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Author Topic: This is a thread for the ladies... but fellas, listen close.  (Read 8490 times)

Joe Sixpack

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So the other day, there was some shouting going on in the shoutbox, and a certain member who shall remain nameless unless they choose to reveal themselves mentioned that he is 19, male, in college... and playing pokemon. Regularly. And not only that, but even more pathetically, he excused this by saying that Pokemon is some sort of erstwhile Linus's security blanket, reminding him of all that was good and pure before the real world left a massive swirly on his chest. Anyhoo, this led me to publish a theory that I have regarding the perceived low sex drive of the average adult female in our society, which basically boils down to this:

How is a lady supposed to get her pilot lit when her available partners never learned how to be adults?

A couple of "right ons" from the ladies who happened to be present suggests there is some truth to this, at least in general.
So let's rap, brothers, and allow me to cast a few other pearls on this subject.

#1 - Ladies want security
I am talking about general security here, not just financial. Yes, you need to be able to make money to support your family. That is part of your responsibility as a man. You don't have a family yet? Doesn't matter. Ladies want to be able to have faith that if they cast their lot with you, there will one day be a family and that you will be able to support it. More importantly, they want to  have faith that if they cast their lot with you, you are returning, or at least capable of returning, the favour. Believe it or not, the average lady doesn't care if you check out other ladies... if they are secure enough in their relationship that they have no worries about you running of with one of them. When they're not, that's when they have a problem.

#2 - Ladies want their man to look like a man!
I am not talking about chest hair or haircuts, or even how old or young you look, necessarily. I'm not the most ruggedly handsome of dudes. No, no, ladies, argue all you want, I appreciate it. But I have good hygiene and I clean up OK, and that goes a long way with your average lady. Guess what else? I have some shirts, and some of them have more than 3 buttons on them. Sometimes I wear them when it's not a wedding or a funeral. Tucked in! Your cargo shorts and flip flops are well and good. From time to time, depending on the circumstance, great. But if you want a lady to ever believe that you are capable of #1, looking the part goes a long way. Shallow, you say? Maybe. Maybe. But you are a dude, and you have no grounds on which to criticize any other human being about their shallowness.

#3 - Don't be such a selfish fucking dick!
When I laid my theory out in the shoutbox, Pokemon boy retorted with "there's nothing wrong with my sex drive". Guess what, dillweed? No one is talking about *your* sex drive! It's not all about you! Think about someone else once in a while! If you can't do it in a discussion, what's it going to be like during the act? Ladies relate lots of seemingly unrelated things to how you will treat them in your relationship. How do you treat animals and children, and other things weaker than you? It's a fact of life that most women are going to be weaker than most men. I know, I know, present company excepted, of course. So when you're mean to the dog, or your snot-nosed, bratty little nephew, what conclusion should a lady draw about your character, and how you will treat her when she is vulnerable (physically, emotionally, or in any other way)? Part of being a grown up is realizing that your actions affect other people, not just yourself. Ladies know this.

To conclude, it should come as no surprise that a legal adult playing Pokemon on his DS does nothing toward any of these objectives. Lest it seem I am disproportionally picking on dudes here, it is partly the fault of the ladies. For one, you get knocked up by dudes that are not around to raise your sons. How are they supposed to learn how to be a grown men when there are none around? In addition, you still put out for these losers, only encouraging their subpar behavior. So you are not without blame yourselves. But guess what, dudes? Lack of a good example can't be an excuse forever. Part of being a man is taking responsibility for your own situation, and you blaming anyone but yourself for your lot in life just becomes more babyish whining at some point.

"God places cherubim with a flaming sword east of Eden to guard the Tree of Life from the ambitions of man.

Cherubim is plural; Genesis 3:24 specifies one flaming sword. Presumably flaming swords were in short supply."


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Re: This is a thread for the ladies... but fellas, listen close.
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2010, 12:41:56 PM »

The person you are referring to is a Geekery member in good standing, and he seems to be getting along just fine with everyone, including the ladies. Personally, I like him.

What the fuck's gotten into you?

This kind of hostile personal attack is childish.

Demosthenes: Is that from the gifters movement?

