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Messages - BlackWidow

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Flamer's Corner / And the season ended with a ... grrrrrr
« on: April 29, 2007, 07:33:25 PM »
League hockey is over for me for another year and I'm heading into the summer all pissy.  Our league games actually finished at the end of March but our annual tournament is typically held at the end of April and is more of the end of the season ... last time to see most of the girls until next October.  The tournament is great.  We usually get slaughtered but its fun and playing against better players makes us work harder and play better (and its a better workout).

This morning we had our final game.  We knew it was going to be tough because we only had two spares and the other team had 3 full lines (for any non hockey people our 7 skaters to their 15).  The team was from our own league so we knew what to expect ... they moved up to a division above ours this year and were pretty good but normally a fun team to play.

Little did we know what we were in for ... you've gotta love it when the other team gets called for slashing and interference AT THE SAME FREAKIN' TIME.  Sad thing was we couldn't get the damn puck out of our end while they were short because they put all the ringers in.  So we're pissed that they're rougher and chippier than we're used to but whatever ... let's play.

But then NOTHING else was called the rest of the flippin' game.  The ref's totally ignored at least 5 calls that should have been penalties.

1.  I'm beside one of their girls near their blue line ... I'm trying to get to the point but she's got my stick pinned so hard I can't get away ... and I'm standing in front of the freakin' ref.  I even looked at her ... she looked back and looked away like nothing was going on.

2.  Lucky #13 is making for the puck in the other team's end ... one of the opposing players hooks her forearm with enough force to turn her.  #13 was so angry she turned around and started hollering at the girl which is totally out of character for her.

3.  #6 is booting along (she's our best skater) and an opposing player slashes her wrist.

4.  #11 (one of my defensive partners) is coming down with one of their wingers near the boards ... they're both diggin' after the puck with their sticks.  All of a sudden #11's stick is flying across the ice.  Two handed over head slash that you couldn't miss (unless you had your head stuck up your freakin' twat).

5.  #13, lucky again, gets a bear hug style mauling against the boards.

I'm angry with the ref's for missing all this but I'm even angrier at the other team.  We know them ... they're from our league unlike half the other teams the come from as far as Prince Edward Island.  One of their players used to be our back up goalie.  We had no expectations of a win.  We just wanted to play a good game of hockey with a fun team.  Man that was ruined for us.

To many of you it might not seem like a big deal because you see so much worse on TV.  But think about who's playing ... Adult Recreational (we all have to get up for work in the morning), mostly mid to late 30's, 40's and older, and in our division, people that have played for 5 years or less (and started as an adult ... so we kinda suck), women.  The emphasis of reffing changed this year so that things that were previously okay (like lifting a stick or ass nudging someone out of the way) aren't unless the puck is right at your feet.  Slashing, hooking have NEVER been okay.


Oh ... and FYI ... all female hockey players don't have buzz cuts and wear comfy shoes ... I make a point of wearing heels to the arena ... lol.

p.s. Sorry about the length ... but damn I feel better ...

Anarchy / Re: Employer Sucks
« on: April 29, 2007, 06:55:24 PM »
You're right V.  I know so many people that have had to leave their companies to get anywhere ... some come back as contractors making WAY more, some leave for a couple of years and come back and some just leave and the company loses the talent and the corporate knowledge cuz they were cheap with their full time people.

New Geeks on the Block / Re: Guess Who
« on: April 27, 2007, 10:50:05 PM »
Otacondom ... think I tried that brand once ... didn't like it although I think they made good water balloons.

I just want to point out to all the Chocolate Ice Cream Haters here that you have never had chocolate ice cream made by Berthillon of Paris, because if you had, you would be impelled to type "I hate chocolate ice cream, except of course for Bethillon's, which is like nothing I have ever tasted before."

I have tried to replicate their recipe, and have failed, although those failures were better than my previous successes.

