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Messages - ho0ber

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 23
« on: August 27, 2010, 01:05:52 PM »
I'll take one art, please!

« on: August 03, 2010, 09:44:15 PM »
How odd! It was probably censored for being too awesome.

« on: August 03, 2010, 09:29:41 PM »
Okay, so it's nothing actually that exciting, but I just noticed that I'd lost the full-size version of my delightful avatar (masterfully crafted for me by Lacerda in the time before time).

The attachment in that thread no longer works - do any magic admins or Lacerdas have a way of getting me a copy?

Also: Hi folks!

Anarchy / Re: Firefox
« on: January 15, 2010, 11:55:26 AM »
whats even more frustrating is when you restore, and then it crashes again immediately.
I think Chrome still has the most frustrating bug:

I'm coding in COBOL for all sorts of junk. I'm modifying and developing CICS screens that our procurement and merchandising teams still use, as well as dozens of reports, and other data wrangling. We're slowly transitioning to newer technologies, but you can't take a 20 billion dollar business from oldschool to newschool overnight. Plus, the mainframe, as archaic as it is, just chews up transactions. It is very much designed for what we're using it for, and it shows.

New Geeks on the Block / Re: Hello
« on: January 13, 2010, 07:53:04 PM »
I thought you had your PhD in that.

It was only an honorary degree for his advancement of the field.

New Geeks on the Block / Re: O HAI I C U DAR
« on: January 13, 2010, 07:51:42 PM »
Howdy, Cheetahben.

I'm pretty much always on steam. It comes naturally with being a big fan of TF2 (and now Global Agenda), among other games easily delivered through the service. I hated steam back in the day when it was an ugly hack on to HL1 based games, but with the source engine and some serious polish work, I've been really impressed.

I've been known to appreciate some shoujo myself, but most of what I enjoy crosses the border to seinen (or mahou shoujo). It takes quite a man... or a thirteen-year-old to admit openly to being a shoujo fan.

I'm currently doing some voice acting for a feature-length machinima project. I'm not entirely convinced that it will ever completely come together, but at least I've mostly done my part.

Anyway, welcome!

Anarchy / Re: Firefox
« on: January 13, 2010, 07:03:07 PM »
Also... ho0ber, what you been up to, man!?

Double-posting, and thread-jacking? Don't make me report you to a moderator!

I've been working for the second largest wholesale grocer in the US, programming in COBOL. It's a nice stable job, but it also just... hurts... working in a 50 year old programming language. I miss object oriented anything.

But aside from that, the usual gaming, music creation, and debauchery.

I hope everyone here has been well. I've only made it back for a few drive-bys over the years. I have no idea if I'll be sticking around for long this time around, but until my workplace's webfilter decides to block it, I'll be checking in.

Back to firefox: not_so-B1nAry, I also used a previous incarnation of Check4Change for the same goofy stuff as before. Web Developer and Firebug are also awesome, if you have any use for them.

Anarchy / Re: Firefox
« on: January 12, 2010, 10:59:24 PM »
I was using chrome for a while, but got sick of a specific site I frequent being awful about webkit support, so I went back to firefox.

Oddly, the add-on I use most is ReloadEvery. It's very situational, but because I'm hopelessly addicted to waiting for new major announcements for various video games (and their beta programs), it comes in handy for freaking out the second a page changes when I'm expecting to contain something new and exciting to show up.

Anarchy / Re: Holodeck.... Major hole in the concept.
« on: November 21, 2009, 04:08:44 PM »
Psh! You never know! ;)

Anarchy / Re: Holodeck.... Major hole in the concept.
« on: November 20, 2009, 01:04:11 AM »
Of course! They ladies were so realistic and beautiful, the unsuspecting Asian crewmen fell in love.

Edit: Also the captain and a few others, I think.

Holodecks are for dealing with the pon farr while stuck in the delta quadrant, clearly.

Anarchy / Re: Geeky Content Contest
« on: June 10, 2008, 02:29:34 PM »
Hey man, how the hell are you?  :-D

I'm great! and all graduated and such, so I now get to experience the joy of hunting for a real job. If any of you are in a position to hire or put in a good word for a straight-out-of-college computer scientist, let me know and I'll chuck a resume your way.

Anarchy / Re: Geeky Content Contest
« on: June 02, 2008, 12:08:35 AM »
Yay! I'm not a particularly good writer, but I sure love getting email from Chris!

