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Messages - 74eye15

Pages: [1]
New Geeks on the Block / Re: Newbie
« on: January 03, 2008, 07:35:38 AM »
Weird Tingly Feeling??   WE decide what’s acceptable and what isn’t. Not you. Be greatful
you haven’t been BANNED yet; much less “greeted”.
Who the hell are you to come in here and determine peoples’ questions “silly” and a “waste of time”? You are starting continuing to annoy me.
No, you cannot ask. We will talk about whatever the hell we want WHERE  EVER the hell we want.

I suggest you pipe down a bit, and backread a bit more. Keep in mind that no one here really cares if you think you have something to say.
Well thenk you, for all this explenation and exactly who might you be, to talk in a name of them all?
If not menshioning that you're starting to make an image of a troll... (to me )

Besides, if you waned to scare me with your aggressive reply... it didin't work, but what you sed I'll keep in mind.

huuurrrrr. Im still an idiot; but now a banned one.

New Geeks on the Block / Re: Newbie
« on: January 03, 2008, 05:54:02 AM »
Thank you for clearing that up. I thought the geographical center of Europe was somewhere northeast of Des Moines.
O_o  (np? )

Who's Dot?
Overall, I just have to ask... Are you serious?  If so, UGH
In a name of all sweets, I curse you. (okey, just kiding)
This is dot --->  .

It's something semilar to :  !!!!1!!!111!!oneoneone
I woun't waste my time on silly questions like this... (from now on )

I miss jlmr11
I was just thinkening the same thing.
Where's DM when we need him?
that which is seen but as is only a ghost . . .

Can I ask a question, why are you exactly talking about all that ,here ?

New Geeks on the Block / Re: Newbie
« on: January 02, 2008, 12:11:30 PM »
In regards to paranoia, a great man, Carl Sagan, once wrote (and I paraphrase):

"Detecting conspiracies where they do not exist is a sign of mental illness.  Detecting conspiracies where they do exist is a sign of mental health."
I see, and I agree.

You didin't greet me, but that's acceptable. L0L
Nice to meet you. "nod"

New Geeks on the Block / Re: Newbie
« on: January 02, 2008, 08:18:58 AM »
Welcome, another eastern european guy. It's good that now we're more of those (2).
All~right then...  .  .
Random replacement of letters with apostrophes is not acceptable.  Please stop.
Atleast I am n0t replaceing numbers with apostrophes, and okey, I will stop replaceing letters with
apostrophes, yet I see nothing wrong with that...
Written consent!
Affirmative dot
Isn't Lithuania in Asia?
Negative, center of Europe is located in Lithuania not far away from it's capital city ( Vilnius).
What means, it can not be in Asia...

For more detailed information use google, or any other search engine dot
Not this one.
There is more then one Lithuania? L0L

Over and out...!!1!one1!!1one

New Geeks on the Block / Re: Newbie
« on: January 01, 2008, 03:08:47 AM »
I don't greet new people.
Whose Kay?  :?
=S  'kay stands for okay ,same as mkay...
You did not find this forum by accident.
Heh, I found it by googling...
Does it sound better this way?( not a necessary to answer)
SHH!! Quiet with the plans!!
What plans? Am I missing something her' ?

New Geeks on the Block / Newbie
« on: December 31, 2007, 03:43:07 PM »
'kay, I'm new, I'll accept to be called n00b (if somebody has a wish to call me like t'at)
My English 5ucks, I hope you can forgive me for that and if my posts will be a totall
non-sence, delete 'em right away....

I'm 15
from Europe-Lithuania
fav.sub(s): Math, science,...
Hate to read books (or any manuals), watch TV
Enjoy brakeing stuff to see how it works...
Love to play chess...

Consider my self as a geek (beginner?)

(lately depressed but it's starting to go away)

found t'is forum accidentally
Reason why I'm still here: n/a

And by th3 way, Hiz everyone !1!!!1one
I guess thats it, with teh introduction dot

Pages: [1]