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Messages - barbarella

Pages: [1] 2
Anarchy / Problems with your God?
« on: April 23, 2004, 01:03:03 PM »

Management regretfully apologises to the gentle pious and refined readers and denizens of TG for the appallingly shocking lack of taste displayed by barbarella who is a lamer anyway and we all know how idiotic lamers can be and barbarella is No Exception and just because barbarella thinks hotties can get away with almost anything here is no reason for lamers like barbarella to post stupider than average things in a thread when Demo is being so kewl and posting something really clever and witty for everyone. so there.

New Geeks on the Block / A geek just not a very observant .......
« on: April 23, 2004, 11:11:04 AM »
Quote from: Castellanus
::slides up next to barb::  8)

Hey baby, really missed you since that night 6 months ago. How about another go around?  :D

baby???  sliding up next to me ??!!??[/i][/color]   :shock:


w00t! Another go around? No problemo! 8)


Anarchy / Rabbits and there squeamish ways
« on: April 17, 2004, 02:04:57 PM »
pbsaurus misses me?   :shock:

Some men break your heart in two,
Some men fawn and flatter you,
Some men never look at you;
And that cleans up the matter.  


New Geeks on the Block / A geek just not a very observant .......
« on: April 17, 2004, 12:39:21 PM »
Quote from: catwritr
barb, honey, where ya been?


New Geeks on the Block / A geek just not a very observant .......
« on: April 17, 2004, 11:35:50 AM »
hola. el bobo.

Bienvenido a El Geekery.[/color][/b] Es siempre agradable cuándo personas nuevas aparecen querer para hacer muchos a amigos nuevos y mostrar todos nosotros cuán listo ellos están (como pbsaurus[/color]de hablar español y todo) cuando la mayor parte de nosotros luchamos con inglés, para consideraciones de dioses. :?


New Geeks on the Block / Let Me Introduce Myself, I'm KRUNCH
« on: March 25, 2004, 01:51:51 PM »
Quote from: Law
Ha! God bless Chesty.


Wherever he is.[/size]

'The bastards are to the right of us, to the left of us, behind us, and in front of us. This simplifies things considerably. They can't get away this time." ~"Chesty" Puller~

New Geeks on the Block / Let Me Introduce Myself, I'm KRUNCH
« on: March 25, 2004, 01:33:15 AM »
Welcome aboard,  former zero-3 fly boy.
Always room for air cover. :)

"The mail service has been excellent out here, and in my opinion this is all that the Air Force has accomplished during the war."
~Lieutenant-General Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller USMC, in a letter to his wife while in Korea.~

   :twisted: OOoooRAAHHhhhh!

Anarchy / Things to call "The General"
« on: March 21, 2004, 06:38:54 PM »
I always like da weasel, da one-eyed water weasel.

What do girl's appreciate?
YEEAAA!!! Da Weasel!!!!
Go Weasel!! Go Weasel!!
R00t! R00t! R00t!


Anarchy / What Would Jesus Surf?
« on: March 21, 2004, 06:18:37 PM »
Quote from: TerrorDronze

Hey everybody.... i found Jesus!  

w00t! This is great news! People over at Teh Mall kept stopping everybody in the parking lot today asking if they had found Jesus. They're going to be sooo excited to know he's shown up!

Better post your address here so I can drive on over there and give them the good news. Then they can all come to your house.

Just think how much fun this will be.  :shock:


New Geeks on the Block / He's baaaaaack..... again....
« on: March 21, 2004, 05:53:47 PM »
Cleveland is good.

Hiya, TD
Nice tew meetcha. :)

11 that another nifty AVP???

W00t!!! Maybe StirFry's Finest Kind Great Wall has a sale on this weekend!!
Gotta Go (|-|3(|{  17  0|_|7!!

whoooooosssshhhhhhhh...out da d00r


Quote from: catwritr
Why would you use two antivirus programs?

Because one of them is infected with a virus?
Because you have trust issues?  
Because you don't know how to uninstall the other one?
Because someone gave you one for a Christmas present and you don't want to hurt their feelings?  
Because indecision is a demonstration of Tax Dollars in action??  
Because George Orwell said all are equal but some are more equal than others ?
Because 2 is always better than 1? ( except in (Boolian) set theory in which case 2 does not exist )
Because it was a Buy 1 Get 1 Free and you got a Ronco Buttoneer and a set of Ginzu knives?


New Geeks on the Block / Hey Jem
« on: March 21, 2004, 10:39:24 AM »
Welcome to da turf.
See ya 'round campus.

Oh, and watch out for Teh Judge.
His office still smells funny.


New Geeks on the Block / hello, everyone
« on: March 21, 2004, 10:21:29 AM »
Quote from: catwritr
I could edit glitch's double posts, but then he wouldn't look like a moron.

A newer, nicer, gentler catwritr?  :shock:

Be afraid.
Be very afraid.

Run little doggie! Run!  


Anarchy / Re: Best Hacking in a Movies
« on: March 21, 2004, 10:06:09 AM »
Quote from: glitch942003

What is your favourite hacking movie?

