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Main Forums => Anarchy => Topic started by: Dark Shade on August 05, 2002, 05:14:39 PM

Title: Anyone remember the original Warcraft?
Post by: Dark Shade on August 05, 2002, 05:14:39 PM
It's been so long since I've played it last, but that was "cutting-edge" in those days, only a few years ago, I believe. Same with Warcraft 2...good, I still play it, but not as good as War 3. It has got to be the BEST of the newest and hottest games. Well..ok...Neverwinter Nights....*sigh*

Dark Shade~
Title: Anyone remember the original Warcraft?
Post by: Anonymous on August 05, 2002, 05:20:16 PM
I have War Craft II. I have never played it. It's actually my brothers but he didn't want it anymore so decided to give it to me.

I'm more of an Age of Empire and Star Craft myself. I play scant few games, and those two are some of them.

Title: Anyone remember the original Warcraft?
Post by: Dark Shade on August 05, 2002, 05:22:13 PM
Age of Empires I play, and SC I play, but not all that heavily. They're all good in my books.  :wink:
Title: Anyone remember the original Warcraft?
Post by: Demosthenes on August 05, 2002, 07:02:01 PM
Feh.  Age Of Empires was "WarcraftII-like", but not as good as Warcraft II, IMNSHO.  I was rather disappointed with the first AOE game, and I got bored with it after only having it for like a week... Warcraft II, on the other hand, has stayed interesting to me ever since I first started playing it like six years ago.  It takes a good game to do that.

Civilization 2 was the same way... I still play the damn thing, even though I have newer games by the same creators with better graphics and game play (like Alpha Centauri and Civ3).

( (

Title: Anyone remember the original Warcraft?
Post by: hob goblin on August 05, 2002, 10:55:38 PM
ahh i love all the games you've mentioned (except AOE, never played it)
Title: Anyone remember the original Warcraft?
Post by: SeK612 on August 06, 2002, 09:49:54 AM
The best strategy game is TOTAL ANNIHILATION. Its kinda getting on now but its the best. Kingdoms aint as good but its still o.k . I also like Sacrifice - which I got with my graphics card - its a mix between a RPG and strategy and is kinda addictive. Best thing about it is you get to fight amonst your troops - I think Command and Conquerer launched a similar game a while back. Warlords battlecry is another ace strategy game - its more magic based as opposed to the robot based Ta. I also have Civilisation but I'm not too keen on it as I don't like turn based strategy games.

SeK 612

(C&C Red alert is good too)
Title: Anyone remember the original Warcraft?
Post by: hob goblin on August 06, 2002, 10:20:40 AM
Yeah, most people who are good at civilization have brains
Title: Anyone remember the original Warcraft?
Post by: Anonymous on August 06, 2002, 02:23:36 PM
Maybe come September when I have more time on my hands I can play some games. Right now I'm far too busy. :shock:

Maybe some WC3 or CS.
Title: Anyone remember the original Warcraft?
Post by: Anonymous on August 07, 2002, 08:16:15 AM
I recommend CS. Being the self appointed embassador of CS, it is my duty to promote the game at all cost. And I could use the target practice... :wink:
Title: Anyone remember the original Warcraft?
Post by: SeK612 on August 07, 2002, 07:50:03 PM
I recommend CS. Being the self appointed embassador of CS, it is my duty to promote the game at all cost. And I could use the target practice...

CS is cool. I would play it more often but my 56K connection keeps lagging :( De Dust Rules !!!!
Title: Anyone remember the original Warcraft?
Post by: LFD on August 08, 2002, 12:44:51 PM
Sek: If you got the skills you can run around taking people out with a knife with a ping of 340. Don't blame everything on a 56k some of the best players in the world are stuck on 28.8k modems and they still kill people. ;) you gotta be tactical if you wanna live.

Chris-If you ever wanna start playing WC3 tell me, I will be happy to build 50 peons and just burrow/tower rush you your first few games  :P
Title: Anyone remember the original Warcraft?
Post by: SeK612 on August 08, 2002, 03:54:23 PM
Sek: If you got the skills you can run around taking people out with a knife with a ping of 340. Don't blame everything on a 56k some of the best players in the world are stuck on 28.8k modems and they still kill people.  you gotta be tactical if you wanna live.

I suck at games big time  :lol: I've barely completed a single game in my life without help of a person or a guide. In shooting games I kinda end up just firing all over the place and getting killed within the first few minutes. Most games I have I've given up about half way in desperation and boredom of doing the same bit over and over again. I would definatly need broadband cababilities to have half a chance at CS - and all my opponants would have to be on a 28 K connection. Even then I'd probably not win  :( Ah well once I get this P.C up and running I might venture back into the world of CS but I've still got a bit to do...

SeK 612
Title: Anyone remember the original Warcraft?
Post by: Dark Shade on August 09, 2002, 08:46:58 PM
Sorry for not posting for 3 days fellas, but I'm off to "the coast", which is Vancouver, if you didn't know.


Anyways, I probably won't have opportunity to check up on things here, so don't get pissed if I don't reply.

I'm here for 2 hours, then I'm off. Catch y'all on the flipside.
Title: Anyone remember the original Warcraft?
Post by: Anonymous on August 12, 2002, 07:06:51 AM
At one point in time, I was really into building CS maps. I made one of the office once. That was quite entertaining. The scenario was for terrorist to go bomb the boss' office. I even took a picture of him and created a picture frame on the wall of his office. It was pretty cool to play.

I had also made a second version of the office, but filled it with booby traps. (Staircase that exploded when you walked over a specific step, platform elevators that would go up a square too high crushing your head on the ceiling until you crouched, the faked ladder droping you down 100 feets and causing serious damage, the steam drinking fountain that burned, the network room filled with explosible servers, etc.)

The last map I build was CS_Matrix. That was very cool. Neo was meeting an informant in the matrix (They where 2 hostages you had to rescue.) The terrorist team would start in a spy camp not too far from the meeting. The CTs started up in their air like a 1000 feet inside a tube that was textured with "0's" and "1's". They would start the round by dropping down along the tube for about 5 seconds of free fall down into a river at the bottom. It created the effect of entering the matrix.

Then, my PC fucked up and I had to reformat, with no backups of all my maps.

FUCK! That was a LOT of work lost. I never recovered...
Title: Anyone remember the original Warcraft?
Post by: mattshocker on August 19, 2002, 10:00:26 PM
Quote from: hob goblin
Yeah, most people who are good at civilization have brains

ah, great game it's one of my favourite. i remember sitting at the tv playing it for atleast 5 hours at a time...good ole days. i haven't played any of the newer  ones yet.