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Author Topic: From the bowels of the internet...  (Read 1141 times)


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From the bowels of the internet...
« on: January 24, 2017, 06:41:48 PM »

Lookie what I ran in to today. Sometimes after work when I'm bored I'll hunt around on and relic in the good ol' days of the internet...

Clicky click for the original


"It's easy", Johnny said, "..infact almost fool-proof, I've do it a hundred times."

Brett always had got a queasy feeling in his stomach when Johnny, his street-smart fast talking best friend, starts to pull one of his scams. "Now go over there and do it just like I told you." barked Johnny. Brett never really thought to much of Johnny's bossiness. Being from the same neighborhood and alittle older, he felt, Johnny is what it would feel like to have an older brother.

Brett had recieved the nod from Johnny. The mark, today, a well dressed man carrying a copy of the "The Wall-Street Journal". Johnny always said that stock brokers were just like flys,"If it looks good to them, they'll dive right in the shit!", and he was right. Drawing closer, Brett pulled out the envelope, and placed it in his sleeve.

The contents, an old 1902 penny, in a plastic case marked "Vry-Rare". This scam Johnny loved, because it really only cost them about a dollar to pull off, and if done right could net about a 500% profit.

Now, walking just behind the mark, Brett extended his arm and made contact. It was on. "Excuse me sir, I think this fell from your breifcase", Brett sheepishly said. Puzzled, the man said thanks, and Brett kept walking. "Yo, hold up!", the man said. Brett turned slowly and relished the feeling of hooking the fish. "This isn't mine son.", the man exclaimed.

"Oh, I'm sorry sir, it looked as if it came from your briefcase, maybe it was from someone in front of you, anyway....sorry, here I'll take it back.", Brett said. Brett snatched the envelope rather quickly, which made the man kinda curious of what was in it. Brett continued walking, but not to far in front of the man, so he'd be sure to see Brett's reaction. "Wow...fucking cool!", Brett moaned. Now the mark completely hooked, came over to Brett and asked, "Well, what do you got there kid?"

Brett held the penny up in the air, as if it was a lost treasure just being unearthed, "Looks like some kinda old coin." Feeling the scam going good, Brett relaxed abit and asked the man, "Do you know anything about coins?" The man shrugged and said, "Well...ah, sure, let me see that." Brett almost laughed as the guys eyes zeroed in on the "Rare" part."Hey look there's a note in here.", Brett said sounding surprised.

The note said, "Here it is Mr. Jacobson, I was hopeing you could give me the half the appraisal you gave me" It had a phone number written on top near the letter-head that said=="FROM THE DESK OF Tom Tutone". Brett turning to the man, asked if he had a cell phone. The man of coarse did, and pulled it out. The man gestured to Brett, "Would you like to use it?" "Hell no, with all the radiation and waves of stuff coming out of those things, no sir, you do it." Brett said. The man shook his head, began dialing the number, and mumbled, "Radiation, huh."

"Hello.", it was Johnny, in his businessman's voice.

"Good evening, is this Mr. Tut-one?", asked the man.

With an argy sigh, Johnny said,"It's pronounced Tutone, like a car color." Johnny loved messing around with the marks, and "Who is this?"

"My name is Bob, and well Mr. Tutone, I believe a package of yours, that maybe was being delivered, or I don't know, being handle out on 3rd ave, has ended up in mine and young man hands. I'm calling for him, on my cellphone, he originally thought it fell from me."

"Oh shit!" Johnny yelled,"My coin! Where on 3rd ave. are you, and who's got my penny?"

"Well, were in front of the Starbucks, right next to Smith's Cafe'" said the man. "The kid's holding the coin now.

Johnny said slowly with a stern voice, "Listen to me Bob, I need you to do me a huge favour, STAY RIGHT THERE WITH MY COIN, I will be right there. I'm sure your a busy man, so I WILL, make it worth you while, say $500.00 dollars for waiting for me. Get the coin from that kid and I'll meet you in that Starbucks, down there, in ten minutes. Bob please don't split on me with that coin, I do have your cell number with name on the caller I.D., I'm sure your an easy guy to find. Are we on the same page?"

Bob happily replied, "Yes."

"Oh, and one more thing Bob, can you order me a Colombia nariƱo supremo, and get yourself something nice, I'll be right there."

The man hangs-up the phone, turns to Brett and says, "I can take it from here if you want kid. The guys coming down in a couple of minutes and said to say thanks, and to give you twenty here ya go.", and gestured for the coin.

"No, no, I wasn't born yesterday there Bobby. You look pretty damn happy to be having to have to wait for a complete stranger.", as Brett slid the coin into his pocket. "How much did he say it's worth?"

"Come'on kid stop, busting my balls, I've done all the work here. I made the call....and I was meeting someone else down here anyway, before this..., come'on kid" moaned Bob.

"Your acting weird Bob, I tell-ya what, I think I'll keep the coin and take it down to a coin shop today.", Brett grinned.

"Whoa! hold up....ah, what did you say your name was?", Bob asked.

