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Author Topic: Boycott French Wines  (Read 21590 times)


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Boycott French Wines
« on: March 11, 2003, 08:44:39 PM »

The face of the French PM, UN ambassador or whatever the %^$& his official position is in their government appeared on the TV screen. The vopice of the CNN translator said the French people do not condone the actions of the US and would veto any UN resolution announcing a military solution to the Iraq weapon situation.

Meanwhile, Americans are apoplectic, upset or just plain angry over the blind indifference the French have for decisions that may not be politically comfortable but are righteous all the same. As most countries gear up for a possible confrontation with Saddam Hussein, the French beg for more time. As comedian David Letterman noted, the French also asked for "more time" as Nazi tanks were rumbling through the streets of Paris in WWII.

How can we, as Americans, impress upon the French that we mean business in our endeavor to bring Saddan to justice? Don't they realize that the sale of chemical weapons, pocket nuclear devices or assorted other deadly devices can kill them as readily as their "neighbors" across the Atlantic?

Delivering the message to the Fench is simple...boycott their wine. Don't but it. Find alternatives to merlot, chablis, chardonay, etc. I'm not an afficinado of the grapes, but there must be alternatives to French wine you might enjoy.

After WWII, American dollars helped the French off their knees and rebuilt their economy. Let's see if they can stand on their feet without our dollars.

One of the things we do best as Americans is stick together. So, pass the idea of boycotting French wine along to friends, family and acquaintances. It's certainly not a big sacrifice, but they'll get the message.


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Boycott French Wines
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2003, 10:40:58 PM »

*sigh* Who wrote this festering pile of filth again?
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Boycott French Wines
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2003, 10:55:21 PM »

That'll just mean more wine for the French anyway.


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Boycott French Wines
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2003, 11:36:47 PM »

Boycotts are sooo ridiculous.   :roll:

“...And the worst part is, if you go bohemian or something crazy like that, you’re conforming just as much as everybody else, only if a different way.” - j.d. salinger


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Boycott French Wines
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2003, 08:23:30 AM »

Quote from: Lacerda
That'll just mean more wine for the French anyway.

Well maybe if they are drunk, they'll become more agressive and agree on war.


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Boycott French Wines
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2003, 02:23:39 PM »

No need to boycott it. Just change the name. We can just have "Victory Gin" with our freedom fries.
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Need to be pointed out!
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2003, 09:11:02 AM »


Just refresh your memory regarding your History....the American Independance ....and the freedom of the United States.

Don't forget that France is America's oldest ally !



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Boycott French Wines
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2003, 09:51:59 AM »

Vive la France!


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Boycott French Wines
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2003, 03:39:32 PM »

Not only was France the ally of the United States during the revolution, Spain and Holland were with us as well, but they too, I believe, are against the approaching war with Iraq.

Even so, right after the revolution the United States ran into problems with her new found allies. We couldn't pay off the war debt with France, and as a result France decided to send over 14 ambassadors to each colony - treating each as its own country thanks mostly to the Articles of Confederation . We even ran into some problems with Spain - They decided to charge a fee for use of the Mississippi River because it was their land.

The irony of it all is that even since we declared our independence from Great Britain a long time ago, they are almost always behind our actions, you'd think that it would be the other way around.


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I will make it a point to buy ONLY French Wine!
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2003, 06:49:45 PM »

A boycott would affect the owner's of the Châteaus more so then it would affect the French government.  Why take it out on the wine makers?  I was just in France, I met a woman whose family owns a château in the Châteauneuf du Pape region, and she was actually for the war.  Your boycott would affect her as well since there is no way to pick and choose who you are boycotting.

Secondly, with a boycott not only are you affecting innocent business owners in France, but you are also going to affect our (United States) fragile economy as well.  What about the businesses (i.e., stores, importers, and restaurants), which already have a substantial investment in French wine?

Have you considered the French people that have actually come to America to pursue their hopes and dreams?  Are these people to be punished because the government of their native country doesn't agree with ours?  Do we (United States) have the right to browbeat people into agreeing with everything we say or do?  Just because we saved them in a few wars does that mean they have sold their soul to the devil…  and have no right to an opinion unless it agrees with our government?

What about the American's that are anti-war?  Have you read the news lately?  This is a direct quote from the BBC website: "The latest opinion poll in the United States, conducted by TIME/CNN, suggests that 61% of Americans either oppose a war in Iraq on any terms, or would support one only if it had UN backing.”  What's next... a boycott on American's that are anti-war?

