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Messages - technatrix

Pages: [1]
Anarchy / Re: post your cute pet pictures!
« on: April 01, 2008, 10:18:50 AM »
Sorry, the little orange guy has already been spoke for by our next door neighbor.  He is adorable, though not terribly bright.  Occaisionally, he'll wander off from the other kittens, suddenly figure out he's alone, and then commence to shrieking until me or my room mate finds him and takes him back to the others.

There's actually one more kitten that wasn't in the picture, but she's apparently the little goth kitten because she hangs out in the corner and growls at everyone.

New Geeks on the Block / Re: Why did I come here again?
« on: April 01, 2008, 10:11:09 AM »
Nothing like your bare balls in chain mail.

Anything bare in chainmail is usually bad.  A friend of mine decided to wear a chainmail shirt to a renfaire one time without a shirt on under it.  Unfortunately, he's kind of a fuzzy guy and we ended up having to literally cut him out of the shirt later because his chest hair had woven into the maille.  Not to mention it was a really sunny and hot that day, which is not a happy situation when you're covered in metal.  Also, from personal experience, chainmail bikinies = trouble.  In more ways than one.

New Geeks on the Block / Re: Why did I come here again?
« on: March 31, 2008, 03:25:03 PM »
I've always wanted to do that. I have a few friends that have been begging me to go for about a year now, but I just think it would be really awkward at first. Plus, she told me all the women just do arts and crafts, and... other ladylike things, none of which are all very appealing.

Actually, you can do whatever you want.  I used to do a lot of heavy fighting when I was an undergrad, and I still get out on the field and whack some people around now and then.  It is true that most women tend to go for arts and crafts and service type stuff and guys go for the fighting, but there's nothing to prevent girls from fighting, fencing, doing archery, or field heraldry or whatever.  Depending on where you're from, you might encounter a few male fighters who get their jock straps in a bind over women being on the field, but the majority of fighters are usually happy to see women in armor.  Don't worry about being awkward, I think everyone is a little nervous about the SCA at first, but most people are really friendly and will go out of their way to help out newbies.

Anarchy / Re: post your cute pet pictures!
« on: March 30, 2008, 12:07:03 PM »
Look what I found in the garden shed on Friday!

New Geeks on the Block / Re: Why did I come here again?
« on: March 30, 2008, 11:40:11 AM »
Mead? Are you an SCA geek?

Yep!  Lady Ingris Utlennigsdottir of the Kingdom of Meridies at your service.   8-)

Entertainment / Re: Books!
« on: March 29, 2008, 11:58:26 AM »
I love to read, so I read a lot of everything.  Lately, though, I've been reading a lot of fiction as a balance to all the ethnographies and academic papers I have to read for school.  They're interesting, but there's just so many battleship curve charts and photo plates of nearly identical arrowheads you can look at in one day.  So, I've been reading Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff by Chris Moore and The Sex Lives of Cannibals by some other guy whose name escapes me.  Cannibals isn't fiction per say, but it's funny as hell anyway.  I high recommend anything by Chris Moore, by the way, especially Fluke and Island of the Sequined Love Nun.  I also recently picked up The Path of Alchemy by Stavish, which is interesting and will probably get me into trouble when I actually start trying to do a few of the experiments.

New Geeks on the Block / Re: Why did I come here again?
« on: March 29, 2008, 11:35:44 AM »
Howdy.  You don't by chance have a sibling named Dia do you?
No siblings named Dia, sorry, my parents decided one of me was enough.  Perhaps I have an evil clone, though.

What is your opinion on beer pong?
I have never ever heard of beer pong, please enlighten me.  Although for intoxication purposes I prefer mead.

What branch of archaeology?
Is any particular part of history your favourite?

My area of study right now is the Early Mississippian Period in the southeast US, and more specificially how the Southeastern Ceremonial Complex or "Southern Cult" came about.  So for the non-history geeks, before European contact, there was a native american civilization that extended from the Gulf Coast up into Indiana and halfway into Louisiana that built all kinds of cool ceremonial mound complexes and other stuff you can still go see today.  For a long time, they seem to have had a fairly nebulous religious system and then all of a sudden in the historical record we start seeing very specific designs that show up just about everywhere and seem to have very little to do with the previous ceremonial system.  Since the earliest artifacts that everyone agrees are "Southern Cult" come from a place called Poverty Point out in Louisiana, which was also kind of a trade center between the southeastern cultures and the southwestern cultures, and many of the "Southern Cult" designs look like they could be bastardizations of Mesoamerican religious designs, a lot of people think that the sudden change might have been the result of trade routes with Mesoamerican cultures, which is kind of a big deal, at least for people who study this kind of thing.  That or it's kind of like the 4-chan effect, where people see one funny picture of a cat with a tag line, and then go "hey, that's pretty cool" and suddenly there are lots of them everywhere.

Now that you know more about what I do than you probably wanted to, my favourite part of history would have to be around 1066.  I wanna be a Viking.  It looks fun.

New Geeks on the Block / Re: Why did I come here again?
« on: March 28, 2008, 02:37:47 PM »
Well, depending on who uses it, "gamer girl" can be annoying, but as gaming of one form or fashion tends to take up most of my free time, it fits.

What do I like?  Well, table-top RPGs, mostly D&D and World of Darkness, though I'm currently fiddling with a new system I've made up, too.  Actually, it's kind of scary how many of my hobbies are related to table-top gaming.  Because, you see, in order to truly have the best gaming experience you must paint the minis, scavenge styrofoam and odd bits and pieces of modern detritus to build sets for the encounters, argue with other gamers on forums about whether or not Class X is more broken than Class Y, and design and sew costumes to wear to the gaming conventions thereby establishing your dominance within the geek social structure.  Also, computer games, Morrowind is my current addiction, though I'm a big fan of strategy games like Civ4 and what not as well.  Really, though, I'm an action geek.  I teach and study martial arts, bellydance, and spend most of my summers standing knee deep in a mud pit trying to figure out whether the thing I just dug up is a pot shard or just a piece of sandstone masquerading as a pot shard while undergrads whine in chorus about the heat and the dirt and the bird-sized mosquitos.  Did I mention I'm studying archaeology?  I'm sure there is other stuff I do, but that's me in a nutshell.  Oh, and my name is Rhia. :-)

New Geeks on the Block / Why did I come here again?
« on: March 27, 2008, 11:28:13 PM »
Oh, yeah.  Because I'm a bored college student and it's just past the laziness of spring break but too soon for the panic attacks and sleep deprivation of finals to start.  And also because there seems to be a deficiency of geeks in my geographic area, which is sad.  But thus it is written: "Verily did the technological gods look down upon the earth and say "It is not good for geek-kind to be alone, and so we shall create an internet that they may speak to one another even from the ends of the earth of gaming and other past times which are not known unto the infidels in whose midst they dwell." And it was so, and the geeks did rejoice and give thanks for the internet with offerings of sugary junkfood and heavily caffinated libations."  So, here I am. Hi!

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