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Topics - hackhelios

Pages: [1]
Entertainment / Starcraft II hotness
« on: August 26, 2009, 12:03:30 PM »
I realize this probably belongs in the Hardware/Software section, but as a n00b I'm not allowed to play in there (perhaps a mod will hear my prayer and move the topic).

Starcraft II screenshots from just about every aspect of the game, focusing on the new platform.  I am beyond excited to try this out.

Anyone here lucky enough to get into the beta?

EDIT: Holy smokes, the Custom UI maps are ridiculous.

New Geeks on the Block / Iconic, timeless genius
« on: August 24, 2009, 06:11:18 PM »
Heya, internets.  I'm Josh, and I joined this forum for one reason.  One reason only.

Geeks are pretty badass, this is true.  You may expect badass and geek to be exclusive and separate entities, but no.  Badassery is inherent in properly executed geekitude.

This is not why I have come.

Technology fascinates me, software impresses me in ways that people consistently fail to match, and I cannot wait to begin installing cybernetic upgrades.

But that's not what brought me here.

So Weird Tingly Feeling, sir?  Why am I here?  It's simple, if you look at it from my immediate perspective.  I've tried a few forums, but as soon as I saw this, my reason for joining up was clear.


My joie de vivre, my reason for being. 

:slap  :slap  :slap

Looking forward to being equally odd/random/amused with all of you, forum denizens.

Pages: [1]