The Geek Forum

Main Forums => Anarchy => Topic started by: davidoffbeat on June 07, 2005, 01:01:59 PM

Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: davidoffbeat on June 07, 2005, 01:01:59 PM
I thought maybe someone here could help me, if its possible at all:

I go to school/work at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, we have some dumb web based email system called "E-spartan" (

Well I work in the University Relations office with web developers, photographers, writers, editors, etc. so we send alot of e-mails back and forth. Everyone says theres not  way for students to use lotus/outlook.

Im sure theres is probaby a way but i need to find out all the server info, incoming/outgoing all that jazz...

Anyone know how to figure that out?
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: hackess on June 07, 2005, 01:03:03 PM
Only if you go read this thread (, first.
Title: Re: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Cyber_Sniper on June 07, 2005, 01:08:18 PM
Quote from: davidoffbeat
I thought maybe someone here could help me, if its possible at all:

I go to school/work at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, we have some dumb web based email system called "E-spartan" (

Well I work in the University Relations office with web developers, photographers, writers, editors, etc. so we send alot of e-mails back and forth. Everyone says theres not  way for students to use lotus/outlook.

Im sure theres is probaby a way but i need to find out all the server info, incoming/outgoing all that jazz...

Anyone know how to figure that out?

Ask someone at the uni you work for.  Or do you plan to use this information to try and gain access to the mail server???
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: davidoffbeat on June 07, 2005, 01:18:12 PM
the employees have some program that has all the info included already.
they were told by whoevers in charge that it's not possible for students to do it (i dont believe that)

Im using a mac here at work, its such a pain!
I have to use safari (which isnt my default browser) go to, enter username and password, open some stupid text based version of the website because the regular version is not supported by Mac and then scroll to the bottom to look at new mail. (and i have no notification program so i have to do this every 10-15 mins to see if i have mail)

I just want outlook to work or SOME kind of notification program.

catwritr, that link didnt seem to work, it just opened up the forum index page.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: hackess on June 07, 2005, 01:21:34 PM
Oh hell...that's because I had the wrong link.

Let me summarize:
This is not a tech support forum. (
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: davidoffbeat on June 07, 2005, 01:31:49 PM
:( i introduced myself! im david. im 19 and im a student web developer here at uncg.

and im not gonna just solve my problems and then leave, im already talking to reimero about beta testing for that rpg

but please help if you can...heh.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: hackess on June 07, 2005, 01:34:21 PM

I'm not helping you bypass your university's preordained setup. If your university's tech department won't help you, neither will I. I don't care if Safari isn't your browser of choice. I don't care if you have to use a Mac. I just don't care.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Cyber_Sniper on June 07, 2005, 01:39:12 PM
Quote from: davidoffbeat
:( i introduced myself! im david. im 19 and im a student web developer here at uncg.

and im not gonna just solve my problems and then leave, im already talking to reimero about beta testing for that rpg

but please help if you can...heh.

I'll help but it will cost you the following...

The Blood of Eight Virgins
A Monster Truck
Two Cream Teas (From The Ritz in London)
And a Partridge in a Apple Tree

Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: pbsaurus on June 07, 2005, 01:40:28 PM
I have a trunk monster!
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Cyber_Sniper on June 07, 2005, 01:46:59 PM
Oh My....
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: davidoffbeat on June 07, 2005, 01:47:47 PM
wow thanks for the hospitality.

im sure the tech dept doesnt mind, but i highly doubt they have time to help every student who wants to use outlook configure all the stupid info.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: TheJudge on June 07, 2005, 01:50:14 PM
You have to understand there's been a huge traffic of people comming here to ask technical questions. I mean a lot. That isn't the purpose of this place.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: davidoffbeat on June 07, 2005, 01:53:03 PM
well i need something to do with my spare time at work anyways, ill continue posting.

notice my join date was may 18th, not june 7th.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Crystalmonkey on June 07, 2005, 01:59:08 PM
Quote from: davidoffbeat
:( i introduced myself!

Yes, I can clearly see your post in the New Geeks On The Block, where you introduce yourself and actually contribute to the conversations before jumping and asking questions.

