but we need to get down to business Jimmy.” The passenger version of the man said. “Indeed” responded the driver, “So I ask you one last time: Are you tired of being a loser?”

« Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 09:12:50 PM by TheJudge »


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Re: A serious story
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2011, 02:19:02 AM »

Copyright (C) 2011 Emhem

“He’s here.” Alulim was looking towards the large chair across the room when he spoke. The chair was facing the opposite direction, looking out in the direction of what appeared to be a large abstract painting that took up the entire north wall. Alulim’s rugged face showed great concern. “He’s back, and he’s already made contact. Should I intercept the boy?”  he asked. “It’s too early." a voice responded. "Until we have confirmation, there is no point. For now, we’ll watch him. Besides, we can’t reveal ourselves. The fool still thinks we perished in the flood. Let’s not ruin the one advantage we have.”

Alulim didn’t like waiting. “It’s been 100 generations since we acted! It’s time for action!” He was visibly upset. “Be patient my old friend. We were lucky to remain undetected when we last claimed Goliath. I need you to focus, and stop counting time. I’m starting to wonder if our journey here has clouded your judgment. One might think you’re processing things in four dimensions. We may be trapped in these conditions, but you know better.” The man replied. “I… of course. It’s another reason why we must find our way out. Forgive me Enki.”

Alulim was thinking. How long had they been trapped here? “Nearly 2 Sars old friend” Enki responded as he read Alulim’s mind. He was still amazed that his theory of parallel time flow control proved to be accurate. It was one of the reasons he came here initially, to test the device he and Alulim were currently both wearing.

“This time, things will be different Alulim.” He paused. “This time… how ironic.” Enki said as he laughed at the absurdity of his statement. “It seems our reduced control of time has affected us both.” He paused for a second or two then spoke again. “You know what remains to be done. If we can’t stop Jushur, he will destroy everything we have created. He came to this moment with a purpose. We have less than two years left and two years is a blink compared to 2 Sars. You know what is at risk. We cannot fail this time. Our calculations are what they are. If we fail, it will be our end.” the man in the chair responded. There was great sadness in his voice. As he got up he waved at the painting. It vanished into thin air.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 09:13:03 PM by TheJudge »


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Re: A serious story - The Clocks of Kish
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2011, 09:08:57 PM »

Copyright (C) 2011 Emhem

The cab was still rolling, heading towards the high end residential area of Toronto. Jim didn’t know what to do any more and in a trembling panicky voice he demanded to get out of the car. “Didn’t I tell you to relax Jimmy boy?” the passenger asked with a smirk on his face. “If I wanted to hurt you, you would already be dead. I’m here to change your life. But if we are to get down to business, you need to calm down and answer my question.” He paused and stared at Jim waiting for a response. Jim’s stress was somewhat diminished by that last statement. He took a few deep breaths and pondered on his situation. He didn’t know who he was dealing with, but clearly this was the strangest experience he had ever gone through. The stranger seemed to know everything about him, almost as if he could read his mind. He was somehow able to be at two places at once. As he processed these thoughts, the passenger was staring at him seemingly pleased. The car slowed down, took a left turn and entered a subdivision.

Jim looked out the window. “This is the Bridal Path area isn’t it?” he asked out loud. The man didn’t respond. He was just waiting, still staring at Jim with a grin on his face. “They call this place the Millionaire’s Row” Jim stated. The cab rolled by numerous mansions in every style from Georgian, Colonial, Greek and modern houses, all of which were worth millions of dollars.

“So Jim” the passenger calmly spoke. “This is where you answer my question. What’s it going to be?” Jim snapped out of the reverie he was entering as he stared with eyes wide open at these magnificent homes. He did feel a lot calmer by then. “Yes” he spoke. “Yes what?” the driver man asked. “Yes, I’m tired of being a loser” Jim replied. The car pulled into a driveway. The passenger got out and instructed Jim to do the same. They both started walking towards the house when Jim noticed the cab was backing up. “He’s not coming?” he asked. “No, I have to be somewhere else. This way please.” The strange man lead the way to the front door. As he walked up the stone steps, he waited on the front porch for Jim to join him.

