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Main Forums => Hardware, Software, and Other Imperialist Crap => Topic started by: Dark Shade on August 26, 2002, 04:53:38 PM

Title: My Lame-Ass Site
Post by: Dark Shade on August 26, 2002, 04:53:38 PM
It blows, used a Geocities page maker....

Chris, I envy you.

*Sigh* Anyways, check it out. Not done yet tho. And yes, you're all correct. I DO like the kick ass game mentioned on my site. Enjoy.
Title: My Lame-Ass Site
Post by: hob goblin on August 26, 2002, 06:41:37 PM
chrono trigger kicks ass, shitty site though.
Title: re:
Post by: KoRNexpressor on August 26, 2002, 07:37:04 PM
chrono trigger kicks ass, shitty site though.

Thats pretty mean

Well the site is OK...but it would be VERY good if
1. the links were closer to the top
2. the animated gifs were not
3. the midi was not there
Title: My Lame-Ass Site
Post by: hob goblin on August 26, 2002, 07:42:17 PM
When people offer you money to make websites for them, I think you have the right to say 'shitty site.'
Title: My Lame-Ass Site
Post by: Demosthenes on August 27, 2002, 08:57:13 AM
It's not quite as shitty for me...

I use Proxomitron (  No popups, no GeoCities markers, and you can turn off midi's and other annoying shit, even GIF animations, if you want to.

Plus it's free, and it doesn't crash even MY fragile system.
Title: My Lame-Ass Site
Post by: Dark Shade on August 27, 2002, 10:42:30 AM
Thanks for the advice, consider it was MY OWN homepage, which blows. I know. I gotta do MORE work on it. My employers however, like their stuff. I know I don't apply the same amount of work to my OWN page then to my customers, but hey, that's me.

The info is duley noted.