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Earliest Gaming Memory

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I'm curious about what first video game(s) you can remember playing.

For me, we had a few games on 5 inch floppies for our old IBM compatible (286 CGA or EGA I think)

1. Space Decathlon - Sort of 10 games in one; including: Rocket Sled (Navigate a maze), Lander (land on targets w/ various points), Asteroid Defense (incoming targets from 4 cardinal directs at increasing speed; shoot the targets), Some sort of navigation game (side scroll through a randomly generated obstacle course)

2. Virus (or Virus Rage?) - I don't remember much about this game. I didn't play it much because I didn't understand it. I seem to remember it being a board of cells and you try to prevent a virus from spreading. There was a cool syringe graphic though.

3. Pacman - Not sure which version this was, but it used the ASCII smiley face as Pacman, and there was a bug where if you got enough extra lives they'd break the wall of the maze allowing you to go off the board.

Can't find any space decathlon screenshots.

Virus Rage:

I am not 100% sure what my very first video game was.  It was an old one though.  Either Space Invaders, Galaga, Asteroids, or Tempest.

Joust on a Atari 2600.

And heya Cat and Pb!

We had a pong.  The next were electronic football and electronic basketball by mattel I think.  Then I had a coleco electronic football which was a big improvement.  Then we got an atari, then I got a microvision with several cartridges.  Then a Nintendo, then and Apple IIE, then a Sega Genesis, then an Apple Quadra 660AV, then a windows box. 

I also played pong as my first game. It was a great Christmas that year!


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