The Geek Forum

Main Forums => New Geeks on the Block => Topic started by: Probie on February 27, 2009, 07:32:47 AM

Title: Probie - about me.
Post by: Probie on February 27, 2009, 07:32:47 AM

Hi I'm Probie,

 -I'm a c++ / graphics developer.
 -I'm looking for a small community to call my own, /. just isnt personal enough.
 -I want to meet geeks, they are hard to come by in the real world as they don't often leave the house.
 -I'm into metal music, getting drunk and tattoos... i also like science.
 -I'm from the uk.
and I'm 23 and a girl.

Yo! x
Title: Re: Probie - about me.
Post by: Demosthenes on February 27, 2009, 09:46:31 AM
Ah, yet another FBI agent. 

Title: Re: Probie - about me.
Post by: Probie on February 27, 2009, 09:54:39 AM

not a feebie, but am looking for pr0nography. Kidding.

Hai! So are most of the members to the west of me?
Title: Re: Probie - about me.
Post by: Joe Sixpack on February 27, 2009, 10:17:12 AM
Did you get your name how I think you got it?
Title: Re: Probie - about me.
Post by: LuciferSam on February 27, 2009, 10:21:36 AM
Welcome. What are your thoughts on the more esoteric works of Francis Bacon? Do you prefer a Freudian diet or a Gogolian diet?
Title: Re: Probie - about me.
Post by: Probie on February 27, 2009, 10:24:31 AM
*uses bendy mind powers to sense how you think I got it*

I watch a show called NCSI and there is a guy in it and his nickname is Probie, he's a little socially awkward and he likes a Goths. - very similar to me.

Also Probie is short for probationary, as in probationary period when you start a new job or something, so I always find it apt when I join a new forum, and usually no one else has chosen it. which helps to!
Title: Re: Probie - about me.
Post by: Probie on February 27, 2009, 10:42:58 AM

Bacon (the scientist) I'm only vaguely aware of The new Atlantis, so maybe that should be on my reading list, it should be a good follow up to 1984, which I finished a little while ago. (I know, its disgusting that I am 23 and only just read it)

As for Gogol I know little of him, Freud on the other hand walked that fine line between insanity and genius, I think I would have liked him. Troubled but a hedonist in my opinion. I often wonder what he would make of my dreams. :)

How about yourself?
Title: Re: Probie - about me.
Post by: ivan on February 27, 2009, 11:42:04 AM
Gogol didn't exactly walk that fine line so much as plummet headlong towards the insanity side.

There is no shame in reading something later rather than sooner, especially something like Nineteen Eighty-Four. Read it again when you are 50, and again when you are 75, and each time you will realize you didn't get it on the previous read at all (assuming that in the course of those years your worldview had undergone some refinement).

Also, you should read Down and Out in Paris and London ( A link to the etext is at the bottom of the wiki page.

Finally, this week I'm doggedly insisting that everyone should read Candide (


Title: Re: Probie - about me.
Post by: LuciferSam on February 27, 2009, 11:47:50 AM
I was actually referring to the painter. The scientist was English, and post-euclidean, therefor of little relevence to my life. As for myself, I prefer the Gogolian diet, as it includes more grains and simple carbohydrates with a good balance of red meat.

Ivan, I feel Candide is overrated - I much prefer Peter Seller's views on the monarchy.
Title: Re: Probie - about me.
Post by: Probie on February 27, 2009, 11:58:06 AM
ahh my mistake, a quick google tells me my opinion of HIS work is; it is terrifying.  :-D

are you irish or american?

Edit: jeez call the gammar police!
Title: Re: Probie - about me.
Post by: LuciferSam on February 27, 2009, 12:18:01 PM
My dear, I am whatever you want me to be.
Title: Re: Probie - about me.
Post by: ivan on February 27, 2009, 12:20:11 PM
I was actually referring to the painter. The scientist was English, and post-euclidean, therefor of little relevence to my life. As for myself, I prefer the Gogolian diet, as it includes more grains and simple carbohydrates with a good balance of red meat.

Ivan, I feel Candide is overrated - I much prefer Peter Seller's views on the monarchy.

I'm not sure what Peter Seller's views on the monarchy are. But I quibble with your take on Candide -- for something to be overrated, it has to be rated in the first place. No one recommended it to me -- I came upon it by accident. What impressed me was that something written a thousand years ago could still be funny. So, I'll give it an 8 out of 10, so as not to contribute to its overrating, but secretly, in my heart of hearts, consider it to be a solid 9.

Also, if Gogol stayed true to his Ukranian roots, his diet probably included a lot of butter and sour cream.

Title: Re: Probie - about me.
Post by: Probie on February 27, 2009, 12:23:54 PM
My dear, I am whatever you want me to be.

How very elusive of you.
Title: Re: Probie - about me.
Post by: LuciferSam on February 27, 2009, 12:32:20 PM
How very elusive of you.

I'm very much like a fox, my darling. You remind me of the interconnectedness of Chopin to the metal signatures of the eighties. Complex, interwoven, but with such a pure and honest background. Tell me, what are you plans for this evening?

Ivan, I would have recommended it to you had I any idea that you held anything but loathing for the pre-revolutionary french. You simply must see a performance of Bernstein's opera of the piece.
Title: Re: Probie - about me.
Post by: Joe Sixpack on February 27, 2009, 01:02:48 PM
*uses bendy mind powers to sense how you think I got it*

I watch a show called NCSI and there is a guy in it and his nickname is Probie, he's a little socially awkward and he likes a Goths. - very similar to me.

Also Probie is short for probationary, as in probationary period when you start a new job or something, so I always find it apt when I join a new forum, and usually no one else has chosen it. which helps to!