Detta: Crappy old shorts and a tank top.  This is how I dress for work. Because my job is to get puked on.
Demosthenes: So is mine.  I work in IT.

bananaskittles: The world is 4chan and God is a troll.

Joe Sixpack

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Re: This is a thread for the ladies... but fellas, listen close.
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2010, 12:50:22 PM »

I assume you are kidding... nothing personal about this attack, unless one takes an attack upon one's whole generation as personal. I would have named names and otherwise gotten way, way more specific if it were personal. Could be childish, though. That I am willing to discuss.
"God places cherubim with a flaming sword east of Eden to guard the Tree of Life from the ambitions of man.

Cherubim is plural; Genesis 3:24 specifies one flaming sword. Presumably flaming swords were in short supply."


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Re: This is a thread for the ladies... but fellas, listen close.
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2010, 01:18:02 PM »

Don't hate the player, hate the game. Really. Think about it. The person playing Pokemon is really no different from a person playing any other game out there: Whether it be a card game or a game based on a console. It's still make believe, and it still evokes feelings of goodwill for the user when they play it. So the real issue isn't the person per say, but how "manly" the game is. Which is kind of ironic because at an "adult" age you get that mentality of I DON'T CARE WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK - I AM AN ADULT.

To say society (both male and female) have developmental issues (sexual and mental) due to a video game is just fucking ridiculous. I'm sure there are more things to blame those faults on than just a video game.


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Re: This is a thread for the ladies... but fellas, listen close.
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2010, 01:20:16 PM »

The way you open up comes across as being a little bit strong/personal, even though it was an inspiration to write all that followed. Just saying

But, as for your theory (as I "right-on"-ed earlier), I think this should be posted in every restroom in every public facility across the country to get the message across.

Your ideas are the basic premise of mating behaviors that can be seen any mating species in nature. I mean, why do you think male animals go through all of their actions, be it physical fighting, trying to build the best shelter, having the brightest coloring, and so on? To show to females that they are the best choice. Humans are animals, so why should the basic premise of competition be lost to us?

Ok, no more animal behavior courses for me anymore. I can discuss this for hours.

I also agree with BS for the most part; so, here's something for you:


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Re: This is a thread for the ladies... but fellas, listen close.
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2010, 01:23:25 PM »

Don't hate the player, hate the game. Really. Think about it. The person playing Pokemon is really no different from a person playing any other game out there: Whether it be a card game or a game based on a console. It's still make believe, and it still evokes feelings of goodwill for the user when they play it. So the real issue isn't the person per say, but how "manly" the game is. Which is kind of ironic because at an "adult" age you get that mentality of I DON'T CARE WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK - I AM AN ADULT.

To say society (both male and female) have developmental issues (sexual and mental) due to a video game is just fucking ridiculous. I'm sure there are more things to blame those faults on than just a video game.

Hmm, I think you are getting bogged down in details, I am speaking of generalities. No problem in the world is the fault of a video game. But large overarching problems have symptoms, and sometimes a video game is one.
And I would say that yes, a person playing pokemon really is very different from any other person playing any other game. Perhaps another thread is in order for that. It will turn into a big discussion.

"God places cherubim with a flaming sword east of Eden to guard the Tree of Life from the ambitions of man.

Cherubim is plural; Genesis 3:24 specifies one flaming sword. Presumably flaming swords were in short supply."


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Re: This is a thread for the ladies... but fellas, listen close.
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2010, 01:31:25 PM »

Hmm, I think you are getting bogged down in details, I am speaking of generalities. No problem in the world is the fault of a video game. But large overarching problems have symptoms, and sometimes a video game is one.
And I would say that yes, a person playing pokemon really is very different from any other person playing any other game. Perhaps another thread is in order for that. It will turn into a big discussion.

I think the psychology behind why someone plays Pokemon is very similar to why someone will play a game such as Grand Theft Auto or whatever other stupid games are out there these days... I really don't know what's out there anymore since I'm an adult and have better things to do with my time. Actually, not just because I am an adult, but I have a lot of other things I do with my time that prevents me from exploring any videos games.

