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Messages - Chris

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Political Opinions / Re: CLINTON VS. TRUMP
« on: November 09, 2016, 05:16:25 PM »
Y'know, if people remembered that we have commonalities - even those as superficial as which sports teams we follow - maybe we wouldn't be such a divided country. I want to believe that, anyway.

Yea, I don't think this morning's chain of events really helped to mend the divide in the country. Then again even if Hillary won it would be a similar backlash from his supporters, too. Pure craziness this go around. It was like Batman having to save Harvey Dent or Rachel.

Flamer's Corner / Re: Gym Rants
« on: November 09, 2016, 05:03:57 PM »
Ok another one... when you're on a treadmill and there's about 50 of them and a plethora of them are open yet someone takes the one right next to you. Seriously? That's like taking the urinal right next to someone when there's like 20 other free urinals.

Anarchy / Re: Read me, Seymour!
« on: November 09, 2016, 08:46:21 AM »
My thoughts exactly, old chum. It's nice to see some o' the ol' crew alive again - this place was purdy dusty!

DS! What's new with you?!

Political Opinions / Re: CLINTON VS. TRUMP
« on: November 09, 2016, 08:33:20 AM »

Yup... I'd say we're in for a show.

...It just really sucks that it came down to these two. It's unfortunate that it was Hillary and not another woman whom everyone could get behind in good conscious to vote for. We were so close to having the first female president and we had the wrong woman nominated for the job.

It's a shame that we had someone like Trump as the other candidate because change is something the nation and economy needs.

What a freggin' roller coaster. Facebook has blown up with people outraged that their candidate didn't win. It's alright though... once Sunday rolls around everyone will forget about this when their precious football team plays.

Flamer's Corner / Re: Gym Rants
« on: November 08, 2016, 03:23:38 PM »
Nothing screams alpha male like not being able to keep a grip on the object you're holding.


The hallmarks of a strong lifter are a crazy strong grip and traps that you could rest a car on.

Sticky Stuff (no pun intended) / Re: Geekery Denizens Photo Thread
« on: November 08, 2016, 07:55:09 AM »
You're still the white guy, right?

I might have hit the tanning booth a little too hard over the spring... Reverse Michael Jackson!

Flamer's Corner / Gym Rants
« on: November 07, 2016, 08:47:58 PM »

Nothing grinds my gears in the gym more than someone using free weights and intentionally dropping them for god knows what reason. I can only guess that they need to do this in order to assert their masculinity or draw attention to themselves.


Anarchy / Re: Read me, Seymour!
« on: November 07, 2016, 08:36:36 PM »
Yeah, it can be really tough overcoming occupational inertia, that's for sure.  What you need is something like the Geekdom we have in San Antonio.  It's sort of a cross between being a nerd hangout, a shared workspace, and a startup incubator/assistance hub.  If you were here, I'd send you down there to network and get involved with some startups.  Volunteer some time at a place like that and join a couple meetups.  Given time counts more than paid time in building contacts and experience, so you'd get some momentum change that way.

I covered Texas as one of my territories in a previous sales job. San Antonio is BOOMING within the tech industry.

I know exactly what you mean, though. After starting in the corporate world and hearing how some people leverage LinkedIn and their networks around them to get introduced to other people who can make hiring decisions, it's obviously my 13 years in the restaurant industry really put me behind by a few years. I guess you can say I got too comfortable.

Fortunately for me, I am now with a great company, so it's just a matter of career pathing to a position that merges everything together. And that doesn't mean in the mean time I can't be off doing my own thing on the internet trying to make it big.  :mrgreen:

Sticky Stuff (no pun intended) / Re: Geekery Denizens Photo Thread
« on: November 07, 2016, 08:29:40 PM »
Here's one of me with Eric Thomas from over the summer. I swear I don't know where that double chin thing came from.

The other one is me intentionally being miserable at the end (or start depending on how you look at it) of the boardwalk in Ocean City, MD right next to the largest Mako shark.

Oddly enough, both pictures were taken about 5 days apart.

Been on iPhones since the 3S. :)

Oh wow, right from the get go back in 2009. Sometimes I'm tempted to give the iPhone a try since every Droid I have ever owned has always gone to hell after about 9 months of use.

I'm all Apple these days: Personal machine is a 27" iMac, work laptop's a MBP.

The real question is... are you rocking an Android phone or an Apple?

Here are some more pics of the Narwhal case from Raidmax. They really thought through the layout of the case to make it easy to move around, as well as decent cooling capabilities right from the get go. Though, I'm not a big fan of the 120mm fan on the front with the LEDs but I'm too cheap to swap it out so I'll have to live with it.