“Before I let you in, we need to have a serious discussion” the man said. “First, tell me what makes you a loser”. It was not a question that Jim was expecting at all, and frankly he was getting feed up of that theme. “This jerk is really starting to piss me off” he thought. “Oh is that so?” the man asked. “And what are you going to do about it? Punch me in the face I suppose?”. He rolled his eyes. Now there was no doubt in Jim’s mind. This man was in fact reading his thoughts. But that wasn’t possible! How did the man perform such a feat? The explanation came as quickly as the question “It’s because you assume I’m a man Jimmy boy.”

-I don’t understand
- Don’t concern yourself with that. You will understand soon. Perhaps.
- What are you?
- I have things to do Jimmy. Let’s get on with it. Tell me what makes you a loser, and stop being so sensible about it. I didn’t make you what you are, but I can change it.
- Well I don’t really have any money, or a good job, or friends, or girlfriends
- That’s true, but that’s not the reason. That’s the result of being a loser. What made you a loser?
- I’m not sure what you want to hear
- I don’t want to hear anything. I want to see.
- Woah, now I’m really confused.
- Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy. What am I going to do with you? Alright, I’m going to show you what I mean. Every person on this earth has a special power. You can change people’s lives forever. You can create a moment that will define another person, mark them for life. Let me show you what I mean.

Without warning, the man threw a punch at jimmy and hit him square on the nose. Jimmy fell off the porch, landed hard as his left shoulder hit the stony pathway. He was bleeding and the pain was intense. He was disoriented and a voice brought him back to the real world. “Get up!” it kept repeating. Jim looked around to get his bearing and saw the man casually leaning against a post on the porch. “Come on, get up.” he said. Jimmy slowly got up, holding his nose with his two hands. He was covered in blood.

-What the fuck was that? You maniac!
- Oh I think you’ll live Jimmy. Relax.
- Relax? You just fucking punched me!
- Right. So now you get it don’t you?
- No! No, I don’t get it and I think you’re mental! I’m leaving!
- You will do no such thing! Take a minute and try to process what just happened. Think about it, and tell me why you are a loser.
- I don’t know OK? I’m a loser. I’m a fucking loser. What do you want from me?
- That
- That? That what? What the fuck is wrong with you man?
- Oh for fuck sakes Jimmy! Do I really have to spell everything out for you?
- Yes! Yes you do because not everyone can read minds. Now tell me what it is that you want with me and stop playing stupid games.
- Games? You think this is a game? You’re pathetic.
- Leave me alone!

Jim turned around and started walking towards the driveway. He was walking past the 4 door garage and as he was near the 4th door, it opened and the man walkout out directly in front of Jimmy. He simply said “I thought we had already established that this running away thing wasn’t going to work out.” Jimmy turned back toward the porch and there was not a soul in sight.

- Alright Jimmy boy, I’m going to give it to you straight since you’re not getting it. Perhaps I knocked your brains out.
- Yeah, that must be it. Just tell me what you want with me so we can be done with it.
- Fine. The primary reason why you are a loser is this: You don’t act on your impulsions. I want to see you get mad Jimmy. I saw a bit of anger earlier, and I was pleased. You are a powerful being yet you block all that power. And for what? How many times did you think about punching someone in the face only to turn back to them with one of your silly grins. It’s pathetic Jimmy. You are truly a disappointment!
- Wow, so that’s your big secret? When you think about punching people in the face do it? What’s wrong with you?
- Nothing. Because I act. Let me tell you one thing Jimmy, and I really need you to wrap your brain around this one. Earlier, I made a decision. I decided to punch you in the face. In doing so, I created a moment that you will remember for the rest of your life. You don’t forget these experiences. In a way, I changed you. All of this happened because I decided so. I could have decided to let you walk out the geek shop today, and never speak to you. I made a different choice, and in doing so, I changed your world. You have the same power, you just choose not to act on it. Do you get what I’m saying?
- Sort of, but what’s the point of all this?
- The point is that I want to help you unleash that inner power. If you want to be a loser all your life, then keep repressing it deep down. If you want to be in control, then unleash it.
- OK, so let me recap the day if I may. You show up and tell me I’m a loser, fuck around with my brain with your mind reading shit and your teleportation act, drive me way the fuck out here, punch me in the face and tell me that the reason I’m a loser is because I choose to repress my anger?
- Finally! We understand each other!
-Oh my God! This is crazy! So, thanks for the advice. Are we done?
-Almost. Let me have a look at your nose.