Quote from: davidoffbeat
but please help if you can...heh.

Oh the wit, I am in awe of you. I don't know if I should take that as an insult or if you were trying to be funny. Were you trying to make a joke or just to insult our "UB3R 1337 H4K3R SKi115" so that we have to "prove our worth"?

If anything will get people to help you with your problem, it is by goading them with a challenge the likes of which have never been seen before. (Except from a 3rd grader who dares his best friend to eat a worm. Better make that 6th grader, the schools are getting worse so I don't think they could spell 'worm' much less identify what one is.)
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Chris on June 07, 2005, 02:03:40 PM
You know, it is possible that the place may only allow internal pop/smtp mail protocols. They may very well be blocking port 25 so no one can check it from outside using that method.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Crystalmonkey on June 07, 2005, 02:06:46 PM
That said, if you would go please over to the new people forum and introduce yourself (And yes, you ARE new even though you made an account the 18th) maybe people will say "Hello, Welcome" and who knows what.

I'm not a representative, just a single person.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: davidoffbeat on June 07, 2005, 02:21:23 PM
Oh the wit, I am in awe of you. I don't know if I should take that as an insult or if you were trying to be funny. Were you trying to make a joke or just to insult our "UB3R 1337 H4K3R SKi115" so that we have to "prove our worth"?

Weird Tingly Feeling are you talking about, I wanst insulting anyone or testing anyones skills. i just meant help me if someone knows alot on the subject.

so defensive. you think pretty highly of youself mr uber leet hacker.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Demosthenes on June 07, 2005, 02:34:09 PM
Hey... any relation to ivan davidoff?
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: davidoffbeat on June 07, 2005, 02:50:42 PM
nah my real name is david witherington. david offbeat was just a nick that some people gave me back when i had my own website "offbeat online"
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: hackess on June 07, 2005, 03:18:47 PM
Quote from: Chris
You know, it is possible that the place may only allow internal pop/smtp mail protocols. They may very well be blocking port 25 so no one can check it from outside using that method.

Then why in the world would they require students to use web email?
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: davidoffbeat on June 07, 2005, 03:26:44 PM
yea i searched around pop/imap is "disabled" at the server, so i guess theres no other way around it?

fuck fuck fuck :(
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: hackess on June 07, 2005, 03:27:41 PM
Brilliant, Holmes. You'll survive.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Chris on June 07, 2005, 03:35:47 PM
There is no other way around it, period. If it is not running on the server, there is no way you are going to be able to utalize it if it is not there.

Also, they may require students to use the web-based email to avoid questions like this constantly, as well as people making stupid mistakes. Imagine someone uses Outlook, and then after it downloads all their mail for them, it then deletes it from the server. That same student then goes to school the next day and logs in via the web-based portal and expects to see his or her email sitting there, but it isn't because it is all gone since it is saved on their other computer. Granted, there are ways to configure most email clients to leave the mail on the server permantly, every X days, or only when it is deleted from the program's trash.

Basically, it is pretty much disabled to avoid confusion and other non-sense questions.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: davidoffbeat on June 07, 2005, 03:39:40 PM
yea i guess. i have my gmail account configured so i have to delete it from thunderbird and from but other people could easily be confused if they didnt know what was going on...

But I've also seen problems like kids forgetting to check their e-mail and missing important info from their teacher because they have no type of notification.

i e-mailed tech services and asked if they could move me to the faculty server, hopefully i'll be able to.

thanks for your help chris.

and for those others, that wasnt so bad was it?
if you have the time to flame people every other post/thread about asking for help...why dont you just take a few extra minutes, be nice, and help them if possible. jeez.

on that note, id be glad to help people with their problems if i can.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: hackess on June 07, 2005, 03:56:33 PM

Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Crystalmonkey on June 07, 2005, 03:59:13 PM
It wasn't about hating/flaming you, it was about the people who over the past couple of weeks have been randomly making a member name, ask a question about technology (Because this is a forum for Geeks so this must be a tech support forum, after all aren't Geeks supposed to be willing to help everyone with a computer problem to show off their knowledge?  :roll: )

The people that have come on here don't post in the New Users area, they leave right after they get an answer, and if they are flamed/insulted they fight back because WE must be the bad guys who aren't willing to help them and share, conveniently forgetting their lack of any courtesy.