So it has nothing to do with a rubber glove and an abnormally long and dexterous pinkie then.

On an unrelated note, what's wrong with being a hedonist?
Title: Re: Probie - about me.
Post by: Novice on February 27, 2009, 03:10:44 PM
I'm going to duck under most of the topics being discussed so far (though I guess they are already over my head :wink:) and say

Welcome, new person!
Title: Re: Probie - about me.
Post by: pbsaurus on February 27, 2009, 03:33:42 PM
Welcome special agent Probie
Title: Re: Probie - about me.
Post by: Min on February 27, 2009, 04:20:14 PM
She said she's looking for geeks, not nerds.  Stop tripping over yourselves, you silly boys.

Welcome Probie.  Hope you like it here.
Title: Re: Probie - about me.
Post by: HeavyJay on February 27, 2009, 04:39:52 PM
Tits or GTFO.

No, I'm kidding.  Just GTFO.
Title: Re: Probie - about me.
Post by: xolik on February 27, 2009, 05:20:29 PM
and I'm 23 and a girl.



Ok, Internet Male idiocy aside, welcome and I hope you stay around and become a regular contributor.  :-D
Title: Re: Probie - about me.
Post by: Probie on March 01, 2009, 04:03:07 AM

Thank you all for such a gracious hello! I think I'm going to stick around... I like it here.  :-)
Title: Re: Probie - about me.
Post by: Probie on March 01, 2009, 04:14:20 AM
I'm very much like a fox, my darling. You remind me of the interconnectedness of Chopin to the metal signatures of the eighties. Complex, interwoven, but with such a pure and honest background. Tell me, what are you plans for this evening?

You got a lot from a few posts haha. My plans where to have dinner with a friend and  have an early night so we could get up early and watch battlestar galactica! Exciting I know, but battlestar galactica was very good. Also yesterday I made orange chocolate cookies, which was fun!

Title: Re: Probie - about me.
Post by: LuciferSam on March 01, 2009, 08:37:33 PM
Ah the noble cookie. Tell me, do you enjoy travel? If so, I have a business proposal that may captivate your interest. It involves plenty of travel, and canned meat goods. Very lucrative, my dear.
Title: Re: Probie - about me.
Post by: Probie on March 02, 2009, 07:06:20 AM
Ah the noble cookie. Tell me, do you enjoy travel? If so, I have a business proposal that may captivate your interest. It involves plenty of travel, and canned meat goods. Very lucrative, my dear.

Canned meats, you say? Sounds ominous. I hope it is nothing untoward, that would never do.
Title: Re: Probie - about me.
Post by: LuciferSam on March 02, 2009, 01:10:29 PM
No, no, it's nothing beyond, you know, private enterprise. My guys in new york collect pallets of Spam and Hormels products that have fallen off of trucks, and to get the most use out of them, we put them in the lining of your luggage, and you sit on them from New York to San Francisco, where someone else takes over and drives them to Willy's Bar. Willy sells them off in his alley, pays up the vig, and we all get a cut of the pie - totally fine, totally Bee's-Knees. If you're in, you're going to have to ship me a carton of Chesterfields first, to show you're reliable. And not a GMan. Then, we'll outfit you - you'll get a mohair, camelhair, minkhair trenchcoat in Taupe, knee length, some tea shades and a set of aviators, a switchblade, and some alligator skin shoes so that you'll blend in with the rest of us, and the general public. Then, we're all ready.

Are you in!?
Title: Re: Probie - about me.
Post by: Probie on March 02, 2009, 01:19:01 PM
No, no, it's nothing beyond, you know, private enterprise. My guys in new york collect pallets of Spam and Hormels products that have fallen off of trucks, and to get the most use out of them, we put them in the lining of your luggage, and you sit on them from New York to San Francisco, where someone else takes over and drives them to Willy's Bar. Willy sells them off in his alley, pays up the vig, and we all get a cut of the pie - totally fine, totally Bee's-Knees. If you're in, you're going to have to ship me a carton of Chesterfields first, to show you're reliable. And not a GMan. Then, we'll outfit you - you'll get a mohair, camelhair, minkhair trenchcoat in Taupe, knee length, some tea shades and a set of aviators, a switchblade, and some alligator skin shoes so that you'll blend in with the rest of us, and the general public. Then, we're all ready.

Are you in!?

Ahh I see, so it's a stealthy operation. Well Where do I sign? Although, there is a new guy about and he plans to make me rich too. BUT his package doesn't come with alligator shoes and other dead animal attire.. so I am leaning towards you. What your address... I'm mail you the chesterfields tomorrow! ... and if you tell me whether you're American or Irish I'll know whether you are talking about cigars or sofas?!?!
Title: Re: Probie - about me.
Post by: LuciferSam on March 02, 2009, 01:22:19 PM
What if I turned out to be both? There is only one chesterfield - it is the cigarette of Reagen. Obviously, he quit too soon.
Title: Re: Probie - about me.
Post by: Probie on March 02, 2009, 01:34:45 PM

American then. 

Title: Re: Probie - about me.
Post by: LuciferSam on March 02, 2009, 01:49:13 PM
Most recently, that is the case.
Title: Re: Probie - about me.
Post by: dcrog on March 02, 2009, 05:12:06 PM
I'm waiting to find out what happened after she found the arm bone.


Oh and welcome too I suppose.
Title: Re: Probie - about me.
Post by: Probie on March 02, 2009, 05:28:07 PM
I'm waiting to find out what happened after she found the arm bone.


Oh and welcome too I suppose.


...thanks I suppose *dies*