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Topics - Wunderkind

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Anarchy / Merry Fucking Christmas, you insufferable bastards
« on: December 24, 2016, 08:10:49 AM »
I didn't get any of you anything.

But as I am spending the whole day with family, I thought I'd drop in and be the first one to say it.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Yule/Solstice/Hanukkah/Christmas/Kwannza/Whateverthefuckyoucelebrate/It's fucking cold outside let's get warm Holiday!

Entertainment / </scorpion>
« on: November 09, 2016, 05:59:47 PM »
 I just can't suspend my disbelief for any of it. And my disbelief usually has amazing suspension.

I can't decide if it's blatant disregard for reality.

Or just shitty writing.

Hardware, Software, and Other Imperialist Crap / Browser Wars
« on: May 07, 2012, 07:16:52 PM »
I'm just curious because I really hate Chrome but Firefox has royally pissed me off too. I'm pretty un-adept at modifying things unless someone wants to step-by-step it.  :|

Anarchy / Last Christmas before I destroy the world.
« on: December 24, 2011, 11:48:56 AM »
Have a Happy Saturnalia, Yule, Solstice, Hanukkah, Kwanza, Christ's Mass, whatever you celebrate or don't celebrate.

Next time this year, the world will be mine bitches. I like all of you, so you may be saved until last.

Happy, warm, Dickenson style Christmas feelings to all you!

Anarchy / Hey ivan!
« on: June 25, 2011, 12:18:50 AM »
We recently hired a new waitress who's only been in the US for a year and a half, she's a legal resident from Russia. Her English is okay, but I have some questions about Russian.

Are there separate identifiers as in English, like 'this' 'that' 'there', or is it all one word like 'desu' in Japanese?

Is the sentence structure similar to English, like noun-verb-object, or is it more like the Asian noun-object-verb?

Is there a way to say "It's okay, the people at that table are just assholes." in Russian? Actually just teach me 'asshole' in Russian. And 'idiot'. Just because I want to know how to say 'idiot' in yet another language.

Just curious to know how specific I need to be and if there's anything I can do to help her understand me better because I speak zero Russian. If I'm running around saying 'put this over there next to that' and she needs me to be more 'put the cup on the counter next to the tea urn', I can just need to know. Also, loving that I'm not the only one in the restaurant asking questions like they're statements anymore. "What can I get for you." Fuck your goddamned questioning tones I'll tell you what I can get for you, bitch!

This is public because every geek needs yet another way to call a person an asshole and an idiot. I'm doing all of you a public service.

Writer's Block / A Story About Vampires
« on: August 05, 2010, 11:04:27 AM »
I have been challenged, nay, shall I say, dared even, to write a better vampire story than the "War and Peace by Dostoyevsky" novels. I, of course, could do this blindfolded, but since I'm actually doing it, I'm curious to know what those here think.

Should I write in the form of Anne Rice, looking back on the things that have happened, or as it happens? Also, should my protagonist be male or female? And what do you want as an outcome?

This will be posted here in chapters, though there may be massive gaps of time between chapters.

I should mention that I probably won't wait long before I start typing.

Political Opinions / [insert "firing blanks" joke here]
« on: May 19, 2010, 11:40:55 AM »
Obama's anti-rocket plan isn't as anti-rocket as they say. Who'd'a thunk.

Why don't we just fix it like Bush did and bomb them first? That way the only rockets in the air are ours.

Entertainment / Avatar
« on: February 10, 2010, 05:06:18 PM »
For the hell of it, because I have mixed feelings about this movie, I decided I'd make this a thread.

Personally, I thought it was a bored, tired, recycled storyline. But the CG was awesome and it was beautiful, I just couldn't get into a plot I felt like I'd seen before. Short review: I want to like it, but it just feels off to me, boring yes, and something else is weird about it, I can't really say what. It just is... odd.

Since a good friend of mine recently went off on a rant about it, I thought I spout it in Shoutbox and then decided to thread it.

What do you guys think of this story? Not the CG, because they were banging hot, just plot. Maybe I can figure out what feels so off about this.

Hardware, Software, and Other Imperialist Crap / The newb returns...
« on: December 28, 2009, 06:17:08 PM »
So the total rookie is back with another, probably obvious answer, type of question.

I've had to install internet drivers onto a laptop before, and have run into the need to do so again. This time, I have to download the drivers onto a USB and put them on a different laptop from there.

The problem I'm running into is that there is not prompt for where I want this driver downloaded to and the driver can't download onto my laptop because is not complatable with my machine. Should I try the download on another machine and them move it to a USB. Or is there something I'm missing?