And I don't know the future, I don't think most of the people on here know the future, so there is no way to know whether the posters will stick around after they ask or if they will just bugger off, regardless of whether they say they will or not.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Demosthenes on June 07, 2005, 04:10:35 PM
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: davidoffbeat on June 07, 2005, 04:34:15 PM
yea yea ive heard all that.

maybe they dont come back because theyre being flamed. and the fact that half the post are the same 5 people flaming or banning people because they dont like them/wont take 2 mins to help someone with a simple question.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: hackess on June 07, 2005, 04:39:07 PM
If "they" took 5 minutes to read around the forum to get a feel for it, search for whatever they're seeking an answer to, maybe read the most recently active threads...they'd get that this isn't where you go to get answers to your questions.

We have no problems helping regulars, but we've been getting a veritable assload of new members who register and immediately expect us to help them. It's irritating. Don't expect us to kowtow to you or them.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Demosthenes on June 07, 2005, 04:43:32 PM
Quote from: davidoffbeat
yea yea ive heard all that.

maybe they dont come back because theyre being flamed. and the fact that half the post are the same 5 people flaming or banning people because they dont like them/wont take 2 mins to help someone with a simple question.

Yeah, generally speaking that's the idea.  :)
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: dcrog on June 07, 2005, 05:35:14 PM
I think the service techs at Best Buy could solve this problem.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: davidoffbeat on June 07, 2005, 05:38:22 PM
geek squad? heh.

yea maybe u should change the name of the forum if its that bothersome?
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Crystalmonkey on June 07, 2005, 05:41:33 PM
Quote from: davidoffbeat
yea maybe u should change the name of the forum if its that bothersome?

And perhaps society should correct the problem we have with a surplus of stupid people.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: hackess on June 07, 2005, 05:41:45 PM
Way to assume.

You should go to They could probably hack out a fix for your email problem.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: dcrog on June 07, 2005, 05:48:41 PM
They've always been a friendly lot to me.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: davidoffbeat on June 08, 2005, 12:19:33 AM
Way to assume.

what are you refering to?
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: davidoffbeat on June 08, 2005, 03:18:18 AM
I'm sure everyone will stick up for him cause he's been here longer, but come on.

And perhaps society should correct the problem we have with a surplus of stupid people.

Don't bash me for being stupid, especially when you post stuff like this.

And I don't know the future, I don't think most of the people on here know the future, so there is no way to know whether the posters will stick around after they ask or if they will just bugger off, regardless of whether they say they will or not.

Seriously, what kind of sentence is that? Not only does it sound like a sentence a five year old would come up with on Kids Say the Darndest Things, but three commas? (I'm almost positive thats not a list) I'm no english major, but I'm pretty sure thats a run-on or something.

Oh, and the sig. very clever, did you make that yourself? Leet. You must be a super uber geek to know how to do that.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: davidoffbeat on June 08, 2005, 03:25:59 AM
And catwritr I'm sure now that you and I will never get along...

I browsed to your website/photo album and saw pics of you with a guy wearing a Duke shirt.  :evil:

I've been a UNC fan all my life.

You're not located in NC are you?
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: reimero on June 08, 2005, 07:59:08 AM
David, David, David...

More funny less whiney pls.  Seriously.  You came in assuming we are what we actually aren't and asking for a "service" we don't provide.  Being a geek doesn't mean we eat, breathe, live and generally allow our lives to revolve around computers and technology.  If anything, it indicates something of a common point or set of points of reference which allows us to share in a particular brand of humor that lesser mortals cannot appreciate.