:idea: Gone With The Wind

No... wait...that's hackneyed, not hacking...sorry. :oops:


Well, heck, I was close. :cry:

Yeah....right...sure. :roll:

Wait, I did hack it! That film is classic old hack and I really was close!  :o

Soooo...You're saying Margaret Mitchell and CB DeMille BOTH had a bad cough??  :shock:

Nah, Scarlett's mother was the one that got sick, remember?  :cool:

Sheesh.  :?



Anarchy / Rabbits and there squeamish ways
« on: March 20, 2004, 09:17:24 PM »
Quote from: xolik
Quote from: barbarella
Quote from: pbsaurus
I like pie.


What the hell was that?  :D

 :idea: Multiple Choice Time  :idea:  

1-P:Significant social commentary on pie?
2-P: Blatent attempt at subterfuge to curry favour with teh pbsaurus?
3-P: Strange British perception (political commentary) on value of dissent?
4-P: Demonstration that idiot knows how to set up dubious cultural value hotlink transfers using text as well as graphics?
5-P: Boring Saturday morning at winkydink kb only alleviated by moments of bizarre Weebl and bob pie humor?
6-P:Dunno. Sleep with me and I'll tell you in the morning?
7-P: Beer and pizza?

Select answer that most clearly reflects your opinion of the (two) films  subtly offered for your delectation and entertainment. The nefarious motives of the gummi bear addict who placed them here should also be considered when making response selection.


"Say thank you, bring gifts, show appreciation for teh helpful comments and suggestions from the nice g33k people."

" Sure thing, Mom."

"How'd I do?"

"You're learning."

99-P: For Lo, it had come to pass in the fullness of Time, that the occasionally clueless idiot barbarella did wander off into the lands of the CompUServes and purchase at great price ( but (true) value ) additional RAM for an ailing desktop box. And verily do I say unto Thee ,that barbarella did then prosper in the land of the Binary. For I, the Lord God Thoth, Protector of CPU's , do now therefore say unto thee that this is Always a Truth:  the sons and daughters of Teh G33kery do offer great and wonderous advice when properly approached.
100-P: Seek not in the Temples of The Munificent Pharoah Demosthenes for knowledge and assistance without walking warily and bringing Giftings of Splendor and Majesty. In the Days of Their Judgements the fine folke at Teh G33k3ry will reach out unto you with their vast wisdoms and experiences and thus benefit thee muchly, if thou only hast sense enough to shut da fuck up and listen to what they tell you AND THEN GO DO IT!
"Idiot's Guide to Fun on Teh Internet" BookI, ChapII, verses 99-100


Anarchy / Rabbits and there squeamish ways
« on: March 20, 2004, 02:00:22 AM »
Quote from: pbsaurus
I like pie.


Dear Mr pbsaurus,

It has come to my attention that extensive in-depth stirfry whatever analysis reveals that pie apparently likes you, too.
On second thought, maybe minus an ear is closer to the original smoot factoid consideration.
Have a nice day, Sir.  :wink:

Anarchy / Rabbits and there squeamish ways
« on: March 19, 2004, 04:19:15 PM »
Matt Hartley Problem Action Plan:

Notify Hazel and Fiver that another two legs is on the prowl. Describe Matt Hartley as Bad Man. Locate Black Rabbit of WatershipDown and provide pictures, description and last known location of infamous Matt Hartley. Call over to NIM and inform the folks there that one of their larger experimental animals is on the loose and terrorizing countryside's passive herbivore population. Find 3 rikkchikk's and let them see pic of Matt, and sniff trail left by idiotic postings all over Teh Geekery. Offer said rikkchikks several bags haycorns for info leading to capture of Bad 2 Legs.

Drop on over to Bagshot Row and let locals know someone is dicking with indigenous rabbit population therefore making main source of winter fresh meat for feeding of toddler halflings dubious. Bring several armsfull of lillies and iris to GoldBerry over at the pond and let her know its possible an orc is hunting in her area. Leave several wheels of cheese for Tom along with a note about Matt Hartley suspected of lurking around Old Man Willow and how Tom might want to make closer inspection of areas on other side of wooded space until further notice.

Send pet pigeon with message to TreeBeard informing him that a suspected orc ally has been telling everyone how he torched the entire BlackForests of Germany and Austria for fun and profit. Send latest news re: hunt for entwives continues, Matt Hartley blamed for loss of all available information when he torched BlackForest Park Preserve.

Send pony express rodeo rider over to Rohan. Have rider inform Rohirrim that Matt Hartley is bragging about slaughtering wild ponies on the Chesapeke Island sanctuaries because he thinks killing mares and foals is entertaining. Give full description of M. Hartley to Riders with added incentive of 3 fillies to one who bring in Matt's head tied to his or her saddle.

Send note to Minas Morgul, Dol Goldur and Barad Dur that Gollum did NOT die, and that the Ring did NOT perish, and that it is currently in possession of Matt Hartley.

Leave pic of Matt Hartley taped to doorway of Moria with attached letter indicating that Matt Hartley is the son of Azog no one knew about until now and that he is bragging about how dwarves are cowardly runts with no balls at all.