The news we hear is propagating aggression towards the French and vice versa.  I know because as I mentioned I was just in France, and I was fortunate enough to hear both sides of news.  Taking all of the facts into consideration, how can anyone really support such an effort in good conscience?   Is discrimination based on nationality really the way to go?  I don't believe in such generalizations, and I'm shocked that some people in this day and age do.

My response to this insanity is to boycott the boycott, and buy everything French that I can get my hands on.


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Boycott French Wines
« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2003, 08:42:01 PM »

Boycott the boycott, eh? Well, Driggs, it's certainly your right to buy French wine, clothing, scissors and toilet bowl cleaners. After all, freedom is the bottom line here, isn't it?

Your observation was astute in that French wine growers would suffer from any call to boycott their product. But, sometimes people are asked to endure such hardships. If terrorism is to be stopped, those who supply them with money and arms must be neutralized. One would think all peoples would endorse such a position, but France's official position is apparently to wait and see, take more time, shuffle their feet, etc., etc., etc., ad nauseum. Perhaps an economic wake up call via an outcry from French winegrowers could persuade their government that action must be taken. And, are we missing something here? Are the French immune from terrorist activities? A little more than a year ago many of us felt that way...

I understand your position and bias after meeting a femme fatale from a certain European nation. I guess it's unfortunate it wasn't a woman of Iraqi descent as we've been denied your penchant to wax eloquent on such an interesting topic.

So, tip your glass of wine grown from the grapes of whatever nation and salute American soldiers who are charged with preserving freedom, even if their mandate is not supported by the French.


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Boycott French Wines
« Reply #11 on: March 17, 2003, 09:47:33 PM »

Quote from: Mazdaman

Your observation was astute in that French wine growers would suffer from any call to boycott their product. But, sometimes people are asked to endure such hardships

Um... this renaming isn't about terrorism. It's about the people we put in charge of our country's welfare acting like a bunch of spoiled children and grasping desperately for any way to compare this to "the Great Wars".
To die, to sleep; To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub... Ha ha! ...'Rub'!


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Boycott French Wines
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2003, 02:27:50 AM »

Like D, Cheney said " it is difficult to take French seriously!", especially in this case, I doubt that their act is for supporting true .. PEACE in the world.

I do not want to boycott the French's but I feel itchy thinking about anything ... French related at this moment --- while 250,000 of our men and women are out there ...

If the French are true Peace lover that should reflect in their gesture of kindness and consideration -- but it is obviously not !

Are they (Chirac and his pals) truthly against WAR ? ???? If they (Chirac and his pals) do,  then they are so ignorant, so undiplomatic that they are unable to deliver the message thru the American and British whom instead feel desperatly betrayed by French.

I am for true Peace, but in the meantime I set my heart and prayer for our troops and all the innocents of Iraq.


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Re: Boycott French Wines
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2003, 04:22:03 AM »

wow !
Very stupid !!
today we are sure the war will begin quickly. Ok, you have to be behind your boys (U.S and Britsih) now, it's important for them.
I think russians, germans, chineese, french and the 80 % of the countries who are against this war will be behind your boys.
Why this war ? Terrorism ? Saddam is one of the personal enemy of Ben Laden !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think you have more problems with saoudia, who gave 75% of the men and the money for the 11th of september !
It's only economic reasons. Russians, germans and french have economic interest in Iraq. U.S want to control the oil, and after maybe the government could make big pressure on saoudia to obtain some results on the war against terrorism.

last : french know they don't have impact on the world anymore. Germany, Russia and China of course are much more important countries... and Bush know that. It's easier to focus the communication on one country (and a small one of course) to explain U.N. failure ! It's strategic. One thing... before France, Russia and China announced their Veto. And why your government finally don't ask for a vote of a 2nd resolution at U.N. ? fear of the result (4 countries on 15 would vote yes for this war), of course and of the negativ impact on the U.S. population.

Tomorrow i'll go to Eurodisney... there is no call to boycott US products in France. But, i know some persons who personally boycott US products.................... they are not french !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, as you can read, i'me not fluent in english !

A french friend.