Hardware, Software, and Other Imperialist Crap / BSoD
« on: September 02, 2009, 08:33:40 AM »
Everything I've looked up online has told me to download a registry cleaner to my laptop to fix this error. I have several problems with this
A. I already have a registry cleaner on it and B. How the hell do you install soemthing on a computer that BSoDs on start up. In other words I can't even see my desktop before it BSoDs. 3. And finally, I am no logner comfortable downloading software like registry cleaners and such off the internet as I have a suspicion that may have caused my BSoD in the first place.

Now my questions.

Is it better just to take my baby to professional have them dump everything, because there is nothing important on the laptop itself? Is there a way I can dump everything myself... keeping in mind there is nothing of value on the laptop, all that information is elsewhere.

Anarchy / Happy July 4th!
« on: July 04, 2009, 10:12:53 AM »
Happy completely insignificant date that the government pulled out of their ass and stuck a label on, but is still a good excuse to get drunk and laid Day!

Pyrotechnics rawk!

Writer's Block / F**k it... I'm writing a poem
« on: January 23, 2009, 11:38:11 PM »

Between the light they tell me are stars
I see the emtpy space called "dark matter"
Two-thirds of my universe is missing
I want someone held accountable

Math and physics are too far out there
For my simple country mind
Don't bother trying to explain it
You'll need tiny words and little signs

The infinite and sub-infinite of the particul.. let
Are all just to damn big
I need something I wrap my hands around
Something easy to lift

The weight of just one atom
Would break my narrow shoulders
My clumsy fingers I use to understand
Turn neutrons into boulders

Science and god and goddess and what's in between
A gasping, grasping, delusioned belief
That this is all so painfully simple
It becomes far too complex for me

If the universe is as big as you say it is
There must be more to it this
There must be numbers and equations
Scientific mumbo-jumbo, hypothesis, and theories

I can't possibly understand
The forces that make up this universe
So you must be wrong
Your math is just cursed

Complexity has become a drug
A tool of the complacent and fickle
But we buy every single damned day
Because this is all too simple
This all just too damn simple

If this made you seizure, pls comment.

Hardware, Software, and Other Imperialist Crap / Wireless Keyboard
« on: January 16, 2009, 06:32:35 PM »
Well, my laptop keyboard and about one fluid ounce of soy-sauce got into a fight last night and the soy-sauce won.

I've disassembled the laptop and cleaned out all the parts and let it dry and reassembled said laptop, but my keyboard is dead. The machine itself still boots and isn't making any strange noises or smells, and half the keys on the keyboard are recognized, like the number keys and the Tab key etc. However the lower half of the keyboard isn't being recognized, like the Ctrl, Alt, Windows, and "z"-"m" keys, all the neat little keys that let you get past the Ctrl-Alt-Delete login and enter your administrator password (mine involves letters from the lower half of the keyboard). As a result I cannot login to find out how badly screwed my laptop is.

I'm going to try investing in a wireless keyboard and see if I can't login that way (probably should have one anyways as a back up for when the desktop keyboard dies). I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions.
I'm not looking for anything high end, just something that works when you plug it in to a USB outlet and can get me past the admin login screen.

I will be looking for a new laptop, but I don't have the money for a brand new machine right now, so before anyone mentions that... I'm going there, don't worry. There are, however, files on this machine I need to get off it before I can dump it and get a new one (save the pr0n!).

If anyone knows any tricks on how to hack myself and get past the stupid admin login...

Keep it to yourself, knowing me, I'd phail and do something irrepariable to my computer.

Anarchy / Happy Alban Arthuan
« on: December 21, 2008, 02:30:52 AM »
At 7:04am EST the winter solstice will occur. Thus, Happy Alban Arthuan! I shall now go forth and hide tiny presents of candy underneath people's pillows.


Merry Solstice!
And Happy New Year! (For those whose year turns over during or after the solstice.)

And Happy Chanukkah! Since it starts at sundown today (12/21).

*toasts and downs the last bit of her nog

Political Opinions / Muslim woman held in contempt for wearing hijab
« on: December 17, 2008, 11:23:06 PM »
U.S. judge jails Muslim woman over head scarf.

So, I can't decide how I feel about this and I thought it would spark an interesting debate.

Was it wrong of her not take off her head covering in respect for U.S. law?

Or was it wrong of U.S. law to ask her to do something that is considered immoral in her religion?

Writer's Block / Wunderkind's Christmas Carol
« on: December 15, 2008, 01:02:46 AM »
"Call your mother ferfucksake, it's Christmas."

So it bugs me every year, how more and more commercialized this time of year becomes. Before Halloween they are pushing Christmas and selling Santa and hawking Kringle. It gets on my nerves, because as I walk through the stores looking for little things that I can afford for all the family and friends I'm going to see or not see this solistice I get to hear the living outcome report of marketing departments everywhere.