I miss you guys!

Anarchy / Re: yearly check in
« on: August 17, 2007, 10:10:58 PM »
Drive-by posing? I never do that!

Hey LG (and everyone else)!

« on: October 18, 2006, 03:08:28 PM »

I really liked the Doctor track.

Thanks! If anyone really wants access to the VIP section, drop me an email or something.

« on: August 18, 2006, 08:29:01 AM »
*salutes Captain Demo*

Hardware, Software, and Other Imperialist Crap / New Camera
« on: August 08, 2006, 02:14:45 PM »
So I've slowly been getting more and more into digital photography over the years, and although I love my cute little camera, it is really only useful for snapshots as it gives me very little control over the photos I take and has a very small sensor, and is prone to a great deal of noise in dark lighting conditions.

So what I'm looking for is a Digital SLR or an "almost SLR" camera (a flexible all in one unit). I was hoping you folks might have some insight.

Here are the things that are important to me:

Good aperture depth / large sensor for lower light photographs
Image stabilization because my hands are far from rock-steady
The ability to have wide angle OR telephoto style shots (only possible in an all in one with a really special lens - so not a huge priority)

I'll be doing a lot of work on night shots, natural/low light shots, and some studio shots (yes, I'll drag in good lights from time to time).

Anyone have any suggestions or good sites to look at?

Entertainment / Re: Perfect
« on: August 02, 2006, 11:30:37 PM »
although, it does get to be a pain when you try to explain to someone that a Gigabyte is actually 1,073,741,824 bytes...  instead of the 1,000,000,000 they think it is.
What? You mean they wont get 2^30?

Hell, I use my own Hex based timescale at work and tell them I have a quick meeting at "DA00, but I'll be outta here by E." Let them figure it out.

« on: August 02, 2006, 11:14:38 PM »
How about another shameless plug for my site?

I just put up a new track currently called "Chill" in the "Tracks in Progress" section on the right of the page.

Anarchy / Re: Major things that piss you off
« on: July 25, 2006, 06:27:04 AM »
Wow.  How awful.

Who's at Dartmouth?  I was just there last month.  I went to the top of that clock tower thing there and hung out in the Zete basement a bit.  A shame they're gonna tear that house down.

And you didn't look me up? C'mon! I live like 20 minutes from Dartmouth!

Both of my friend's parents work for Dartmouth, but then again, a lot of people do from the area. And yes, it really is a shame they're going to tear that down.

In other news, it is time for my first shower with the new shower head. I hope it isn't wimpy.

Anarchy / Re: Major things that piss you off
« on: July 24, 2006, 10:44:54 AM »
My friend's house has ALWAYS had some problem with.... flushing. Not only are they crappy low-flow toilets, but there is also some major plumbing voodoo going on in that house.

This friend's mother was planning some huge shindig for family and Dartmouth friends yesterday, right? They bought like 60 pounds of meat, and hit the NH State Liquor store (yes, the one which is its own exit on the interstate - attached to a rest area) for 200 bucks worth of margarita makings.

So yesterday morning they're cleaning and doing laundry and drainage just STOPS. No flushy flushy, no sink usage... nothing. After 4 hours of roto-rooting the "shit" out of the drainage pipe, the plumber concluded that the pipe to the septic tank had been crushed (or separated) just outside the house. What a way to ruin a perfectly good party. Five or six people still showed up and hung out until the smell got to them.

Then, to top things off, I go to take a shower at my own house last night, and the shower head and the attached pipe fall out of the wall and onto my head. I managed to shut it off before too much water gushed into the wall, but I was pissed... and soapy.

Is this the start of some cursed week of plumbing disasters? What the hell!!

Anarchy / Re: My landlord is a funny man!
« on: July 06, 2006, 10:43:01 PM »
Aww thanks guys!

o btw - can sum1 plz help me hax my ex-gf's hotmail accnt???!11 KTHXBYE!!11one1

Annnnnyway - it is good to be back - I missed you guys.

Entertainment / Re: song writing
« on: July 06, 2006, 10:39:32 PM »
Hey ho0ber!

Yarr! Are you still busting rhymes? Or is your illustrious career over?

Ooh! Do me too!  :-D

Anarchy / Re: My landlord is a funny man!
« on: July 03, 2006, 07:58:27 AM »

I didn't know there was any other way when you were involved, Detta. But I was looking for something more descriptive, perhaps an equation representing the motion of the shaking.

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