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Topics - TheJudge

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Anarchy / Cool WOW Commercials
« on: December 19, 2007, 04:01:33 PM »

You know... all that is missing now is a chuck norris one. As much as I hate all the chuck norris jokes, that would actually be something to see. In the mean time, here's the next best thing

Anarchy / Merry x-mas geeks
« on: December 17, 2007, 10:33:16 AM »

Anarchy / New Contest
« on: November 07, 2007, 02:31:52 PM »
We need a new contest. I like photoshop ones! Who's willing to lend their ugly mugs to a noble cause?

I need someone's head shot. First one to post is the one we'll use.

The theme will be: "[insert vonlunteer's name here] vacation's in Iraq".

The duration will be: 1 week, ending exatly 7 days after someone post their mug shot.

The prize will be: nothing.

The reason you should participate: Because I said so.

Entertainment / Potential Evil Lair
« on: October 12, 2007, 07:15:12 AM »
If only I had millions to throw away. I could connvert this place into a ginormous poutine factory! Mouhahahahaahahaha!

Entertainment / Wold of Warcraft
« on: October 02, 2007, 12:59:46 PM »
After months and months (i.e. over a year) of being offered free WoW keys, live demos, world maps, droll displays, and general begging by my friends, I've decided to toy with temptation and try out WoW. WOW! I can't beleive I'm actually going to abandon my principle of never paying for a game on a month to month basis. Then again, guildwars does get sucky after a while! lol

Now, I know Xolix plays. Or used too anyway. Anyone else currently playing? I plan to be on Tuesday nights starting at 6 or 7ish (EST). I'd love to play with some fellow geekery folks if that schedule is of interest to you. Starting a new character tonight in fact. PM me if you're interested.

Anarchy / Stuff that should be invented
« on: September 26, 2007, 10:15:21 PM »
This is a thread about inventions you would like to see in real life. The key is that they have to be practical, and solve a problem.

I'll start:

Urine Powered Automobiles
Environment friendly, cost effective and also solves the problem of having to "hold it in" on long trips.

If we can produce electricity out of cow shit, why can't we just pee in our cars to make them run? Surely there must be a way to do this!

Anarchy / Best Munchkin Game
« on: August 30, 2007, 02:19:18 PM »
Who plays Munchkin?

I only played Star Munchkin twice and I am totally addicted!

There are various types of munchkin games and I would like to know which is your favourite.

Entertainment / Soccer Magic
« on: July 20, 2007, 11:52:45 AM »
I've always been impressed with what some people can do with a soccer ball. I thought the following links were interesting:
(skip the first 60 secs)

Main Page Stuff / FaceBook Mania, and why I hate it!
« on: June 27, 2007, 02:31:58 PM »
FaceBook is a utility that allows you to connect with people, exchange some words, photos, and so on. It’s a little different than the competition in the sense that it offers some privacy options where people need your permission to view your profile. You can even setup a limited profile and restrict what some of your friends can see.

OK, so that sounded like a great tool so I signed up. I figured it would be a way for me to keep contact with certain individuals. It started out pretty good, but then I quickly realized the true evilness of FaceBook. What it really is in the end is a tool for losers to feel like they are popular.

The other day, I received a friend request from a certain person I won’t name. I didn’t recognize the name or the picture but I did notice that my brother had that same person on his friend list. I asked him who the heck that person was. He replied that this was a person that used to work with us at fast food joint like 15 years ago.

OK… So because we worked a weekend shift for a brief period, and our conversations were limited to “I need a large fry and coke”, this person figures I am suddenly their friend? 15 years later? Please! REJECT REQUEST!

But that was only the beginning. You see, what happens with face book is that as soon as you get a few friends and show up on their friend list, their friends feel compelled to send you an invitation if they recognize your name. It doesn’t matter if you are actually friends or not, you went to the same school! It doesn’t matter that you never spoke in 20 years. Why? Because you went to the same school! And it doesn’t matter that you were being snobed by these people at school because you actually went TO THE SAME SCHOOL!!! So fucking what? REJECT! I have zero interest in reconnecting with you.

I wanted to use FaceBook to keep a small network of friends, to share photos with them, to share stories and sort of establish a little group. But no. It seems the whole planet wants to be part of my little group. Apparently, the more friends you have on FaceBook, the cooler you are. It becomes a competition, an obsession. It’s all about having friends.

The funny thing is, most of these people sign each other up, say “Hi, How’s it going?” and never speak again. What’s the point? In the end, they register hundreds of “friends” and then they spend their time stalking everyone’s profiles, desperately searching for more friends to invite. Is it just me, or is that not totally lame?