The screaming and crying and temper tantrums happen all year around, don't get me wrong. When I was four and threw myself down on the grocery store floor screaming for a piece of candy my mother wouldn't give me, she would stand calmly by and wait for me to take a breath. At which point she would ask, "Are you done yet?" When I was six and thought I would be clever and sneak the candy into the cart, the cart would come to a screetching halt followed by my mother holding out a finger and going, "Pick it up and put it back or you won't be able to sit down for a week." (Oh yeah, we support ass whoopin's in my family.) Now that I'm older and walking through the grocery store on my own, I get to see such dramas played out before me like little glimpses into my past, only one problem. They don't ever seem to end the way they used to and it's particularly... interesting... at Christmas, to say the least.

Because my family is massive and my species tends to clump together in the winter for warmth, we draw names to see who will be getting who a Christmas gift that year. That's right a Christmas gift. All through my childhood I cannot ever remember receiving more than a total of three (3) gifts under the tree (this count excludes the stocking). This year I drew one of my cousins who will be spending his Christmas somewhere in Iraq. Oh, excuse me, Kuwait...  :wink:. So, I head off to everyone's favourite cheapo department store (because I'm poor) trying think of things that would matter to a soldier far away from his family that would actually make it through the postage journey.

I knew his stocking was already going to have the standard clean socks and underwear and his mother's rendition of his favourite cookies, so those were all out of the question. Since he is a graphic novel fan I was pondering what I knew about his current collection when I walked up to the front of the store. I live in the largest town in my county and we still have a pop. that's less than 800 hundred, so everyone knows everyone, so passing by the bell-bearing Salvation Army recruit, BJ, I dropped whatever change I had in my pocket and over-heard a conversation I couldn't believe.

"I can't get you that [toy] for Christmas, I simply can't afford it."

'Wow', I thought to myself. 'My mom would have beat the crap out of me for that.' Then I think about it a little more. 'Wait. My mom would've never said that to begin with. It would've been something like... 'we'll see' or... 'ask Santa'.'

At this point, I was standing in front of that damn discount display they always have leering at you when you first step through the double glass doors and I had temporarily forgot what I was doing there. Staring at the mountain of discounted copies of Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, I found myself wondering why that conversation had even happened. The boy had to have been at least twelve, unless the steriods in our chicken are doing better that I thought, surely he was busy buying gifts for his own friends with his allowance and learning how to spend it wisely. Still staring blankly and the shiny wrapped DVD cases, I conclude that surely that's what she meant, that she couldn't buy that toy for him so that he could give it to a friend, because I still have hope for humanity like that.

Realizing that I've been staring rather suspiciously at these discounted DVD's for a while, I nonchalantly begin to walk down the main aisle back towards electronics, because it's a habit to do that. I am side-tracked at the women's accessories by a pretty scarf and hat set and wonder if a friend of mine who still isn't crossed off my list needs a new scarf. Hell, personally, I can't have enough scarves. I'll even wear two at once just show them off. As I stand there pondering my friend's scarf-needfulness, that boy's response to his mother still pesters me.


So? Really? Your mother explains to you nicely that she can't afford something and your come-back is, 'so?'. So, we're shopping at discount-mart, our credit sucks as evidenced by the recent cut in your allowance. So, no. So, don't ask me again. What kind of a response is 'so?' anyway?

My pondering is interrupted by yet another absurd Christmas conversation. One that chills me to the bone, because, while no children actually spoke, they were spoken of, by two women perusing purses one aisle over.

"I have to get Timmy that [toy]. Last year, he didn't get what he asked for and threw a tantrum."
"Really? Jane is like that too. It's so expensive, but she's so mean when she doesn't get what she wants."

Putting my hand on my mouth to physically remind myself not to butt into other people's conversations, because I actually have manners, I turn and continue towards the electronics. As I walk I think to myself, 'What the fuck? Since when did we bend to the ones who are too young to operate machinery legally so submissively? The little fucks can't even open the brand new peanut-butter jar on their own yet, but god forbid they through a tantrum.'

I end up stopping in front of the video game display, which probably wasn't a wise idea, the current state of my mind being considered, but that's where I stopped. I'm looking at new game titles, because while I don't own a console, I have family members who do and family members who want to know what to get those family members and they'll probably ask me, because for some reason, it's assumed that I know. That's when I hear the piercing cries of a dying child, right... next... to... me.

I look down and see that a young girl has plopped her little rear down on the floor and has begun to wail inconsolably while her parents proceed to argue right there about whether or not she should get the game she wants. Ok, I expected to hear one of them to give in because of the wailing, I accept that parents these days are soft, weak, mindless, slaves to their children. As I begin to walk away, giving in to my ears' pleas for mercy, I over-hear a saddening remark.

"Come on, it's Christmas. Give her want she wants."

God damn, is that where we're at? Is that the statement to define the season? It's Christmas, so they all get what they want. Huh, when I was her age it was, 'It's Christmas, I'm getting something.' Anything would have made me happy, wrapped up under the tree with my name on it, fuck what was inside, it was just cool to get something.