And if you do go to Paris, and you do decide to try Berthillon ice cream, and you still obstinately and against all sound reason refuse to try the chocolate, then have the pear. Merci me!

I think I may have finally found a reason to go to Paris.

I have a recipe for French Chocolate Silk ice cream that I used to make ... its incredible.  Wonder if it is modeled after your Berthillon ice cream.

Regarding the poll ... never been a Star Wars fan ... only started liking the Beatles about 2 months ago and really its only one song (We can work it out) but I would BATHE in chocolate ice cream if it wasn't so damn cold ... abso-freakin'-tootly LOVE the stuff.  Best is my own homemade, second best is Hewitt's Dairy (local) and my next fave (dodges impending flames) is Haagen Daz.

New Geeks on the Block / Re: Hey everyone!
« on: April 26, 2007, 08:39:01 PM »
I'm twelve years old... and I like computers!

Does your mother know you're here?

New Geeks on the Block / Re: greetings
« on: April 18, 2007, 03:37:41 AM »
Who is this 'yas'?  Is this someone we're supposed to know?

I think he spelled it wrong V and meant Yaz

Hi dynobite ... do you like The Flintstones?

Anarchy / Re: QOTD
« on: April 18, 2007, 03:32:14 AM »

That is one HOT look ... I've gotta find me a man that wears the cheese.  He can wear the cheese and I can wear the pants (cuz they have the wallet and credit cards in the pockets).  Sounds like a good set up.

As far as the cheese goes ... a nice gournay with pepper or fine herbs ... mmmmmmmmmm.  Little Australian shiraz with that and I'm a happy girl.  :-D

New Geeks on the Block / Re: hi everyone!
« on: April 14, 2007, 10:04:43 PM »
Ohhhhhhhhh ... now I get it ... (damn those chemically induced blonde moments) ...

Thanks Anyanka for the point ... Coolio points were very informal on HN so I'm not used to the process.  I think only one or two people we given the privilege of granting them even.  I'll have to harass Chris to 'splain me one day.

New Geeks on the Block / Re: Shinn, what they so call as Geek
« on: April 14, 2007, 06:37:43 PM »
Hi Shinn... Sorry to hear that you're alone in your Geek-ness among your friends.

The members here are hilarious, welcoming, friendly, sarcastic, occassionally biting wits, very intelligent, politically aware, always up for debate, fountains of interesting (sometimes useless) trivia, and much much more.  Treat people with respect here and you will likely have much fun.

Anarchy / Re: QOTD
« on: April 14, 2007, 06:27:02 PM »
Haha!  That's how I say Wed nes day too sometimes!!

Have fun in Cancun.

That's how I remembered how to spell it when I was a kid ... to say it funny (granted I did use an s not a z).

Can't wait for Cancun ... going with 4 other girls on the 'annual' Mexico trip.  I've missed last couple so I'm soooooo due.  I'll toast you all with a tequila shot (or 10).

New Geeks on the Block / Re: hi everyone!
« on: April 14, 2007, 06:20:55 PM »
:-D The race is on to see who gets to 69 ya!

Ok ... I have absolutely no comeback to that one ... lol ... but I will be watching my post count a little more closely.  :evil:

Anarchy / Re: QOTD
« on: April 13, 2007, 04:38:37 PM »
Maybe I'll have some when I get back from Cancun ... cuz I be goin' on Wed-nez-day ... yippee!

Anarchy / Re: QOTD
« on: April 13, 2007, 04:28:27 PM »
QOTD:  Other than the city that you live in, what city do you know the best?

QOTD:  Birthmarks...Do you have one and can we see it?

1.  Toronto, ON

2.  Yes ... its on the inside of my right thigh and you can see it when I wear shorts or a bathing suit but I am NOT showing it if I'm wearing jeans.