I think if we were to really break down and analyze what playing a video game invokes in someone's mind is probably very similar across the board in all cases. After all, we're nothing but animals, right?


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Re: This is a thread for the ladies... but fellas, listen close.
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2010, 01:33:15 PM »

Gary Oldman.... mmm Only reason to watch the Stupid Sexy Flanders movies.

As well as Jason Isaacs and Alan Rickman (oh GOD his voice). Those three. That's pretty much it.

I think part of the problem is the technological advances society has made in the game realm. I'm hard-pressed to find a guy around my age (mid 20's) who actually reads REAL books nowadays. (As in, not manga/comics, or the like), which is important as a source of self-learning.

I also notice this in the academic realm. Even in the hardcore sciences, I'm noticing that the majority of the students pursuing advanced degrees in these areas are female! So, if we want to find a man that can compete with us intellectually (which is one criteria I feel is important, others might not think so), it's going to be even harder to find one since there are fewer and fewer around. It's interesting when you compare it to  a generation ago, where most, if not all, all the professors/people in their fields are basically male.

Coincidence that this turnaround coincides with the prevalence of the gaming culture?



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Re: This is a thread for the ladies... but fellas, listen close.
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2010, 01:35:57 PM »

Playing Pokemon doesn't have to have anything to do with this. That is, as long as it's something that you ease a potential mate into (after you have their attention or have some basis of a relationship) who might get weirded out by it.

Notice I said playing pokemon doesn't have to have anything to do with this. But, it can. Like Joe said it can be a symptom. However, this kinda goes back to the original post where it might seem that a pokemon fan is being generalized and simplified to try and make a point.

I'll just add to Chris' comments that video games can even give a player confidence which can help him in other situations, including social ones. And, in my experience, confidence is a very useful tool in getting the ladies to notice you beyond your gaming habits or your clothes.
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Joe Sixpack

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Re: This is a thread for the ladies... but fellas, listen close.
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2010, 01:39:29 PM »

As well as Jason Isaacs and Alan Rickman (oh GOD his voice). Those three. That's pretty much it.

I think part of the problem is the technological advances society has made in the game realm. I'm hard-pressed to find a guy around my age (mid 20's) who actually reads REAL books nowadays. (As in, not manga/comics, or the like), which is important as a source of self-learning.

I also notice this in the academic realm. Even in the hardcore sciences, I'm noticing that the majority of the students pursuing advanced degrees in these areas are female! So, if we want to find a man that can compete with us intellectually (which is one criteria I feel is important, others might not think so), it's going to be even harder to find one since there are fewer and fewer around. It's interesting when you compare it to  a generation ago, where most, if not all, all the professors/people in their fields are basically male.

Coincidence that this turnaround coincides with the prevalence of the gaming culture?

Neither here nor there, but be very careful about equating your number of degrees with intellectual prowess. Level of literacy is fair, I think. There are lots of reasons one might not choose to pursue any number of degrees. There aren't many good reasons one can't pick up a book now and then, besides lack of interest in such things.
"God places cherubim with a flaming sword east of Eden to guard the Tree of Life from the ambitions of man.

Cherubim is plural; Genesis 3:24 specifies one flaming sword. Presumably flaming swords were in short supply."


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Re: This is a thread for the ladies... but fellas, listen close.
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2010, 01:45:22 PM »

I'll just add to Chris' comments that video games can even give a player confidence which can help him in other situations, including social ones. And, in my experience, confidence is a very useful tool in getting the ladies to notice you beyond your gaming habits or your clothes.

Ok, so here are 2 real, but completely different stories (also, not Pokemon, but games in general):

2 of my friends ended up dating (and it's pretty serious, we're convinced that even after college, they might be together for a while), and what brought them together was WoW. Go figure.

On the other end, gaming is still a male-oriented area to some extent, and if they're not around other females, they could be very awkward around them. So, even if they have confidence while playing, it doesn't necessarily translate to having a capability of being social around females to the extent where they could even ask them out on a date. This sorta thing happened to one of my other friends, who just had no clue on how to ask a girl out. He's also a big video/computer game person.

So, it does depend on the person. But I think anything positive from it is outweighed by the fact that it doesn't help with real-life social situations (in general).