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Boycott French Wines
« Reply #14 on: March 18, 2003, 06:36:53 AM »

I watched a CNN reporter talking last night about France supplying " wait, I'm sorry, Iraq" with airliner machinery and money, and that "That alone may show that France may break alliances with the US and take up ties with Iraq. Then they went on to show another bit of footage on americans sudden hate for french people and got a "frenchman's opinion" on it. ::sighs in disbelief::


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Boycott French Wines
« Reply #15 on: March 18, 2003, 09:03:53 AM »

I seriously doubt the french would double cross the US and assist Irak by providing them equipement. They are not that stupid. As far as I'm concerned, the position of the French is that there is no cause for war just yet. They still want to give diplomacy a chance because they are slowly starting to see some results. Well, if they want to be fooled by Sadam's stunts, that's fine. They have a right to come to their own conclusion based on their own intelligence. It's like Canada. They wanted to work with both parties and propose a solution that would require compromise between them. Meet them half way. Both US and France declined. This is typical behavoir seen in childs. The attitude that they are both right and won't budge. Well in my opinion, they were both idiots for being so arrogant and that why have reached this point today.

And then you have Blair on the other side who comes up with an idiotic proposal and thinks he's going to save the world. I say idiotic because one of the 6 proposed requirement was for Sadam for him to publicly annouce on television that he does have weapons of mass destruction. Well, first of all, everyone knows that was never going to happen. It was a proposal setup for failure from the begining. Everyone knows that. Secondly, who cares? The ultimate goal of this thing is to have Sadam disarm. Having him go on TV and claim he owns a shit load of weapons is not necessary for disarmament.

Finally, the UN itself needs a little reality check. They order certain actions to take place. The orders or not met. Yet, there are no consequences. Your local police department would be more efficient in that aspect. When the law tells you to do something and gives you a deadline, they will knock at your door if you don't comply. The UN was not even capable of doing just that. And the problem with the UN is the veto votes. Get rid of them. Decisions can be made democraticly. Majority wins. Veto is just stupid. If you have 90% agreement and 10% disagreement, and the 10% have veto, they can just throw away the whole thing. So really, who ever has veto has full control of anything that goes on in the UN. That is not acceptable. And if veto were not in place today, it is quit possible that the UN would have voted in favour of the war. Until the UN changes this procedure, they can go fuck themselves. I don't want them to represent me or my rights when I know that the system can be exploited and in the end it's all about politics more than justice.

Now the war is about to start. By the end of this week, war will have begun. Well, there isn't much anyone can do about it now. So we may as well get on board. The Americans have decided to take matters into their own hands, and they are fully entitled to do so based on their assesment of the threat. And although not everyone agrees with this, at least it will get the job done. Sadam will be disarmed. The whole world will benefit from this. It sure beats sitting around a table and repeating the same speeches over and over, while no one is actually listening because they are too damn stuborn and arrogant to be a little flexible (pointing the finger at US and France). But, since diplomacy as reached the end, and war is inevitable, why doesn't everyone join the US? They could ensure that the objective is meet. They could ensure that things are done right. And you know what? They won't join because they are too damn chicken shit. If they stay back and do nothing, they are not accountable. And if something goes wrong, they can point the finger at the US and blame them. That's just plain childish. Everyone should put the arrogance behind and enforce the sanctions that they have established and that were not met by Sadam.

Anyway, we are soon about to find out if the claims of the US are true. If sadam has weapons of mass destruction, they will be used in a matter of days. And that's the most arrogant statement of all. All along, he's been claiming innocence and when we don't beleive him, he'll turn around and use all of these weapons that he "apparently" doesn't own. What a fucking morron.


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Boycott French Wines
« Reply #16 on: March 18, 2003, 12:36:23 PM »

Well stated, Judge.

It's an interesting observation that Saddam Hussein has claimed all along that he has no weapons of mass destruction, and that his military actions in the next few days will be the litmus test for his assertion. After all, if he doesn't use 'em then, he probably never will.

And what about society in the post-Saddam-as-leader-of-a-country era?  Using your analogy that some of the world leaders are behaving as children, think about the little boy who was kicked out of the gang. Remember how he stood at a safe distance and threw stones at the clubhouse?

I read somewhere Hussein was listed as the 55th richest man in the world. Wonder what he'll spend his money on when he goes to a new country (i.e., Libya)? Let's hope my example doesn't come to fruition...