Here are the specs:
Corsair RMx Series RM1000X 1000W PSU
MSI Z170A Tomahawk AC LGA 1151 Intel Z170 mobo
EVGA GeForce GTX 960 4GB
Intel Core i7 4.0ghz
64gigs DDR4 3400
Samsung M2 256 gig SSD
1TB WD SATA hard drive
Windows 10

1) Screw cable management - ain't nobody got time for that
2) Screw dusting it out for pictures. My compressor is in the garage and I don't feel like running the air house outside so I don't get dust all over the place in the garage.

Anarchy / Re: Read me, Seymour!
« on: November 07, 2016, 05:41:02 PM »
Jesus, you all make me feel so boring. All I did was finish a novel and get married.  :-o

Congrats on getting hitched! That's a pretty big life event!

As far as finishing a novel... do you mean you read one, or you wrote one?

I've been exclusively stand-up desks for the last 8 years, at work and at home.

I think I'm going to have to take the plunge. I stood for most of my life in the restaurant industry and then as soon as I got a desk job I got two of the worst injuries I've ever sustained in my life so far. I think there's something to be said for being on your feet and being active.

What's your take on the stand up desk? I've been going back and forth as to whether or not I want to get something like this or just continue with the traditional sitting desk. (Obviously not that exact model given it's cost, btw)

Anarchy / Re: Gratuitous Gratefulness
« on: November 07, 2016, 01:23:14 PM »
You might be on to something, here. It just seems like a never-ending stream of contractors and other vendors coming by their place as of late, and I've only been living here about a month!

I think their Poland Spring water delivery should be here tomorrow morning if memory serves me right.

Eh, 2017 is only a few weeks away, so why not just label it 2017 to get it out of the way? After all, all the car companies are doing it so why not us?

So let's see what you got! Here's my work/personal setup I'm currently rocking. I will post some more detailed pics later of the Narwhal case to the right of my desk. By far the best computer case I've ever owned.

Anarchy / Re: Gratuitous Gratefulness
« on: November 07, 2016, 12:16:05 PM »

Legacy code
This month's impending in-law family drama^3
Friends who make terrible decisions

I second friends who make terrible decisions - am watching one on fold right now and there's no easy or clear way for me to tell him he's going down the wrong path

- This non-stop election BS
- Unseasonably warm weather in the northeast. Can we just get this over and done with now?


- My neighbors who have been running a leaf  blower for about two hours now, yet only have about 200 square feet of grass to tend to. How is this even possible?!

Anarchy / Re: I have no memory of this place...
« on: November 07, 2016, 11:42:07 AM »
Some guy (:w: BizB :w:)

Ahhhh.... That's right!

Glad to see you got the invite!  Just be careful... the paint is still wet on some of the walls after all the renovations and repairs!

Anarchy / Re: I have no memory of this place...
« on: November 07, 2016, 11:30:57 AM »

In odd hybrid news, I seem to have merged with myself. Chris did some kind of Dr. Frankenstein magicks on that. THANKS MANG!

NP, Anytime!

I think you should even be able to change your user name back if you wanted to. Who was it that deleted your user account in the first place? LOL!

Political Opinions / Re: CLINTON VS. TRUMP
« on: November 07, 2016, 10:40:30 AM »
That's him!

If that's the case then he's only about 20 minutes away from me. Probably with some sheboy right now.

Political Opinions / Re: CLINTON VS. TRUMP
« on: November 07, 2016, 09:27:35 AM »
Ok... did some quick searching and found what appears to be his twitter account. Looks like he needs/needed a kidney back in 2015, but then back in May of this year it looks like he was into Shemales. What in the...

Political Opinions / Re: CLINTON VS. TRUMP
« on: November 07, 2016, 08:49:19 AM »
BizB and I tracked him down last year.  You don't want to know.

Seriously.  You don't.

Oh... this sounds like there's a good story behind it...

Political Opinions / Re: CLINTON VS. TRUMP
« on: November 06, 2016, 03:53:22 PM »
I'll vote Trump just because I've been wrong the last few times so I'll go with the opposite of what I really think.

I'm probably wrong again.

No worries, rumor has it that you can vote twice on Tuesday. Vote for both so you're not wrong and can sleep well with your decision.

Political Opinions / Re: CLINTON VS. TRUMP
« on: November 06, 2016, 03:52:13 PM »
I'd share those, but all of my time is taken up lately by the video game I'm coding in VB.


I will never forget right after the towers fell on 9/11 he was IMing me on AIM telling me how he was hacking a pay phone in downtown Manhattan to get an internet connection as he was looking for (I think) his aunt. God I wish we could track him down for entertainment purposes. It was almost like someone created a fake account and was posting trash to give us the impression he was that dumb.

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