I’d like to point out that the button does say “friend request” and not “acquaintance request” or “I remotely remember you… I think… request”. I’m really not interested in talking to most of you. I’ve always been sort of a hermit anyway so don’t think that I suddenly want to share my pictures with you just because you happen to know my name. That’s the problem with FaceBook. People that would never see your pictures or hear about significant events in your life suddenly have access to all of it if you choose to accept them. You become an open book. That’s what most people end up becoming, and that’s their own fault. It seems a lot of people are hesitant to click the reject button, or the limited profile button because they don’t want to hurt the other person’s feelings. So they end up accepting the invites. So because you’re considerate, you’re exposing parts of your lives to certain individuals that you really wish didn’t get to see that side of you. But that’s your own damn fault I say. Next time, hit the damn reject button. Ultimately, the one thing that FaceBook has achieved is to show how moronic most people really are. Both those whose only goal is to have an impressively long friend’s list and those who accept people they don’t really like.

Anarchy / Nobody does birthdays anymore
« on: June 26, 2007, 07:01:04 AM »
I completely forgot about the calendar function on this board. I just looked it up and notice that we just missed tweek's birthday and Catwritr's is comming up (Already??? Seems like I posted a birthday thread for you not that long ago!).

So happy birthday to both of you!

Cake + Spatula. Life is good!

Entertainment / Make it so Video
« on: June 25, 2007, 10:15:22 AM »

Entertainment / Havoc Heli
« on: June 05, 2007, 07:25:09 AM »
Is it strange that a grown man such as myself wants to buy this:

Sticky Stuff (no pun intended) / A Collection of images
« on: April 24, 2007, 09:55:26 AM »
Many geekery members post some hilarious images, sometimes animated, that generate a craxxoring effect to all who sees them. These images are often posted in response to idiotic posts, or where the context is appropriate. I should give Xolik an honorable mention here, as he seems to pull them out of his ass all the time, and they are good.

So I figure we should start archiving them. That's what this thread is for. When you see someone posting a hilarious image in other threads, feel free to add the image in here as well. Eventually, we'll have a nice collection of them!

BEFORE POSTING: Please check to make sure no one has already posted the image.

Political Opinions / A Discussion About Murder
« on: April 17, 2007, 11:36:48 AM »
Xolik's quote from below made me think about some ideas. I figure this topic deserves it's own thread anyway.

His picture is up on the ABC website. I don't really understand why people do these kinds of things. What did he hope to accomplish? That shooting up everyone would somehow make everything right? All those people's lives wasted and for what? The most prominent theory is that his (ex)girlfriend was messing around with another guy. Big fucking deal. Just dump her and move on, don't start killing everybody you can. I'm actually surprised it was an Asian kid. I thought us white guys cornered the market on school shootings. 

Why do poeple do this? Interesting question. I think people do these things because they are angry. It's not that they think it will make everything OK, it's more about making everyone else feel as shitty as they feel, and taking absolute control in a life that has been so out of control. That's part of it anyway. I also think a lot of humans have a curiosity about taking the life of another person, and that is natural to some degree. When you think of it, we all have that power. I can walk up to a person and blow their brains out if I want to, and no one will be able to stop me. It is absolute control and power. Fortunately, most of us don't use this power, but it doesn't mean we've never been intruiged by it at some point in our lives. Many have contemplated the act without actually performing it. Sometimes, contemplation may turn into fascination however. Some people have killed for no other reason then to know what it felt like, but in order for this to happen, your inquisitive mind must also disregard conscience and consequence. That's why it doesn't happen frequently, as most people have a conscience, and more people don't want to deal with the consequences.

I beleive that everyone is capable of murder. Maybe not right now, but I really think that any person can be driven to murderous rage if certain actions are done and they instigate either vengance or hatred. That is how our world works. That is why we go at war. That is why there are so many problems in the middle east right now. It has nothing to do with being chemically imbalanced, altought that can certainly be a factor (but not a reason). In the end, the motive is always the same: anger. What made you angry is different from people to people, and probably not as relevent as to why you weren't able to deal with the angy in a healthy way as this is ultimately where things went wrong.

I have a related theorry about murder suicides. The suicide is either planned because the murderer wants to hurt someone, but not face the consequences, so he/she takes their own life after the deed is done. In this case, the rage is so dominant that the conscience is shoved aside just long enough for the actions to take place. Sometimes however, I think the suicide is a reaction to the reality of the act, following excessive rage where once the act is commited, only then does it actually become in perspective in the erson's mind. Only then do you realise the consequences, only then does your conscience overtakes your rage. People freak out, see no way out, and impulsively blow their own brains. In both cases, the murder was driven by rage, but the suicide wasn't necessarily. Sometimes, the conscience kicks after the fact in and that triggers the suicide because the person can't deal with the reality of their actions.

Entertainment / Death of a President
« on: April 12, 2007, 01:03:28 PM »
Has anyone seen this fictional documentary on the assassination of GW Bush? Is it well done? Worth 2 hours of my time? Please share your thoughts.

Entertainment / Who likes Orcs?
« on: April 12, 2007, 07:26:35 AM »
You'll love this

Entertainment / Fly the Helicopter
« on: February 12, 2007, 10:41:54 AM »

So what distance can you reach?