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Boycott French Wines
« Reply #17 on: March 18, 2003, 01:19:22 PM »

He has stated he refused to leave his country.  So this puts the US in a position where war is imminent, only 65% of the US citizens support the war, France might stop being dickheads (assuming that Iraqi's use chemical weapons), and a lot of 18 year olds are starting to get paranoid over the draft. So where does this leave the world?  Who knows.

Personally, I think we should cluster-MOAB them still.  As far as innocent casualties:  Damn that sucks, sorry you were part of an example.  

Just my 2 cents.
I'm a tad miffed about this situation, and my views do not represent that of the Geekery, their Staff, or other Members.
"Ohhh! That is almost sig quote material.... almost!" - The Judge


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Re: Boycott French Wines
« Reply #18 on: March 18, 2003, 02:00:55 PM »

French can still have great impact in the world if they maintain their fine, authentic value of being intellect, calm, noble, precise, and relax, etc... Just like their culture, their wine, their food, etc...

American is being American -- bull, direct, efficient, loud, etc.. but have a big heart and most of the time cannot defend or justify their actions  (American just do not know how !!!) ... After all, everything always end upon American's shoulder -- I am glad that at least American are strong and big enough to carry the  blame for almost everything in the end

French and American can implement each other beautifully, if they both maintain their true value.

I am dissappoint to see how Chirac and his PM handling the situation in UN -- They are more trying to show their "lost selve" than demontrating the real French who the world used to know and admire.

Enough said, please hold up your spirit and send nice though to all the men and women in the front line and all the innocent children of Iraq.



Quote from: booo
wow !
Very stupid !!
today we are sure the war will begin quickly. Ok, you have to be behind your boys (U.S and Britsih) now, it's important for them.
I think russians, germans, chineese, french and the 80 % of the countries who are against this war will be behind your boys.
Why this war ? Terrorism ? Saddam is one of the personal enemy of Ben Laden !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think you have more problems with saoudia, who gave 75% of the men and the money for the 11th of september !
It's only economic reasons. Russians, germans and french have economic interest in Iraq. U.S want to control the oil, and after maybe the government could make big pressure on saoudia to obtain some results on the war against terrorism.

last : french know they don't have impact on the world anymore. Germany, Russia and China of course are much more important countries... and Bush know that. It's easier to focus the communication on one country (and a small one of course) to explain U.N. failure ! It's strategic. One thing... before France, Russia and China announced their Veto. And why your government finally don't ask for a vote of a 2nd resolution at U.N. ? fear of the result (4 countries on 15 would vote yes for this war), of course and of the negativ impact on the U.S. population.

Tomorrow i'll go to Eurodisney... there is no call to boycott US products in France. But, i know some persons who personally boycott US products.................... they are not french !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, as you can read, i'me not fluent in english !

A french friend.


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Boycott French Wines
« Reply #19 on: March 18, 2003, 03:06:27 PM »

As President Bush stated when this whole "War on Terrorism" started back in October of 2001, as nations, they are either against the United States, or for the United States. When the true war starts with Iraq, we will quickly know who is with the United States, and who is against the United States.


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Boycott French Wines
« Reply #20 on: March 18, 2003, 09:55:38 PM »

Heh, look at what the French are doing now.

Ok, they've just killed the whole "food war" thing that was going on. It's time for both countries to shut up now before someone ends up changing the name of Chinese Food out of frustration for running out of foods to rename.


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Boycott French Wines
« Reply #21 on: March 18, 2003, 10:19:13 PM »

Excellent job, Frenchies.
Dear God, let's just stop this before we start eating Victory Biscuits.
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American dumbass
« Reply #22 on: March 19, 2003, 02:56:37 AM »

Servus, cool idea!if you don´t buy French vine, there is more vine left for Germany!
Greetings Schnitzel


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French opinion from Toulouse (France )
« Reply #23 on: March 19, 2003, 05:16:34 AM »

:P nous on boycott votre bouffe de merde et on encule (fuck) toute l'amérique et tous les américains. and the wine we will drink it with plaisure.. :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:


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Re: French opinion from Toulouse (France )
« Reply #24 on: March 19, 2003, 06:35:09 AM »

Quote from: Froggies
:P nous on boycott votre bouffe de merde et on encule (fuck) toute l'amérique et tous les américains. and the wine we will drink it with plaisure.. :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:


We boycott your shit and you fuck us up the ass, fuck all americans.
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