Leave signs all over Mirkwood telling anyone and anything that can read that it was Matt Hartley who killed Smaug and Balrog as part of a filthy Elvish plot to defranchise residents of Mirkwood and turn them all into hobbit children.

Lean back and watch High Dollar entertainment as Matt Hartley enjoys significant learning opportunities offered ie:  that fucking with rabbits and birds and laughing about it on TG is NOT in his best interests.

Send flowers to Mother Hartley in condolence.

So there.

Probably a dumb question, but I can't seem to find anything on the web to answer this.

I have a dual boot on desk puter, old install of Win98 occupies C drive ( 8.25GB with 4.60GB free ) with assorted garbage I am not willing to just F disk away for sentimental reasons as much as anything else. D drive( 11.7GB with 6.0 free ) is occupied with new install ( within last 6 mos ) of XP-P. Have 1.90GB free for virtual memory [Box is 863mHz, approx30GB HDD with 128 RAM]

Have been experiencing low puter performance. Use lava on regular weekly basis to clean out spyware and do sys maintainance scan-defrag weekly or so depending on usage levels...amount of web usage and install/delete of programs and apps.Have also done ctrl/alt/delete to check on background programs running and use rotwipe.exe to clear dll debris after all proggie uninstalls.

Is it poss that part of the reason performance is low is because of the old OS on the C drive and that I need to go into the cobwebs there and clean out/backup/delete and then F disk and repartition and then reinstall everything I want to keep using XP-P as the only OS?

Its a lot of work, but am not afraid to do it if needed. Can burn CD's of anything I really want to keep before F disking. Have installation software for all peripherals, the OS, and several proggies not freewared on the net. Have stored passwords for everything using one on a dedicated CD holding nothing else and clearly marked as such. The rest I can go out and retrieve and re-install after I re-partition off the HDD to accommodate the new OS, peripherals. and create a drive assigned for my music and another one to virtual memory.

Mucho sincere thanks in advance to anyone willing to help out with this idiot's question with comments, advice, or suggestions.

Ancient Toshiba CDT420 Satellite Pro laptop is now occupied with learning and installing brandy new Linux OS. Have taken the bit in the teeth and decided to try and teach this to myself. Much appreciation is sent to the Linux gurus around campus who have offered me assistance, website url's and advice. I keep telling myself "Don't Panic!" this is not advanced rocket science, it is simply a new way of doing something you can basically manage already.

Time will tell.

Anarchy / Girl Scout Cookies
« on: March 19, 2004, 02:34:27 AM »
Thin mints, thin mints, thin mints...ooohhhh yeahhhh
Thin mints RULE!!!

Anarchy / Stupid law
« on: March 19, 2004, 02:29:02 AM »
Quote from: Demosthenes

...I wouldn't be surprised to see torches and pitchforks.   :shock:

Bring on the tumbrils!
Bring on the guillotine!
Death to the Aristos!

wild applause, cheering, stamping of feet, waving of torches, brandishing of pitchforks, and all kinds of stuff like that

Anarchy / What Would Jesus Surf?
« on: March 19, 2004, 02:15:22 AM »
Quote from: xolik
... I'm sure somebody will invent a fresh, new, exciting way to blaspheme...  :lol:

/join #Jerusalem_Pesach
<judas> hi cuz!! good 2 c u jeebus *VBG*
<judas> got any plans fer da weekend, d00d?
<jeebus> nothin much. have dinner planned with teh family n friends, y u ask?
<judas> goin' to da Geth garden pahty after da dinner? *g*
<jeebus> yep.
**jeebus wonders y judas wants 2 know his bidness
<judas> d00d, we r cousins, right? Just wanted 2 know iz all
**judas iz feelin HURT and wonderz y u fergit dis all da time???
<jeebus> awww, bummer ...ntw nbt. was thinking about da weekend iz all
<judas> ya mean after da garden?
<jeebus> uhh huh
<judas> lol  plan on spendin it Roman & hangin round  #Jerusalem?
<jeebus>prolly, r u gonna b here 2? *g*
<judas>Def. kk gotta go bbib
<judas>need ta shake wit da snake, c ya later, cousin
<jeebus> kk, c ya
««« judas left IRC (z@=Liq-44-543-75- - (was on 12 min 1 s) - CtrlF1 whowas
<SatanDevill> hi jeebus *weg*
<jeebus> get th33 behind me!
Whoaaaa...Jumpin Jehosaphat! This is what comes out when I am at my kb late at night?  :shock:


Anarchy / And the beat goes on..
« on: March 16, 2004, 04:13:34 AM »
Quote from: BizB
4)... A picture of me, naked....

Woooooot!!!! Nekkid hottie |-|4x0|2  |*1(!!!!

Be happy to preview that pic out for ya.  :wink:  :wink:  :wink:

Anarchy / Caption Contest #725
« on: March 08, 2004, 10:22:39 PM »

" Whaddaya mean by insinuatiing Giacomo Puccini is puerile and boring, you pusillanimous, pugnacious, pustule infested, louse ridden whoreson of a quadrillion rabid weasels?"

I  truely enjoyed writing that. :D

Pages: [1] 2