1140 on my second try

Anarchy / PAD
« on: January 19, 2007, 08:35:10 AM »

Happy Penguin Awarness Day!

There seems to be a lot of confusion as to to offical date of Penguin Awarness Day (PAD). If you research the subject, you'll find that various websites claim PAD to be on January 14, 15, 19 or Jan 20th. What matters is that you are aware of PAD, and it takes place on a varying day this week depending on who you ask.

In fact, I think that in honor of PAD, we should dedicate this thread to posting factual penguin facts so I will start.

Fact #1 - Penguins carry fish in their beaks because they don't have pockets

Political Opinions / President Bush's volacubary
« on: January 11, 2007, 12:31:01 PM »
So last night, Bush talked about his new plan to deal with Iraq. After listening to him for 30 seconds, I told my wife that Bush had learned a new buzz word (sectorial). You know, sectorial violence this, sectiorial violence that. She replied that he'd probably use it in an inapropriate context by the end of his speech. I responded that maybe he'd complain about a sectorial itch or something like that. Hehe!

But seriously, I should have counted how many times he spoke the word. And you know what the worse part is? He still can't pronounce "nuclear". He said "nucular" nemrous times last night. Hasn't anyone brought this to his attention yet?

Main Page Stuff / Easy on the Fumes
« on: January 09, 2007, 01:37:06 PM »
I don’t know what it’s like where you live, but where I’m from, people have less and less tolerance for perfume bathers and chain smokers. Businesses are starting to implement anti-perfume workplaces because some individuals complained about the effects strong odors have on them, allergies being the most obvious. Many health care professionals will not see patients if they reek in perfume or cigarette scents. They will literally turn refuse to service you if you show up to their office.

I personally don’t have allergies, but I sure as hell don’t enjoy sitting next to a “toilet water” covered individual on the plane. It’s not like I can roll down the windows and gasp for fresh air! I remember sitting in an airport once, waiting to board my plane. This young gentleman sat nearby. I could tell he was single. He wore black pants that were slightly too short, which revealed the grotesque white socks that we use to wear in the 80’s. Add to that the stench of over perfuming and it pretty much gave it away. It was horrible sight! I’m not sure if my eyes were hurting because of the fashion faux-pas or because of the Azaro fumes, but they were hurting nonetheless! I swear I’ve never been near anyone wearing that much cologne. It’s like he showered in it! You could tell by the reactions of the people around him that my feelings of disgusts were shared.

If I ran the airline, I can tell you this: people like him would not be allowed to board a plane in that state. Is it discrimination? I don’t know and if it is, I don’t care. I’d rather inconvenience one passenger, than an entire plane. I can tell you that I would happily implement a no perfume policy on all airlines. What are these people thinking? The more you put one, the greater sex appeal you have? Come on!

I don’t condemn perfume. There is a time and a place for it, and more importantly, there is a proper way to wear it. If you happen to be one of those who goes trough a bottle in a month, here’s some advice: If YOU can smell it, you’re wearing too much. The idea of perfume is to smell nice for when a special person comes into your personal space. It’s is not a hunt scent that is used to attract a mate, nor does it replace deodorant. If you stink, don’t try to hide it with perfume, take a fucking shower. The mix of human filth and artificial scents doesn’t mix well. One squirt on that little bottle should suffice. That’s all you need!

When you shop for perfume, they’ll sometimes make you smell coffee beans between samples, so that you can distinguish the smell from one product to the next. In that spirit, I propose it’s time to wake up and smell the coffee. More doesn’t mean better when it comes to perfumes. More means people like me want to punch you in the face and dunk your head in a toilet. Of course, people like me are civilized, so it’s really just a thought that crosses our mind. Instead of resorting to violence, people like me will simply write about it on the internet in hopes that at least one perfume addict will read this and realize what the world really thinks about them: You fucking stink.

Anarchy / Season's Greetings
« on: December 22, 2006, 08:52:24 AM »
I don't plan on being on-line much from now till Christmas so I'll offer you all my best wishes now. I hope you enjoy the holidays no matter what your plans are (for those who have something to celebrate) and wish everyone a happy and glorious 2007! May all your world domination plan come true! (But they won't cause I'll beat you to it! OMFGLOL!!11)

Anarchy / 12AX7 - CLAK HERE OMG!!!
« on: November 26, 2006, 10:44:32 PM »
Happy Birthday dude!

Anarchy / ANNOYING AD GUY - Avatar contest
« on: November 24, 2006, 03:20:07 PM »
Hey Chris, I don't know if the avatar of the ANNOYING AD GUY can be changed or not, but I'm going to assume it can and start this thread.

The game is to suggest a humorous avatar for the ANNOYING AD GUY that pops up in your threads. Here's mine:

Entertainment / Peter Jackson won't be invloved with "the Hobit"
« on: November 22, 2006, 07:35:14 AM »

A friend sent me this link by e-mail today. I read the whole thing, and then got to the bottom and saw a comment from "demosthenes". Our demo??? Wow, even the intr4w3b is a small world!

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