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Messages - Big Orange Cat

Pages: 1 2 3 4 [5]
Anarchy / Re: QOTD
« on: September 07, 2006, 06:14:18 PM »
"Ain't No Other Man," Christina Aguilera.

Anarchy / Re: CRIKEY!!! He's DEAD!!!
« on: September 07, 2006, 06:06:19 PM »
It's too bad that his goofy persona gave some people the impression he wasn't as intelligent as he really was. He was probably the most well known conservationist in the world; he was able to use his celebrity to bring attention to a lot of environmental issues. But that goofiness is what endeared him to children and got them thinking about endangered species and environmental preservation. Get a kid to think about and want to learn more about natural sciences? What a concept.

I always thought it was cool that he discovered a new species of turtle on the coast of Queensland. Known as Elseya irwini, Irwin's Turtle.

For some reason, whenever I hear the song "Rock Lobster," I think of him.

Anarchy / Re: The fridge!
« on: August 28, 2006, 08:18:09 PM »
Dammit. I only came in here because I thought the thread was started by the lead singer of Spandau Ballet.

« on: August 28, 2006, 07:58:53 PM »
Unfortunately, your account might have been deleted if it's been inactive for 60 days. That's what happened to my first one, oh about two years ago now. :(

« on: August 27, 2006, 01:47:40 PM »
I just got a Kmail a couple of days ago from Jick congratulating me on playing KoL for ONE YEAR. :-o

How time flies when you're wasting time.

New Geeks on the Block / Re: new kid here!
« on: August 09, 2006, 12:13:05 PM »
I'm not sure I'll ever master the Armando:

Sedentary, my ass

Is it inertia or laziness
that keeps me from getting off this couch
Sedentary, my ass
See how it grows

New Geeks on the Block / Re: Transformed geek!
« on: August 08, 2006, 10:00:16 PM »
Our home hillbilly area code still allows for 7 digit dialing within the area code, but they estimate they'll be running out of prefixes in 2-3 years. Working in the suburbs, the other two area codes I use insiste on 10 digits. Damn them, damn them all.

And as for this sad fellow with the self-esteem issues, I think Xolik said it best -- just take a damn shower more than once a week. You'd be surprised how much body odor and bad breath account for social isolation.

That and just being a complete prick.  :evil:

Anarchy / Re: What are you wearing?
« on: August 08, 2006, 07:36:54 PM »

Just black.

Anarchy / Re: Has anyone else gotten rude PMs from Colin Farrell?
« on: August 08, 2006, 07:25:26 PM »
Thanks for the (re)welcoming. Now I need to work on that post count.  :wink:

Well, someone certainly has some powerful magick. I was never a regular here (but you may have seen me elsewhere), but something drew me here today -- at first I thought it was because of Colin Farrell's obscene PMs. Now I see there are darker forces at work...  :wink:


Alas, when my icy heart melted, all my magic powers disappeared. I do have some magic corn that makes reindeer fly, though.

Anarchy / Re: Has anyone else gotten rude PMs from Colin Farrell?
« on: August 07, 2006, 02:24:55 PM »
And I was SO hoping it was the real Colin Farrell, enticing me to leave my husband, quit my job and move to the south of France with him.  :roll:

Well, at least I can give him credit for getting me to come in here again. Howdy all.  :-D

New Geeks on the Block / Best Links For You!
« on: March 14, 2006, 08:31:50 PM »
How does he find time to post in forums when he has so much gambling and sex to keep up on?

Anarchy / Oh, my love for this cheesey movie...
« on: March 02, 2006, 06:18:58 PM »
I think I may have recommended Waiting... in another forum at some point. So did you like it, Detta?

And yes, I think pbsaurus might find it amusing as well.

New Geeks on the Block / Ahhh, so this is teh geekery, eh?
« on: August 16, 2005, 04:16:03 PM »
See, 6 forums IS too many for me -- it takes me 3 days to make the rounds. :beer:

New Geeks on the Block / Ahhh, so this is teh geekery, eh?
« on: August 10, 2005, 02:12:58 PM »
Thanks for the welcome. Glad to be here.

So how many forum memberships do you think is too many? I think I'm at six, if you include LJ as one.

New Geeks on the Block / Ahhh, so this is teh geekery, eh?
« on: August 09, 2005, 05:09:43 PM »
Hello to you all. Some of you may know me.

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