Jimmy complied. “Yeah, that’s pretty nasty. Broken for sure” the man said. “You know what they say: Time heals all wounds”. As he spoke the words, the man slowly brought his hands towards his temples, then reached out toward Jim’s. He didn’t touch him, but his enthralling eyes were locked on Jim’s eyes. The man took a deep breath and concentrated, then slowly exhaled. For a brief moment, Jim experienced dizziness but as he came to, he was surprised to feel normal again. The pain from his nose was gone.  Jim touched his nose and there was no pain, and the bleeding had stopped.

- How did you do that?
- Do what?
- Heal me! How did you do that?
- I didn’t. I think you need some time to reflect upon the events of the day. I think you’re ready to enter the mansion now. Here’s the key to the front door.
- Who’s house is this? Yours?
- No Jimmy, it’s yours.

The man started walking towards the driveway just as the cab pulled up. It was driven by the same man. He got in the car and they both left. Jimmy was standing before the massive wooden front door staring at the key. He looked around. There was no one in sight. There was an eerie feeling in the air. “My house?” Jimmy said out loud. “Fuck it, what have I got to lose?” he said to himself.  He unlocked the front door, opened it and stepped in.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 09:36:39 PM by TheJudge »


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Re: A serious story - The Clocks of Kish
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2011, 02:56:01 PM »

Copyright (C) 2011 Emhem

Two large spiral staircases hugged the circular walls of the room and led to the second level. The walls were made of dark stone and the sound of rushing water was echoing throughout the room. At the top where stairwells joined was a large sculpture of an elephant’s head overlooking the area from the second floor. In fact, the two railings of the staircases were cleverly constructed to appear as the elephant’s tusk. Looking up, the sculpture’s trunk reached out above Jim’s head and curved to the right. A stream of water flew out from it across 10 feet in the air, where it hit a large fountain wall. The water then trickled down a stony mural and made its way into a large basin that was embedded into the wall, a few feet above ground level. The basin was finished with natural stone, grass, dirt and sand. It felt like you were standing next to a real brook. Jim had never seen anything like this massive fountain in his life.

Identical hallways to the left and to the right led to closed double doors. A large archway under the elephant head revealed a larger room up a head. Jim started walking in that direction. There was a large stone fireplace to the right. It was unlit. A glass wall to the left revealed an interior pool on the other side. Magnificent carpets adorned the floor and there were some wall carpets hanging on the farthest wall, also made of stone. Alongside fo them were some very large abstract paintings that couldn’t do anything but draw in Jim’s gaze. The room was furnished with exquisite marble tables and leather furniture, including a large L shape sofa. There was another room further up, and a hallway to the far right. The ceiling was at least 12 feet high and has multiple large wooden beams that crossed from the ceiling from end to end.

As Jim approached the large sofa, he noticed an envelope on a marble coffee table. It had his name on it. He picked it up and opened it. There was a letter inside. It read:

Jimmy Boy,
Today I am offering you more than you could ever dream of. This house is now your house, but I can take it away just as easily as I gave it to you. That pool behind you can be yours. Everything you see on this property can be yours. You might want to take a peak in the garage later…

I have work for you. Very unique work.  You’ll start tomorrow. Be at the 9th hole of the Weston Golf and Country Club at precisely 9:00 am. Walk up to the green, directly to the flag. Stand exactly one foot away from the hole. Look down into the hole  and wait. You’ll find a guess pass that will grant you entry to the club.  The required golf equipment and attire can be found in the closet of the exercise room.

 I give you one warning, and one warning only: There is no turning back. If you accept to work for me, the spoils you will experience are nothing compared to what this house represents. You can consider this a tax free sign up bonus. You’ve had a true life lesson on the front porch earlier this evening. That lesson is the key to all of this so I do hope for your sake that you managed to grasp its true meaning. You have the power to tap into your anger. I need you to embrace this power. It’s time to put your days of being a pussy whipped nerd behind and make you a God amongst the living. It’s time for you to change the world.

If you think this isn’t your cup of tea, then simply walk away in the morning and never return.

Yours truly,

« Last Edit: April 06, 2011, 03:01:13 PM by TheJudge »