Here's the actual breakdown of how things happened:

You> I'm having email problems.  *googles* ooh... geeks!  They can help me!  *registers* *posts* OMGHELP!!!!
Us> Uh... we're not a tech support forum and you didn't follow the rules about posting.  You are the weakest link.  Goodbye.
You> You guys are mean and not geeks!  You should change $x $y and $z!! *stalks catwritr*
Us> *signs you up for every piece of junk mail known to mankind* Thank you for playing, have a nice day.  :evil:

It's not our fault you didn't scope out the place before posting.  It's not our fault you ignored the message that WE ARE NOT A TECH SUPPORT FORUM.  It's not our fault you neglected to post in the new members' area.  We are a community.  Communities have rules.  Believe it or not, we DO get new members who come by, figure out what we are and follow the rules (this mostly involves being literate.)  And these members are welcomed with open arms.

We don't suffer smacktards lightly around here.  And you've demonstrated you're exactly that.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: hackess on June 08, 2005, 08:18:09 AM
Quote from: davidoffbeat

I browsed to your website/photo album and saw pics of you with a guy wearing a Duke shirt.  :evil:

Get over it. It's a game.

Quote from: davidoffbeat

what are you refering to?

You suggested we change the name of the Geekery if we didn't want people coming here for tech help. You, and all those others who've done so and will continue to do so, assume that because we're "geeks," we're veritable repositories of technologic information.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Demosthenes on June 08, 2005, 08:45:45 AM
Quote from: catwritr
You, and all those others who've done so and will continue to do so, assume that because we're "geeks," we're veritable repositories of technologic information.

Well, we are.  We just don't hand it out like candy to everyone that demands it.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Crystalmonkey on June 08, 2005, 10:27:23 AM
Quote from: davidoffbeat
I'm sure everyone will stick up for him cause he's been here longer, but come on.

First, if I'm being stupid the others won't hesitate to tell me, it has been proven.

Quote from: davidoffbeat
And perhaps society should correct the problem we have with a surplus of stupid people.

Don't bash me for being stupid, especially when you post stuff like this.

And of course, I'm obviously wrong about people being Stupid (, or maybe because I tend to use commas like periods, I shouldn't say anything about an obvious problem in society. This isn't the 5th grade, Ad Hominem should be beyond you now.

Quote from: davidoffbeat
Oh, and the sig. very clever, did you make that yourself? Leet. You must be a super uber geek to know how to do that.

We both know that was a pitiful attempt at trying to make fun of me, I mean come on I make plenty of mistake on the board and this is all you can come up with?
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: hackess on June 08, 2005, 10:37:46 AM
Well played, Crystalmonkey. *applause* :beer:
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Demosthenes on June 08, 2005, 10:48:52 AM
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: davidoffbeat on June 08, 2005, 11:51:14 AM
:lol: Was that really worthy of applause? haha.

Yes, all of us are stupid for making assumptions.
These are just a few taken from the top pages of google.

How can you get on us for assuming you can help when you search for the word geek in google and come up with a list of online technology resources and computer how to's.

The fact is, the term USUALLY describes computer smart people, people that USUALLY lend a helping hand. SO if it's such a huge bothersome problem, change your name.

You are the weakest link. Goodbye.

You're telling me to be more funny? Have'nt you seen that episode of Family Guy? geez.

Me> registered 3 weeks before my 'problem', and before there was a post about it not being a tech forum.
You> tried really hard to be funny in that post, but failed horribly.
Me> never uses my main e-mail account to sign up for forums anyways

We both know that was a pitiful attempt at trying to make fun of me, I mean come on I make plenty of mistake on the board and this is all you can come up with?

No but seriously the sig. is terrible. I was more creative than that in preschool.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Demosthenes on June 08, 2005, 12:09:04 PM
Quote from: davidoffbeat
:lol: Was that really worthy of applause? haha.

I thought so.  :)

Yes, all of us are stupid for making assumptions.
These are just a few taken from the top pages of google.

How can you get on us for assuming you can help when you search for the word geek in google and come up with a list of online technology resources and computer how to's.

The fact is, the term USUALLY describes computer smart people, people that USUALLY lend a helping hand. SO if it's such a huge bothersome problem, change your name.

Here's a crazy idea.  

How about by READING a bit on a forum before just assuming it's for support?

Because it's only a "huge bothersome problem" for a select group of illiterates.

Most of the regulars here managed to figure out the difference just fine.  But some never do.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: xolik on June 08, 2005, 12:11:42 PM
lol ofmg ur sig is teh sux0rz n00b.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: davidoffbeat on June 08, 2005, 12:33:38 PM
lol ofmg ur sig is teh sux0rz n00b.