Remembering my original mission, I pass by one those photoframes that holds multiple photos and am struck by the smart-stick. What more does a soldier want for Christmas than home? Since I'm footing the bill for the shipping and handling, this will probably cost me around $30 so I'm happy. I pick up two disposable cameras and make my way over to the arts and crafts for an empty sketch pad.

The arts and crafts section is dead, the morgue has more people in it. I pick up a nice, thick sketch pad and head towards the front of the store to make my purchases. My cellphone rings while I'm standing in line. It's my mom.

"Can you pick up some red wine on your way home? It's Friday and we don't have any."

Shit. Friday. Aunt SG and Uncle TG are staying with us. They're Orthodox Jews.

"Yeah, do I need to get anything else?"
"Nope. Do you know if gator-tail is kosher?"
"Great. Love you."

So I hurry through the line and hurry through the grocery store in order to make it back for a Sabbath I don't celebrate. There are fifteen family members staying with us right now, Saturday that number will jump to twenty-two. I'm pretty sure we're breaking some fire codes. Of the families staying with us, one is Jewish, one is Catholic, and the other is... well... we're not sure. They kind of follow my mom's view of, wait until you've tried them all before you make a decision. People tell her, "There are too many for you to try them all." She responds, "That was the point." Regardless of religion, we're all sitting down at the same table tonight (figuratively speaking, of course, we don't own a table that big). Since the 'G's are the ones observing a holy day, we will all be observing it with them.

As everyone starts to come inside I overhear 'N' complaining about having to call his mother. He's adopted, lives with the Catholic family, his mother is living at a rehabilitation center for drug addicts. She gave him up for adoption, but still harasses him with weird phone calls every now and then.

At this point, Aunt 'SG', the Jewish one, turns from the table to look at 'N'.

"Call your mother ferfucksake, it's Christmas."

Damn, I love my family. At least somewhere in this world, this fucked-up over-commercialized holiday season still works like its supposed to.

Entertainment / Farewell to Bettie Page
« on: December 12, 2008, 12:17:11 AM »

Anarchy / When People Are Too Easily Offended...
« on: December 10, 2008, 01:02:09 AM »
We get weird news stories like this one.

Oh, and I am oh so sorry to say this is semi-local news. 'Cuz ya did'ndt think we was back'ards enuff as it were.

Anarchy / Stupid News of the Week
« on: November 06, 2008, 05:47:52 AM »
Yet another pointless study.

A new study found that women have a greater variety of bacteria on their hands than men do.

And they wasted good science on this... why?

Anarchy / Mushroom Epicureans Unite!
« on: September 17, 2008, 11:01:14 PM »
Actually, we ended up with a huge crop of button mushrooms this year in a our garden. We didn't intend to... in fact, we didn't plant any at all, yet, in the pot where asparagus was growing there was a bountiful harvest of familiar looking fungi. So we cut one off, took it to see the farmer's market and were told by an "expert" that they are common button mushrooms and safe to eat. I haven't died yet... or gotten high... so he must have been right.

The point of this little tale is to pick your brains for your favourite mushroom dishes, because my knowledge of mushroom dishes is pretty limited.  :|
Anyone have any good ideas?

Anarchy / OMG wots in my fud?
« on: September 03, 2008, 11:00:36 PM »
 Thur clonnin' my mcburger o.O
OK, so personally, I have mixed feeling about this. It's been on for a while about the whole cloning food thing, and the arguements to either side sound good. Then again, what are these "safety concerns"? If it was cloned from a perfectly healthy animal/plant it should be an indentical perfectly healthy animal/plant, yes?

Meh, I would much rather just wait and see how many 3rd world citizens it kills first, wouldn't you?

Anarchy / Happy 4th!
« on: July 04, 2008, 07:44:40 AM »
Happy Obscure Day that's supposed to represent the U.S.'s freedom from the British(if there was reason for choosing the 4th I forget what it was).

Steak and B.J.'s for everyone!

I'm gonna go get a beer.

Anarchy / Make-Up is Evil!
« on: June 04, 2008, 05:34:35 AM »
Okay, maybe just lip gloss.

I've always wondered why women think this stuff is somehow good for your lips. It doesn't have a moisturizer, it doesn't have any SPF level, it doesn't do anything but make them shiny. And now... it may attribute to cancer.

Political Opinions / Guess Who Just made the History Books
« on: June 04, 2008, 05:24:45 AM »
Looks like Obama made it to a major party candidate.

I still don't know what to make of the dude, though.  :|

Anarchy / Announcement: Wunderkind has been converted.
« on: May 27, 2008, 01:19:57 AM »
I am now a germophobe. Thank you,



I just didn't need to know about that. Ew.


Oh look, an excuse not to make my bed! ... Ew.

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