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Author Topic: SpeedUpMyPC  (Read 4983 times)


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« on: May 06, 2003, 06:49:44 PM »" alt="" border="0" align="left" vspace="5" hspace="5">SpeedUpMyPC
Product Website:" TARGET="BLANK">LIUtilities
Price: Boxed version - 49.95(USD)
Downloadable version - 29.95(USD)

  • Background:

    As programs become more and more demanding on today's computers, we tend to want to get the most out of them without having to spend a decent amount of cash on new components that many users do not know how to install. Processing power, which is the amount of clock cycles per second a computer's central processing unit (CPU) can do, and random access memory, which is system memory used to store frequently used files are becoming high on demand, and are both on the list of what the new program SpeedUpMyPC from LIUtilities hopes to improve.

    You have a choice between a 30 day trial version, and a registered version that you can either download or purchase via snail mail. Each piece of software that you purchase comes backed with a 30 day money back guarantee ensuring that you will be satisfied with their product.

  • Information:

    Just like any other program that you may have installed on your computer, LIUtilities has included once again another painless self installer which will get you up and running in no time. SpeedUpMyPC requires a Pentium 400 MHz processor (or higher), at least 32 megs of RAM, 10 megs of available disk space, and anything above and including Windows 98. According to" TARGET="BLANK">this page on LIUtilities' web site, you can also run SpeedUpMyPC on Windows 95. At this point it is unknown whether or not you can really run SpeedUpMyPC on Windows 95.

    The test machine in this case was a dual Pentium III 501 MHz, with 512 megs of PC100 SDRAM, and a 40 gig 7200 RPM Western Digital drive running Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP 3).

  • Features:

    The features of SpeedUpMyPC are limited. Compared to the other two programs that The Geekery has reviewed from LIUtilities">WinTasks Professional 4 and">WinBackup), this is at the lower end of the scale when it comes to features. Depending on your system and your overall knowledge of the Windows environment, you may or may not find SpeedUpMyPC to be useful.

    From the experienced person's point of view, you really will not get much out of SpeedUpMyPC because most likely you already have your computer under control and you know exactly what to do when something goes wrong.

    From the lesser experienced person's point of view on the other hand, you can find SpeedUpMyPC to be a very valuable utility to get your computer running at optimal levels.

    On the test system, I was able to regain roughly 16 megs of RAM after doing the "Free RAM" and "Deep RAM Recovery" options back to back. On other machines, the amount of RAM that you maybe able to recover will most likely be higher, as the install on Windows is fairly new, meaning there aren't many programs to slow it down as of yet.

    Additionally, SpeedUpMyPC also has the ability to optimize your web browser's settings to get full use of your internet connection, as well as take some actions when your processor begins to get bogged down.

    I've found there to be about a 50 kb/sec gain when you use the "Optimize Internet Settings" in SpeedUpMyPC, as well as a decent increase in speed when loading pages in Internet Explorer after using the "Optimize Browser Settings". Both of those tests were conducted on a broadband internet connection, so the results won't be as good if you were on ISD or dial up, but will be decent none-the-less according to my results.

  • Overall:

    Depending on your level of experience with computers, you may or may not find SpeedUpMyPC to be useful. For high end users, you've most likely have gone through and done all of the tweaking by hand, and already know exactly what your computer is loading when it boots up. If you're on the lower end of the scale, however, you'll find SpeedUpMyPC to be a tool that will save you a decent amount of aggravation and possibly cash if used correctly.
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