It's been done on every message board ever, not to mention in this thread.

Especially when you're trying to make fun of people for using it, when they dont even come close to sounding like that...

How about by READING a bit on a forum before just assuming it's for support?

How about READING the rest of my post where it says I joined and there was no topic saying it was'nt tech support.

Here's a crazyyyyy idea, contribute something new to the thread! Everything you said has been said several times already.

Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: hackess on June 08, 2005, 12:46:37 PM
What, you ignore all new threads--especially the ones at the top of the forum :rolleyes:--when you come back to a some forum you've registered at?

Leave the regulars alone. They harass for a reason. I should ban you on the principle that you've sassed not one, but at least two regulars. Second chances usually aren't my thing; ask anyone. Use it wisely.

We're done here.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: davidoffbeat on June 08, 2005, 01:00:09 PM
Oh man, I would be devistated if you banned me, seriously everyone on here is so nice, I'd never want to leave. Sadly, you'd probably find humor in banning me, so I'll stop now.

This thread could've been over ages ago. I was'nt trying to be sassy, but I was attacked and my intelligence was questioned so I continued to argue.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Crystalmonkey on June 08, 2005, 02:02:35 PM
Quote from: davidoffbeat
How about READING the rest of my post where it says I joined and there was no topic saying it was'nt tech support.

You're absolutely right. This ( doesn't exist and this ( doesn't exist, so you are arguing a completely legit case... a case that is draining hours of my life that I would like back, paid with 5% interest. Thanks. [/sarcasm]

Joinging BEFORE does NOT excuse a lack of attention to the rules.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: pbsaurus on June 08, 2005, 02:03:15 PM
Quote from: davidoffbeat
Oh man, I would be devistated if you banned me, seriously everyone on here is so nice, I'd never want to leave. Sadly, you'd probably find humor in banning me, so I'll stop now.

This thread could've been over ages ago. I was'nt trying to be sassy, but I was attacked and my intelligence was questioned so I continued to argue.

You're just a poopiehead anyway.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: reimero on June 08, 2005, 02:15:28 PM
Quote from: Crystalmonkey
Quote from: davidoffbeat
How about READING the rest of my post where it says I joined and there was no topic saying it was'nt tech support.

You're absolutely right. This ( doesn't exist and this ( doesn't exist, so you are arguing a completely legit case... a case that is draining hours of my life that I would like back, paid with 5% interest. Thanks. [/sarcasm]

Joinging BEFORE does NOT excuse a lack of attention to the rules.

The [sarcasm] tag NEVER closes!  BWAHAHAHAHAHAAH!!!
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: davidoffbeat on June 08, 2005, 02:16:45 PM
Quote from: Crystalmonkey

You're absolutely right. This ( doesn't exist and this ( doesn't exist, so you are arguing a completely legit case... a case that is draining hours of my life that I would like back, paid with 5% interest. Thanks. [/sarcasm]

Once again you prove you are slightly stupid, WHAT I SAID WAS: The post was not there when I started my account, I read the stickys then, but did not check when I came back to actually post.

Posted: 30 May 2005 03:49 pm

Joined: 18 May 2005
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Demosthenes on June 08, 2005, 02:22:59 PM
Quote from: davidoffbeat
lol ofmg ur sig is teh sux0rz n00b.


It's been done on every message board ever, not to mention in this thread.

Especially when you're trying to make fun of people for using it, when they dont even come close to sounding like that...

Don't tell him what to do.  Xolik has more funny in his little finger than you have had in 22 posts combined.

How about by READING a bit on a forum before just assuming it's for support?

How about READING the rest of my post where it says I joined and there was no topic saying it was'nt tech support.

Here's a crazyyyyy idea, contribute something new to the thread! Everything you said has been said several times already.

And yet you still don't seem to get it.


If people can't be bothered to even read a single thread before making an account and demanding help, why the FUCK should we give a shit about them?

Commence with your boring, repetitive demonstration of you continuing to not get it now, little boy.