Brett replied, "Greg"

"Well Greg, let's just say, today is your lucky day. This whole situation, you, me, the coin, you being a good samaritan and all, well...let's talk on the level here. Follow me." and they walked over to the A.T.M machine outside Starbucks. "That coin, in your pocket, is worth two hundred dollars," as Bob placed his card and pin number in. Like a hawk Brett took note, of the four magic numbers, while Bob continued to spew something,"the gentleman has my full name and phone number, and I need to make sure this gets back to him. So you see, your going to give me that coin and I'm going to make sure this gentleman gets back his coin, and from this process you just made two hundred dollars,, ok." Bob asked.

Brett smiled, repeating the four numbers in his head over and over,"Not a problem sir! What ever you say." Brett stuck out his hand with the coin in it, and Bob gladly took it, and placed ten crisp twenty dollar bills in it's spot.

"So I guess this is good day to you, there Bob." said Brett. Bob thinking to himself, of what to do with the three hundred extra dollars, said "Looks like it, you have a good day also."

Brett went to where Johnny said to meet, after they finished the scam. Johnny smiled when he saw Brett walk up to him, and Johnny giggled, "I told the fuck to get me a supremo." Brett enjoyed the laugh, it was a real tension realease, but he was really was thinking of how to get Bob's atm card.

"Guess what Johnny?" Brett grinned, "I know his pin number."

"You fucking know his what?" gasped Johnny.


~fades out~

,and now you fade your continuation in

"His pin number for his card", Brett replied.

"How the FUCK did you manage to get that while you were at it?", Johnny replied in a rather fast and snappy manner which seemed to surprise Brett even though he himself has a foul mouth. Brett took a moment to reply after being dumbfounded by Johnny's rage - "Easy, I looked at the keypad when he put the number in and I remembered it. How else would have I gotten it?" he said.

"I don't care how you got it, the cool thing is you have his mother fucking pin number!" Brett answered to his answer.

While the two boys were bickering about how Brett got the man's, the man was busy waiting on line getting Johnny a Supremo from the Starbuck's to stay on Johnny's good side when they met. After all, he was going to be getting a lot of money from the kid, who he thought was a man, and he certainly didn't want to make him mad or pissed off.

"There's no way in hell I'm going to steal his wallet", cried Brett. "Besides, he already knows what I look like. He'll notice me."

"By the way" Brett continued, "Here's half of the... eighty dollars he gave me for the penny."

Johnny gave him a sideways glance and almost said something, then shoved the two twenties into his pocket.

"Here's what I'm gonna do", said Johnny. I'm going to take one of these twenties up to him and tell him he dropped it, just like you did with the envelope. When he goes to put it in his wallet, I'm going to grab it, and when he tries to take it back, I'm going to scream 'rape!'."

Brett just shook his head.

"I'll wait outside", he said.

Brett walked out the door, while Johnny walked up to the man waiting in line.

"Hey mister," he said as he tugged on the corner of his sportcoat. "I think you dropped this."

The man looked at the bill for a moment and said "thanks, kid." He stuck the money in his pocket and turned around to make his order.

"Fuck!" Johnny thought. "How the hell am I going to get his card now?". He paused. He then realized that the mane would have to take out his wallet when he paid for the coffee and food at Starbuck's. "I'll just grab it then" he thought again to himself.

Trying not to look too suspicious Johnny pretended to squint at the menu above the counter so he could get a good go at the wallet when Bob pulled it out of his back pocket. "$7.69" the lady at the counter said to the man. The man then reached into his pocket and pulled out the same 20-dollar-bill that Johnny had just given him. It almost seemed as though Bob didn't have a wallet, at least not that Johnny had seen.

The man got his change, put it back into his left pocket, and took his food back to a table where he waited for Johnny. While Bob was at the table waiting for someone that he had already seen but just didn't know it, Johnny went back to Brett and told him what happened.

"I didn't get his wallet! It's like the loser doesn't even have one!" he exclaimed in a loud manner. "Shhh!" Brett said hastily. "Aren't you worried that someone is going to hear?" Johnny took a brief moment to think about what was just said to him. "Oh yea, well... but... it's New York, do you think anyone is going to REALLY give two shits about some man's wallet?"

The two boys stood at a bench for about five minutes trying to think of another way to get the man's wallet without causing too much of a scene at the Starbuck's that would cause them to be caught by the cops. "I don't know... we already got the 200 bucks, why do you still want his atm card?" Brett suggested. "I mean, this is already MORE than we need" he added. "You're right, but the man seems like he's got a lot of money, and he doesn't seem to sharp either, once I do get a go at his wallet, he's not going to know what to do once it's out of his hands. It's too good to pass up." Johnny noted while looking up at the sky desperately thinking of ways to boost the man's wallet."Hold up, there slick. You already got how much?", Johnny asked in a soft voice.

"Ah...I mean eighty bucks....., I was shooting for the two hundred." Brett said.

Johnny leaped from were he stood, going striaght for Brett's pockets. "Eighty-bucks, huh! What the fuck's this?" Johnny yelled, as he ended his sentence with a punch to Brett's ribs.


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Re: From the bowels of the internet...
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2017, 06:42:41 PM »

...Also, I don't remember what part I wrote from the above.