Anarchy / Re: Store brands
« on: April 13, 2007, 04:20:26 PM »
We've got President's Choice and Kirkland up here that are really good.  Any of the PC stuff is great ... all of their frozen meat products (chicken breasts, burgers, skewers) are awesome, their cookies are terrific and some of the pop isn't to bad ... like diet green apple (mixed with vodka - just like a cooler).  I try to avoid Costco because it costs me too much money when I go there ... I get a little "caught up" ... but every Kirkland product I've ever bought has been good.

Granted I've only ever liked Kraft Philly creamcheese ...

Anarchy / Re: Weird Tingly Feeling?
« on: April 13, 2007, 04:04:25 PM »
... saves 9?  And the newest member to intro is queenerdb9

New Geeks on the Block / Re: hi everyone!
« on: April 13, 2007, 04:01:02 PM »
OMG ... I'm Jail Bait ... that's so exciting.  I'll always have a special place in my heart for this thread. *sigh*

New Geeks on the Block / Re: hi everyone!
« on: April 13, 2007, 03:59:09 PM »
Queenerd11 called and said she's been delayed at the nail salon but that you should pick up her dry cleaning and Poochie the chihuahua at the groomers and make sure they painted Poochie's little nails Pompeii Purple and NOT Shanghai Shimmer like they did last time ...

Hi queenerd9 ... I'm certain that you're not as high maintenance as version 11.

hi ... you didn't happen to bring any Guinness did you?

Anarchy / Re: Baby Names
« on: April 12, 2007, 10:37:48 PM »
Senorita Chiquita Bonita

According to the translator chiquita = very small, bonita = pretty ... and chiquita is a brand of banana so I guees he might not like a name implying that his banana is very small but pretty ... then again, he might find it funny.

Anarchy / Re: QOTD
« on: April 12, 2007, 10:24:06 PM »
Newspaper:  Yes for 3 weeks when my best friend was away on vacation in Holland.  Come to think of it ... I still don't think she's paid me.  Well haven't seen her for 15 years ... think I'm outta luck.

Laundry:  Me ... kids are just getting old enough to sort and fold and put away although my son dumps the clean stuff in the corner unless I stand over him while he puts it in the drawer.

Anarchy / Re: pentagon security software.
« on: April 12, 2007, 10:19:45 PM »
That's a slingshot.

True ... but catapult sounds so much nicer.  Slingshot is kinda backwoods ... Trebuchet kinda pretentious.  In the end they do sort of the same thing ... just the mechanics are different (minor detail ... lol).

With a name like BlackWidow, it surprises me that you'd be getting rid of ex-bfs ;)

It's for the ones that really annoy me that I decide not to keep tied up in my basement *wink*.

Anarchy / Re: SG-1 Season 10 Part II this Friday
« on: April 12, 2007, 09:52:52 PM »
I agree.  I gave the new BSG 3 or 4 episodes to redeem itself and it was clearly nothing more than a SOAP OPERA.

That's why I could never get into it.  I too loved the original but I think it was a mad adolescent crush on Starbuck and the fact that Lorne Greene was Canadian.  Granted I loved Buck Rogers too.  They're airing Buck Rogers again on the Space Channel up here ... it makes the original Star Trek look kinda high tech ... lol.

I've never watched SG-1 on a regular network, only when they run marathons on Space ... or they'll show episodes of a past season every night.  So much easier to follow.  Think I got up to season six but when the Farscape actors came in it got weird.  Loved them in Farscape but they just changed the dynamic in SG-1.

After previewing that I realize that I really need to get a life ... I'm going to finish a bottle of wine now ...

Anarchy / Re: The Should Evonus Be Banned Poll
« on: April 12, 2007, 03:50:15 PM »
So the next BBQ *edit for US audience* cookout is at the pb mansion?

Anarchy / Re: pentagon security software.
« on: April 12, 2007, 03:46:30 PM »
They have two launch buttons ?

Cool!   Wonder where I can get keyboard modified to work my backyard catapult.  Great way to get rid of ex-bfs.   :-D

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