It was funny for a while, but it's wearing thin now.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: reimero on June 08, 2005, 02:27:22 PM
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: davidoffbeat on June 08, 2005, 02:53:27 PM
If people can't be bothered to even read a single thread before making an account and demanding help, why the FUCK should we give a shit about them?

Commence with your boring, repetitive demonstration of you continuing to not get it now, little boy.

It was funny for a while, but it's wearing thin now.

I got your "point" long ago, you're the one not getting mine here it is again with a rough example:

Because you eat at Mcdonalds 4 times a week you've become a lard ass.
You don't want to be a lard ass.
But you continue to eat at Mcdonalds 4 times a week.
Therefore you continue to be a lard ass.
You have no room to complain.

Because of your name you're often mistaken as tech support geeks.
You don't want to be tech support geeks.
But you dont want to change your name.
Therefore you continue to be mistaken as tech support.
You have no room to complain.

And P.S. stooping to name calling just proves you're immature and have a shitty argument "little boy", and the fact that a thread on a message board upsets you, well..pathetic.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Demosthenes on June 08, 2005, 03:03:50 PM
Quote from: davidoffbeat
I got your "point" long ago, you're the one not getting mine here it is again with a rough example:

Because you eat at Mcdonalds 4 times a week you've become a lard ass.
You don't want to be a lard ass.
But you continue to eat at Mcdonalds 4 times a week.
Therefore you continue to be a lard ass.
You have no room to complain.

Because of your name you're often mistaken as tech support geeks.
You don't want to be tech support geeks.
But you dont want to change your name.
Therefore you continue to be mistaken as tech support.
You have no room to complain.

So because other people are rude, careless, demanding, and patently stupid, that's somehow our fault?

No, I think the person still not "getting it" is you.

And P.S. stooping to name calling just proves you're immature and have a shitty argument "little boy", and the fact that a thread on a message board upsets you, well..pathetic.

You're a boogerhead.

And I referred to you as a "little boy" because that's how you're behaving.

Like a whining, selfish little boy who refuses to listen to anything he doesn't like to hear.


And my argument is sound.  It's just frustrating having to repeat myself numerous times and STILL have the person with whom I am arguing not understand that he's completely wrong and has his head up his ass.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: xolik on June 08, 2005, 03:11:20 PM
Perhaps our new member should seek e-friendship elsewhere. Somewhere he he's more apt to fit in? This doesn't appear to be working.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Demosthenes on June 08, 2005, 03:12:59 PM
Either that or get funny, and fast.

This whining stuff is pretty old already.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: hackess on June 08, 2005, 03:13:08 PM
You mean like at HackerNetwork (
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: dcrog on June 08, 2005, 03:18:18 PM
OMFG.  If this noob doesn't stop yelling at people trying to get his point across he really needs to be banned.

You showed the links to all the things that came up in a search on google for geek's.  Have any of these other links helped you any?

Here's a novel idea for you.

Type in tech support outlook and whatever other search terms might seem to suit your needs.  Clearly geek isn't the correct term.

Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Demosthenes on June 08, 2005, 03:21:18 PM
OMG, I typed "hackers" into google and i kept coming up with stuff on but none of them are hackers!

can u beleive that!

they shoudl so change there name!!!!!!!!111111111

i should resgitsr... regstiter.... I should make a screen naem there so i can tell them they shoudl change there name.

taht makes me SOOOO MADDDDD!!!1

 :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: TheJudge on June 08, 2005, 03:26:02 PM
Yaddy yaddy yadda. Move on people!
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: davidoffbeat on June 08, 2005, 03:26:58 PM
I did'nt know the point of a forum was soley for the purpose of being funny.

Would you like me better if I used an over used insult like "you are the weakest link, goodbye!" or "OMGURSO1EET!!1one!1". Such comedians.


And selfish? Because I asked for help?
You're the one who claims to be uber smart geeks but refuse to help anyone.

And I did listen to your point, and I countered it and gave arguments against it...and then you repeated it again...and I gave more reasons why you're an idiot...and you repeated it again.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: TheJudge on June 08, 2005, 03:28:55 PM
I would like you better if you shut the fuck up about this already. You obviously don't get it so just drop it. If you can't do that, then I'll show you the door.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Demosthenes on June 08, 2005, 03:30:24 PM
Let me think of a simpler way of putting this so that you understand it...