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Re: This is a thread for the ladies... but fellas, listen close.
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2010, 02:01:07 PM »

I assume you are kidding... nothing personal about this attack, unless one takes an attack upon one's whole generation as personal. I would have named names and otherwise gotten way, way more specific if it were personal. Could be childish, though. That I am willing to discuss.

Everyone who was involved in the Shoutbox exchange knows who you're talking about. I know who you're talking about. The person you're talking about knows who you're talking about. You use this person as a poster-boy for everything that's wrong with men these days. How is that not a personal attack?

The world is full of selfish pricks who have never played Pokemon, emotionally abusive bastards who have never played Pokemon, physically abusive motherfuckers who have never played Pokemon, irresponsible deadbeats who have never played Pokemon, disgusting odiferous slobs who have never played Pokemon, misogynistic frat-boy scum who have never played Pokemon, sexually impotent porn-obsessed creeps who have never played Pokemon, batshit crazy movie actors/directors who punch their girlfriends in the face who have never played Pokemon -- yet despite this staggering wealth of problematic men to choose from, you pick on a harmless kid almost half your age because he plays Pokemon and use him as an example of why today's women don't have sex drives. Doesn't wash.


Demosthenes: Is that from the gifters movement?

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Demosthenes: So is mine.  I work in IT.

bananaskittles: The world is 4chan and God is a troll.


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Re: This is a thread for the ladies... but fellas, listen close.
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2010, 02:03:06 PM »

Neither here nor there, but be very careful about equating your number of degrees with intellectual prowess.

Crap, it didn't mean it like that at all! Um, I meant more along the lines of ambition to get one (other factors aside), you see a lot more females than males pursuing advanced degrees. That was the point I was trying to get at. Not the actual getting them.

I should be more careful with using words so lightly as well; need to work on that.

Also, Ivan, while I agree with you, I think the point was this is just another one of many other factors that contribute to this issue.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2010, 02:06:52 PM by Rizzy »


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Re: This is a thread for the ladies... but fellas, listen close.
« Reply #13 on: July 22, 2010, 02:08:45 PM »

I really like ivan's argument, it's very true. So he has an obsession with pokemon, there are worse things. He will find a pokemon-obsessed girl and they will live happily together and have children who have bad grammar. Can we stop this thread now? It's senseless, and I feel an even bigger fight coming on.

More likely, he will find a girl and lose his interest in Pokemon and other childish indulgences.

That is how it works for most men.

Isn't that right, JoeSixpack?

Demosthenes: Is that from the gifters movement?

Detta: Crappy old shorts and a tank top.  This is how I dress for work. Because my job is to get puked on.
Demosthenes: So is mine.  I work in IT.

bananaskittles: The world is 4chan and God is a troll.

Joe Sixpack

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Re: This is a thread for the ladies... but fellas, listen close.
« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2010, 02:09:11 PM »

Everyone who was involved in the Shoutbox exchange knows who you're talking about. I know who you're talking about. The person you're talking about knows who you're talking about. You use this person as a poster-boy for everything that's wrong with men these days. How is that not a personal attack?

The world is full of selfish pricks who have never played Pokemon, emotionally abusive bastards who have never played Pokemon, physically abusive motherfuckers who have never played Pokemon, irresponsible deadbeats who have never played Pokemon, disgusting odiferous slobs who have never played Pokemon, misogynistic frat-boy scum who have never played Pokemon, sexually impotent porn-obsessed creeps who have never played Pokemon, batshit crazy movie actors/directors who punch their girlfriends in the face who have never played Pokemon -- yet despite this staggering wealth of problematic men to choose from, you pick on a harmless kid almost half your age because he plays Pokemon and use him as an example of why today's women don't have sex drives. Doesn't wash.

I guess we have different definitions of personal attack. I kept it as general as possible for the purposes of this topic. If someone else was there and wants to get more personal than I did, or refrain from doing so, that's on them, not me.

Everything in your 2nd paragraph is very true (except for the "doesn't wash" part, of course :)). If one of those people had caused me to come up with the premise of this thread, I would have talked about them instead. But as it is, it wasn't any of them, it was some other dude. That's how it goes.
"God places cherubim with a flaming sword east of Eden to guard the Tree of Life from the ambitions of man.

