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Topics - abortretryfail

Pages: [1]
Entertainment / Cable TV meets the internet
« on: July 23, 2014, 08:04:10 AM »
I feel like this does a good job of making it seem like you're still watching TV - but it's internet content so no commercials. For some strange reason, I really like the concept of channels and shows, even if it is, ultimately, internet content.  Basically just free curation, I suppose. I'm enjoying the Guns & Explosions Channel and the Nerd Culture Channel

Anarchy / Best. Charity. Video. Ever.
« on: November 22, 2009, 03:36:58 PM »
Not only is this video for a great cause but it seriously has some of the cutest flippin goats I’ve ever seen! Look for the baby white one:

Anarchy / Cable sucks
« on: July 23, 2008, 05:25:55 PM »
For all those that have ever experienced a cable tech not showing up during the window promised by the company:

Anarchy / World’s Tallest Building – in Dubai
« on: October 16, 2007, 04:33:46 PM »
I didn’t know they were building this, this is unbelievable.  It’s the height of two Empire State buildings, here’s the tour footage:

I don't like Mitt Romney for a lot of reasons, and was disgusted by this clip: of him explaining to a wheelchair-bound lifelong muscular dystrophy sufferer that he would indeed arrest him for his "crime" (I live in California, where taking medicine that a doctor recommends isn't a crime).

Entertainment / car insurance commercials
« on: October 13, 2006, 02:10:14 PM »
What’s your favourite car insurance gimmick?  The talking gecko?  The gruff cowboy?  What makes you feel the most automotive safety?

 I like the new one from Mercury (  If you haven’t seen it they are making the claim that the owners of Mercury are from Mercury and they’ve got all the corroborative evidence including a 10X magnification of burnt toast (check out the slides) that proves everything.  Makes me chuckle.

Entertainment / HD football
« on: September 20, 2006, 03:42:36 PM »
Hey does anyone have the superfan package from Directv?  Now that I have my 67” DLP TV set up with HDTV I’m thinking watching games in HD should be happening.  Saw this site: wanted to know what “up to 9 games in HD every Sunday” means realistically. 

Anarchy / A shocking question
« on: May 12, 2006, 03:18:57 PM »
This is one of those sites with shocking videos and stuff:

...the kinda site that makes you wonder whether you'd rather be covered in bees:


mauled by lions:

well, which is it?!

Just finished playing the demo for this game, so sweet, you’re a cop looking for a serial killer in a grisly realistic env. - lots of bludgeoning transients with objects not primarily designated as weapons (a.k.a "die at the hand of my rustily nailed 2x4, hobo junkies!").  It’s like a cross between Resident Evil and Manhunt. I'm so glad this is out on PC since I don't have a 360.  Anyone played the full game?  How is it?  Demo is here:

Anarchy / Abortretryfail's comedy routine of the day
« on: May 12, 2006, 03:15:41 PM »
So I’m a huge comedy fan and I thought I’d start this thread to share some of my favourite routines with y’all.  I doubt I’ll get to it every day, but I’ll try to get to it at least a few times a week.  Here’s the first installment:

Listen to Marketing & Advertising by Bill Hicks :

(to listen to it you have to do a quick register w/ Napster, just need an e-mail address)

I'm leaning heavily towards the 3rd option, it’s the cheapest, and I’ve heard good things about DLP:

Anarchy / Anyone like horses?
« on: January 13, 2006, 04:40:36 PM »
In my spare time I ride at a stable nearby.  I saw this teaser on Animal Planet for a show about stars and their horses, anyone seen it?  The show is called Trail Mix... here's a link:

Anarchy / crazy amounts of video
« on: January 13, 2006, 04:37:32 PM »
I was looking for the a recipe for a mango margarita and came across this site:  I am impressed with how much video went into it, pretty nifty little piece.

Anarchy / Singer/songwriter suggestions?
« on: June 21, 2005, 01:30:00 PM »
Ok, I've been listening to nothing but electronic music for about six years now and it's time to branch out.  I'm looking for recommendations for male/singer songwriters, I like the melancholy sound the best.  Two I've discovered so far are Jeff Bucklet and Rufus Wainwright.  Any suggestions are appreciated.

I'm looking for presents for a buddy of mine. He's a pretty hardcore RTS gamer, so he has most stuff that's popular. I'm not really familiar with the genre and I don't know all of what he has. I need either something obscure or something new or coming soon. Anyone know any good RTS war games? Any suggestions are appreciated!

New Geeks on the Block / noobs r good
« on: February 17, 2005, 02:16:39 PM »
Hi there, I'm new.  A little about me:  I'm a gal, I live just outside of S.F., CA, with 2 cats.  I'm into electronic music, tech toys, politics, video games, knitting, fashion, TV and movies, and all sorts of other eclectic stuff. I work as a nutrition consultant.  Hope to ge to know y'all soon!

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