If you like, I can paraphrase, but for now, that'll have to do.  k?

Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: hackess on June 08, 2005, 03:31:46 PM
I don't recall anyone making a legitimate claim to be an ubersmart geek.

See, all you're doing is telling us that we're something we're not. We're denying those allegations, and, in no uncertain terms, telling you you're a moron for not being able to understand plain English.

We are geeks, but being a geek doesn't necessarily have to do with tech support and computers. It is you, kid, who's fucked up here. You registered at a forum, didn't bother to read around, and then expected us to help you.

Never judge a book by its cover; never judge a website by its URL.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: reimero on June 08, 2005, 03:32:36 PM
So all geeks = computer geeks.  This includes band geeks, math geeks, science geeks...
All computer geeks do tech support.  For free.  Because that's all they want to do.  We don't need to be paid like professionals for it because we're not doctors or lawyers, we're just geeks.
Oh, and we're not entitled to a corner of the internet where we can just hang out free of the demands of providing tech support during the rest of our single-minded lives.

At least,  that's how you make it sound.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: davidoffbeat on June 08, 2005, 03:35:58 PM
You showed the links to all the things that came up in a search on google for geek's. Have any of these other links helped you any?

No, they did'nt help me because I did not post on them. But if you look at the pages ALL of them are tech support/have a help section in the forum/offer how to's

I guess all of them and the majority of people on the internet are using the term incorrectly. But you got it right.

taht makes me SOOOO MADDDDD!!!1

I'm so pissed dude!
-I dont give a shit if you change your name or not, but stop complaining about being confused for tech services if you refuse to change the name.

And I love how you guys associate me with "hacker network" even though I've never heard of it and you guys seem to know all about it. Maybe youre the one typing 'hacker' in google.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: hackess on June 08, 2005, 03:37:46 PM
I haven't seen someone miss a clue this badly since DareDevilChick1.

Killing you is for your own good. You're not even potentially funny.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: reimero on June 08, 2005, 03:39:59 PM
So the root of your argument is based in the fact that a number of people misuse the term "geek" to mean "computer-proficient tech type" to the exclusion of all other types of geekiness, and that we should basically either become a tech support forum or change the name.


Enjoy your vacation, dumbass!
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: TheJudge on June 08, 2005, 03:40:55 PM
Quote from: davidoffbeat
I dont give a shit if you change your name or not

Oh? Then why did you bring it up?

Quote from: davidoffbeat
No, they did'nt help me because I did not post on them.

Why don't you go there and do that then? Why do you insist on posting it here when we're clearly not going to help you?
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Demosthenes on June 08, 2005, 03:41:41 PM
Quote from: davidoffbeat
You showed the links to all the things that came up in a search on google for geek's. Have any of these other links helped you any?

No, they did'nt help me because I did not post on them. But if you look at the pages ALL of them are tech support/have a help section in the forum/offer how to's

I guess all of them and the majority of people on the internet are using the term incorrectly. But you got it right.

taht makes me SOOOO MADDDDD!!!1

I'm so pissed dude!
-I dont give a shit if you change your name or not, but stop complaining about being confused for tech services if you refuse to change the name.

And I love how you guys associate me with "hacker network" even though I've never heard of it and you guys seem to know all about it. Maybe youre the one typing 'hacker' in google.


Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Crystalmonkey on June 08, 2005, 03:48:54 PM
Guys (and gals)... never argue with an idiot, he'll bring you down to his level and beat you with experiance. Let's move on before we become...I can't even type his name for fear of bringing him back.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: hackess on June 08, 2005, 03:51:10 PM
Dimwit, I can ban you all day.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Demosthenes on June 08, 2005, 03:52:45 PM
Quote from: Crystalmonkey
Guys (and gals)... never argue with an idiot, he'll bring you down to his level and beat you with experiance.