Cherubim is plural; Genesis 3:24 specifies one flaming sword. Presumably flaming swords were in short supply."

Joe Sixpack

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Re: This is a thread for the ladies... but fellas, listen close.
« Reply #15 on: July 22, 2010, 02:11:03 PM »

Hmm, I think you are getting bogged down in details, I am speaking of generalities. No problem in the world is the fault of a video game. But large overarching problems have symptoms, and sometimes a video game is one.
"God places cherubim with a flaming sword east of Eden to guard the Tree of Life from the ambitions of man.

Cherubim is plural; Genesis 3:24 specifies one flaming sword. Presumably flaming swords were in short supply."


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Re: This is a thread for the ladies... but fellas, listen close.
« Reply #16 on: July 22, 2010, 02:51:04 PM »

Well, If we're not talking about video games, then I say quit trying to educate the masses on getting chicks! I only have so many advantages.
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Re: This is a thread for the ladies... but fellas, listen close.
« Reply #17 on: July 22, 2010, 03:44:30 PM »

I think Joe's theory has merit.  Age appropriate behavior is important for attractiveness.  Playing games or objects target marketed to the pre-pubescent demographic when one is college aged would be a downward vector in perceived attractiveness to a female.  Right, wrong, or otherwise, it would be the case generally.  Now if said individual had a much younger sibling into that, or god forbid had a child in that target demographic, it could easily be explained away, but otherwise is not age appropriate behavior.

Take it a step further and a college age person with enuresis, or still sucking one's thumb or pacifier would also be in the same ball park (just a little more salient in the gap of age appropriate).


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Re: This is a thread for the ladies... but fellas, listen close.
« Reply #18 on: July 22, 2010, 03:50:34 PM »

Take it a step further and a college age person with enuresis, or still sucking one's thumb or pacifier would also be in the same ball park (just a little more salient in the gap of age appropriate).

If this isn't due to a psychological problem, it can sometimes be attributed to non-psychological medical issues. Just saying.  :w:


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Re: This is a thread for the ladies... but fellas, listen close.
« Reply #19 on: July 22, 2010, 04:10:24 PM »

regardless of the cause, a feller who wets the bed will probably not be too successful with the ladies.


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Re: This is a thread for the ladies... but fellas, listen close.
« Reply #20 on: July 22, 2010, 06:26:06 PM »

regardless of the cause, a feller who wets the bed will probably not be too successful with the ladies.


 Haha. No; I'm just saying there's someone (actually a LOT of someones) who actually really dig that sort of thing. Both water sports and thumb-sucking. You just have to belong to the appropriate websites. You can find anyone to fit that sort of peccadillo.

 I don't know of any gaming-related intimacies, though.



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Re: This is a thread for the ladies... but fellas, listen close.
« Reply #21 on: July 22, 2010, 07:03:02 PM »

Individual fetishists do not a generalization make.  Sure anything is possible.  I'm sure there are even giant carbuncle popping fetishists out there but one's chances of casually meeting one of these people at their normal digs is highly improbable.


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Re: This is a thread for the ladies... but fellas, listen close.
« Reply #22 on: July 22, 2010, 07:07:23 PM »

That's true; I'm just saying it wouldn't be hard to find a companion. Now, if you mean finding someone arbitrarily, and then trying to introduce them to your ideas and be accepted; then I have to say I agree. It would be a difficult -if not impossible- endeavor.


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Re: This is a thread for the ladies... but fellas, listen close.
« Reply #23 on: July 22, 2010, 07:10:18 PM »

  :?   on a related note, I should know by now if you mention something like carbuncle popping fetish NOT to go to google.  :oops:

« Last Edit: July 22, 2010, 07:12:37 PM by 12AX7 »


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Re: This is a thread for the ladies... but fellas, listen close.
« Reply #24 on: July 22, 2010, 08:11:08 PM »

1) I'm actually weary of clicking the link

2) how did we segue into fetishes again? I don't think kid-like behaviors and fetishes generally relate...>_>
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