Crystalmonkey, I keep forgetting to mention how much I enjoy your posts.  Keep it up!  :)
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: All_Knowing_Ham on June 08, 2005, 03:53:50 PM
I see you.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Demosthenes on June 08, 2005, 03:56:28 PM
For those of you not familiar with (

Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: dcrog on June 08, 2005, 04:06:49 PM
Wait, is he banned yet?

He says all of these other places have tech support/ help topics.  There is no such thing here.  But he doesn't post his question there.  Is it me or is this person the total idiot of all time?  

By the way that last question was rhetorical.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: butyoumakeitsoeasy on June 08, 2005, 04:07:47 PM
davidoffbeat wrote:
I dont give a shit if you change your name or not

Oh? Then why did you bring it up?

Did you read the whole paragraph or stop after the question mark. Smart guy.

davidoffbeat wrote:
No, they did'nt help me because I did not post on them.

Why don't you go there and do that then? Why do you insist on posting it
here when we're clearly not going to help you?

Because I already DID get help yesterday, I'm just arguing with dumbfucks about stupid shit now.

You're not even potentially funny.

Once again, neither is anyone else on this forum and that's not the only
reason for posting on forums.

oh and this is for you reimero, straight off of

geek adj.

   Our Living Language Our word geek is now chiefly associated with
student and computer slang; one probably thinks first of a computer

I wasnt expecting free tech support, I just had a simple question from one
geek to another, but got assaulted for it

Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: butyoumakeitsoeasy on June 08, 2005, 04:08:09 PM
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: reimero on June 08, 2005, 04:11:44 PM
Buh-bye.  Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Demosthenes on June 08, 2005, 04:12:33 PM
We need a translator here... this kid's just not picking up what we're putting down.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: reimero on June 08, 2005, 04:14:51 PM
Let me try:

Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: hackess on June 08, 2005, 04:14:56 PM
Some idiots just don't know when to quit.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Demosthenes on June 08, 2005, 04:17:49 PM
Well, banning by IP is a really good way of teaching them that skill.  :)
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: dcrog on June 08, 2005, 04:17:57 PM
Awww.  I think they're kinda cute when they keep coming back trying to get their nonsensical point across.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Anonymous on June 08, 2005, 04:24:57 PM
"He says all of these other places have tech support/ help topics. There is no such thing here. But he doesn't post his question there"

Another nice try at being witty and make fun of me but...
The reason I posted here is because it was the first place I saw that I was already registered. Blow me.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Anonymous on June 08, 2005, 04:26:08 PM
and yea, banning ip's, i remember when i figured out who to get around that in middle school. heh.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Demosthenes on June 08, 2005, 04:26:21 PM

Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: hackess on June 08, 2005, 04:27:22 PM
Quote from: iloveproxy4free
"He says all of these other places have tech support/ help topics. There is no such thing here. But he doesn't post his question there"

Another nice try at being witty and make fun of me but...
The reason I posted here is because it was the first place I saw that I was already registered. Blow me.

Irrelevant. There is no tech support/help forum here. You posted here because you were too lazy to read around and see that for yourself.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Demosthenes on June 08, 2005, 04:28:34 PM
Quote from: iloveproxy4free
and yea, banning ip's, i remember when i figured out who to get around that in middle school. heh.

When was that?  Last week?

You're trolling.  We suspected before that you were stupid, this just confirms it.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: hackess on June 08, 2005, 04:29:43 PM
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: Anonymous on June 08, 2005, 04:31:08 PM
yes last week even though my first post explains how im in college.
another side splitting joke.

and its funny to watch you guys cry about your precious little forum.
this is probably the most exciting post you've had since creation.
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: hackess on June 08, 2005, 04:32:35 PM
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: TheJudge on June 09, 2005, 08:38:26 PM
Quote from: iloveproxy4free
Blow me.

I'd love too! Someone fetch me the microscope! OMFGLOL!!!11oneone!!
Title: requesting a help with webbased e-mail > outlook.
Post by: MISTER MASSACRE on June 10, 2005, 07:11:51 AM
Quote from: iloveproxy4free

and its funny to watch you guys cry about your precious little forum.
this is probably the most exciting post you've had since creation.

Yeah, you know, you're totally right. Nothing even remotely like this has ever happened before.